The developers of SWTOR surprised everyone a little today by unveiling a roadmap for the next releases of the game, and by offering a livestream in stride. During this live, Charles Boyd and Eric Musco presented us more or less this roadmap, with one or two more details. Small summary of the live ... which will not be very visual for once.
New Warzone (Update 5.9.3)
- Name: The Sky Shredder, which we could translate into spanish by the / the shredder / se de cieux.
- It takes place on the planet Vandin, already visited during chapter 13 of KOTFE.
- This is Huttball.
- New traps on it, some exclusive.
- The red dots in the illustration below indicate where the traps are.
- We can fall into the void but catch up with grapples if we are fast enough.
- Available on the PTS now!
- There were test games last weekend. The game team is in the process of implementing some of the feedback received from the players, and they are waiting for these changes to be implemented to update the PTS, the idea being to do more games. tests.

Jedi Under Siege (Patch 5.10)
- Return of an Empire versus Republic story.
- A different story depending on the faction (and more different than Iokath)
- Although they remained vague on the subject and that it should be taken with a grain of salt, it seems that we will be able to carry out the republican quests as an imperial and vice versa depending on the camp that we have chosen previously.
- There are going to be new characters and more will come back.
- There will be a new planet and a new daily zone:
- There will be a new world boss.
- The planet comes from the "Legend of the Jedi" books and has been destroyed. If the name has not been given, my prognosis is that it will be the planet Ossus.
- Return of companions:
- Doc, Nadia and Jaesa on the dark side will be back for sure.
- Perhaps others, they are not yet certain for the others.
- We can break romances in order to return to romances with returning companions.
- New equipment rank, rank 5:
- Only available through crafting.
- No re-balancing of the game and operations with this new rank. It will just make operations easier.
- Master mode for the Gods Born of Machines operation.
- Although they said there wouldn't be any, it happens anyway.
- The toughest operation in the game.
- It doesn't change any future plans for multiplayer JCE content.
- Guild upgrades:
- Progression systems (no more details).
- Arrival of heraldry. We can create banners for guilds, no total freedom (import of drawings) but choice anyway.
- PvP confrontation system between two guilds. It will be a custom match on the map and the chosen game mode.
- Conquest improvements (no more details).
- Management:
- We can inspect another player's guild.
- Better traceability of activities in the guild.
- Possibility for the GM to send emails to the whole guild at once. Not known if officers will also be able to do this.
- Ability to inherit ban in guilds, but not inheritance block messages from others as a character.
- There may be a greater number of rows.
- Finally, for gamers, something that will please us, a decoration will be particularly intended for us, it will allow us to take on other appearances in temporary ways. From simple physical or clothing changes (Republic soldiers, Mandalorians, etc.) to more ... daring changes: hutts, astromechanical droids, etc. These changes will be limited to Fortresses only.

That's all for this time, and that is the end of this summary! If you want to review this livestream: