This article is taken from Sith'a'faim data, courtesy of Elyndra following her decision to stop publishing.
Here is the list of the 5 datacrons available on Balmora on the Empire side:
- Green Matrix Crystal
- Stamina +2
- Aim +2
- Tip +2
- Willpower +2
Green matrix fragment
This can be found in Gorinth Canyon at the Neebray Warehouse and will require two players to be present. Go upstairs via the elevator and turn off both consoles at the same time so that the magnetic field turns off, the datacron is right behind.
Stamina +2
Go to Gorinth Canyon in (709; 1793), jump over the rocks to reach the small path behind, at the end of it is your datacron.
Aim +2
You will find the 3rd datacron at the Okara Droid factory, in the "Assembly line" area under the second chain on your right is an entrance, drop gently from pipe to pipe to reach it.
Tip +2
This one is at the armories of Balmorra, in the zone "Power station" you will find in the east two pontoons with moored shuttles, the datacron is under the pontoon of the bottom.

Willpower +2
You will find this one in the center of Vermineville (185; -337) locked in a chest, to open this chest you will have to go to the South-East of Vermineville to buy a "lost coded cylinder" for the sum of 5000 credits from of the PNJ "Ba'teil" (675; 34)