Attention this article and those which will follow contain spoilers on the history of KOTFE then KOTET.
If you want to keep all the surprise on this content, stop at these lines.
After the release of KOTET, the previous update 5.1 brought the last chapter difficulty mode. Difficulty modes history et veteran being already available since the launch of 5.0, this is the Maitre d ' which has been added. It is therefore the opportunity for us, at the beginning of 5.2, to review the history of the chapters of these two extensions. It is not recommended to go into master mode with equipment with an average index lower than index 236, at your own risk. Finally, know that I will approach these chapters with a mercenary character in dps role accompanied by a healing partner. Not having done the chapters of KOTFE with this character before and having launched the KOTET expansion, the chapters and events will unfold as if we had done the obscure choices, called "canon" for the Empire side. Let's start with KOTFE and its introductory chapter of which here is the trailer.
Chapter 1 - The Hunt
The story begins in a remote region of the galaxy near the outer rim. Following the resurrection and the departure of the emperor, after the clashes with Revan on Yavin, we join Darth Marr at his request. He calls us because he has followed in the Emperor's footsteps and is preparing to pursue him. During the journey to this unexplored area of space, a probe is spotted and, wanting to capture it, we set ourselves a trap.

The Emperor kept a fleet of vessels which intervene and put us in harm's way. Darth Marr's ship is stormed by many droids: the skytroopers. The first clashes are not compulsory. Since groups of skytroopers are occupied by soldiers, if you pass near some of them they will not attack you. You can also pass against the walls on certain groups. The first non-dodge opponent is the skytrooper ZEM-24NF. Its base damage is quite low, but it has very powerful spells that can take a large amount of health from you. Not having a partner to play the role of healer at this point in the story, you will have to defend yourself as best you can. He's sensitive to controls, so you can cut his spells quickly with a throw or incapacitate. It has a long to channel cryogrenade type spell that will do nothing to you if you get out of the area of effect. This will save you an ability to control it later. Finally, it's sensitive to glare, so don't be shy if you have it.
The skytroopers groups following will be mandatory. They are not very bad but you have to be careful and not rush too quickly from each other. It is possible to play on the reflections, on the group disabilities, like death from heaven, to destabilize them and save you too much effort. Do not forget either that it is necessary regenerate between two clashes. Leaving with the maximum health points can compensate for a bad surprise. The next unique enemy is the skytrooper ZEM-63IG. It has two spells that deal regular damage to you but are still less dangerous than the ZEM-24NF's attacks. In case of difficulty, do not hesitate to use your defensive spells regularly. The next one will be skytrooper ZEM-88EH which has three capacities. From the outset, it will jump on you unless you administer an effect to it that prevents it. It will then lay a bleed on you which can be dispelled but, since it doesn't do much damage and will be put back in the next second, it wouldn't be a good idea. His latest spell is a medium damage blaster burst that you can interrupt for safety more than real danger.

Eliminate these opponents to gain access to a console allowing your ship and your partners to escape the fray. You can then ask them to run away or to stay and fight by your side, but either way you'll get stuck on Darth Marr's ship. He then asks you to join him in the engine room to regain control of the ship from the skytroopers. You will then pass through several rooms lined with skytroopers before finding yourself in front of BD-148, Elite class droid with almost 325 health. Its damage is significant. It has two channelable abilities. The first is a grapnel dealing a "small" amount of damage at the same time. The second is a cone that he poses in front of him while electrifying the ground and from which it will be necessary to get out as soon as possible. After those two attacks, it won't do anything other than toss you away from time to time if you get too close. The combat being longer than for the three skytroopers and Dark Marr not having the capacity to hold you indefinitely, it will be necessary to play on the defensive spells and to make them turn if the combat drags on. In itself, it is not complicated because it does not require you to move constantly or to have a very high dps even if it helps not to exhaust your defensive spells, so a good defensive roll will allow you to make the fight last. long enough to kill him.

This fight was the last. The rest still has some surprises in store for you since the intervention of the two members of the black council gave free rein to the skytrooper to seize the bridge of the ship. We must therefore make a choice and try to flee to save the most people (Luminous) or sacrifice ourselves and destroy as many enemy ships as possible by sending the ships crashing into the enemy fleet. Then follows a period of unconsciousness during which we are captured and taken aboard a vessel of the Emperor's fleet. When we woke up, we were taken to the Emperor. Along the way, we learn that our guide is Prince Arkann and that we are in the middle of the Eternal Empire, on his flagship. Along the way, we also meet Heskal, chief of the descendants of zakel, who seems to be in conflict with Arkann. The latter then leads us to his father: Emperor Valkorion.

Darth Marr at our side, we recognize the Sith Emperor in Valkorion but any resistance is futile as it stands and Valkorion eliminates Darth Marr. We then find ourselves alone with Valkorion and Arkann. We submit to him (dark choice) and Valkorion transmits some of his powers to us. Unfortunately, Arkann is jealous of this and kills his father during the transfer and, against all odds, he doesn't go after us and just gets us locked in carbonite and self-proclaims himself Emperor.