As we told you, a livestream is being held tonight to replace the Cantina Tour in Boston. The subject ? Planet Ziost and update 3.2! We offer you the live summary here, for those who do not want to watch this live or for anglophobes!
A quick summary first of the livestream broadcast information.
Date : Friday March 20
Schedules : from 21 p.m. to 22 p.m.
Or ? SWTOR Official Twitch Channel
The three speakers are Eric Musco (Community Manager), Michael Backus (Lead Designer) and Bruce MacLean (Senior Producer).
Here is the replay of the livestream, and below, you can find the summary of what was said there:
The summary of the points discussed during the livestream (Attention SPOIL alert!):
- 2nd minute: Stream program announcement!
- State of the game
- Coming in SWTOR
- Cool Stuff: digital USB key
- Trailers and announcements
- Throughout the stream: gifts will surely come in the chat.
- 5nd minute: The title of 3.2 is given: Rise of the Emperor!
- 10nd minute: First image of Ziost.
- 11nd minute: The Emperor has taken control of practically everything on Ziost, jedi, sith, civilians ... And of course we will see the return of characters like Lana Beniko or Theron Shan!
- 13nd minute: Ziost's story arc intro cutscene for the Sith Warrior is shown, followed by the Republican one! (Photos to come in the full summary!)
- 18nd minute: We will have to face people we love, others we hate, people the Emperor uses as pawns anyway!
- 19nd minute: The sixth line: the sixth line! A new group of jedi that will be introduced, their name comes from the 6th line of the code they added: "There is no contemplation, there is only duty." A group of highly militaristic female-led Jedi: (here behind a force field)
- 23nd minute: New trailer on how to break the spell of the pawns of the emperor, Theron, Lana, Saresh ... a nice bunch of characters in this long trailer (several minutes)
- 31nd minute: A priori, it will no longer be necessary to go to a fast travel point and speeder to unlock it, they will be as soon as we pass nearby
- 35nd minute: First look at the outfit designer. Rather, it seems to be only so that you can change your appearance without transferring all the changes. Each equipment slot must be unlocked separately (1M per slot? One free slot initially)
- 37nd minute: Beginning of a discussion on cantina tours. Here is the first speeder in Anaheim
- 39nd minute: Cantina rewards will be prizes: a speeder and a random item and more ... A person receives a code, he can then give 5 codes to those who could not come, these people can give 5 for the same rewards And so on ! So if you know someone who knows someone ... you can grab a code for the exclusive speeder.
- 42nd minute: The Star Wars Celebration cantina tour will be special, with in particular props (objects) and the participation of the 501st (association of costumed people) as well as a green screen (for photos with inlay of a background).
- 44nd minute: All players will receive this little Astromechanical droid as a pet for May 4: May the fourth (official Star Wars day)
- 45nd minute: Reminder of the Choose Your Path offer available until March 29.
- 49nd minute: Rise of the Emperor is available now on the PTS !!!!!! And the patch note for class changes is available!
- 50nd minute: Fine du stream.
Update: small image supplement from Ziost, more to come in the next summary.
Do not hesitate to update this page regularly to see the latest information!