When KotFE is released, the Eternity Chamber and Karagga Palace operations will obviously no longer have their Nightmare mode.

In question, a difference in design compared to other operations. These first two operations were designed quite simply, with bosses simply having more health and dealing more damage. Unlike other operations, whose Nightmare modes brought new mechanics.
With the release of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, you know that all operations, bar none, will be available at level 65 (not just at this level, rest assured). This means that these two "simplified" operations will not bring the same challenge as the following ones.
As a result, Nightmare Mode will no longer be available for the Chamber of Eternity and Karagga Palace upon release of the expansion. The question therefore arises on the titles and objects that could be obtained in these modes. Here are some details:
- All unique items (including decorations) that could be obtained in Nightmare mode can be obtained in Hard mode
- Titles obtained with the timer in Nightmare mode will no longer be available (so hurry to get them, it's very easy now!)
- All achievements relating to Nightmare Mode will be moved to an "Archives" section and therefore cannot be obtained.
So you know what you have to do if you want to get the titles and achievements related to this mode!