This next expansion of SWTOR is unleashing the crowds, and whether it is on the side of its detractors or its defenders, we will not hide it, everyone is eager to know more.
A little less than two months still to wait, and the official information will begin to be revealed. Indeed, Eric warns us that from this week, we will be able to see information appear, in particular on the classes, on the official site, according to a planned calendar.
Each week, we will have the right to three articles on the official blog:
- One concerning the planned changes on a class and its mirror
- One who will synthesize the history of the class
- And another who will synthesize the history of the mirror class
This is how this week we are scheduled to have the blog posts focused on the Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior, where we can find out what changes the developers have planned, as well as the summary of their respective stories.

And the following weeks will focus on the same format, one for each class + mirror.
But classes will not be the only topics of articles. Eric also promises us information on other subjects. So see you over the next few weeks to find out all about it!