As it was announced, each week, we will be entitled to new information on KotFE, concerning the classes and more particularly the changes they will undergo with the release of the expansion.
This week is the Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior which opens the ball, with the desire to make it more mobile and make it easier for these characters to stay on their target during a fight.
- uses
- Active powers
- Passive powers
New rule concerning the attribution of points, to avoid a power imbalance between those who have the extension and those who do not, while allowing to have a choice at level 65:
- Level 1: 17, 25, 33 (instead of 11, 19, 27)
- Level 2: 41, 49 (instead of 35, 43)
- Level 3: 57, 65 (instead of 51, 60)
An active power will be granted every 16 levels, starting at level 10. Difference with the current system:
- 3rd power at level 42 instead of the current 41
- 4rd power at level 58 instead of the current 57
An active power will be granted every 4 levels, starting at level 12. Difference with the current system:
- A power at level 60 instead of 59 currently
- A power at level 64
- New Active Power: Crashing Blade / Mad Race! Jump 20 yards forward while dealing weapon damage to enemies in your path and increasing your defense chance by 100% while leaping. Does not work in case of immobilization or discomfort. 45 second cooldown, available at level 61.
- Expert Strike has been renamed Blade Dance. The Jedi Knight's Expert Strike Power has been renamed "Blade Dance" because the Soresu Form reduces the focus gained from the Strike Powers (Strike, Lethal Strike, and Protective Strike). However, since the Expert Strike does not generate and cost any Focus, its name does not accord with the rest of the class's powers. No modification is necessary for Sith Warriors who gain rage from assault powers, as "rampage" does not contain the word "assault".
Marauder / Sentinel
- Annihilation/Surveillance
- Carnage/Combat
- Fury / Concentration
- New Passive Skill: Sneak Wounds / Searing Burns! After activation, Annihilation and Merciless Slash increases the damage done by your Bleeds / Burns by 10% for 3 seconds (percentage and duration subject to change).
- Annihilation and Merciless Slash are now learned at level 42 (was 41).
- Force Tear and Force Melt are now learned at level 58 (was 57).
- Sudden Death and Victory Acceleration are now learned at level 60 (was 59).
- New Passive Skill: Bloody Slits / Burning Slits! Rampage and Blade Dance add a bleed / burn effect on the target (can stack up to 3 times). Whenever Rampage and Blade Dance deals damage, it adds a new charge to the Bleed / Burn effect. Deals damage to the app, on each new charge, and every 3 seconds for 9 seconds after all 3 charges are reached.
- Abrasion and Accuracy are now learned at level 42 (was 41).
- Devastating Breath and Dissonant Blast are now learned at level 58 (was 57).
- Cut and Saber Storm are now learned at level 60 (was 59).
- New Passive Skill: Furious Rage / Focused Focus! Enraged Strike and Focused Slash increases the critical damage of your next Frenzied Burst / Focused Burst or your next Force Shock / Sweep by 15%.
- Force Crush and Force Depletion are now learned at level 42 (was 41).
- Enraged Strike and Focused Slicing are now learned at level 58 (was 57).
- Relentless Defense and Focused Defense are now learned at level 60 (was 59).
- Skill
- mastery
- Heroic
- New use: unyielding determination / unwavering resolve! After activation, Saber Return protects you from stuns and disabling effects (fear, sleep, blindness, etc.) for 6 seconds.
- New use: thirst for rage / inspired concentration! Bloodlust and Inspiration instantly grant 12 Rage / Focus when used.
- New use: by victory / postage! Mad Run and Lightning Blade can be used while immobilized and frees you from immobilization and slows when activated.
Ravager / Guardian
- Immortality / Defense
- Revenge / Vigilance
- Rage/Concentration
- New Passive Skill: Defensive Slits / Defensive Kicks! Rampage and Blade Dance add a boost to Defense Chance on each hit (stack up to 3 times). Each charge increases defense chance by 2% (up to 6% with 3 charges). This effect lasts for 6 seconds (and each hit resets the duration, so it can last for 8,7 seconds between the first hit and the end of the last charge, with no alacrity. The skill will be at full strength for 6 seconds).
- Backhand and Hilt are now learned at level 42 (was 41).
- Invincibility and Protective Call are now learned at level 58 (was 57).
- Strength Pillar and Power Vector are now learned at level 60 (was 59).
- New Passive Skill: Bloodbender / Burn Master! Each Bleed / Burn placed on an enemy target increases Bleed / Burn damage by 5%. This effect only stacks once per bleed / burn type (up to 3 times). For example, you will only get a Demolition / Plasma Iron, Eviscerate / Burning Objective, and Draining Scream / Searing Blade, so you wouldn't be able to benefit 8 times if you applied Demolition / Plasma Iron. on 8 different targets.
- Bloodbender Power Tip, for clarity: For each of your active bleed effects on an enemy target, you deal 5% more bleed damage, with a maximum of 15% more bleed damage while the Demolition, Draining Scream, and Evisceration each cause a target to bleed.
- Shien Form is now learned at level 42 (was 41).
- Vengeful Stampede and Vigilant Strike are now learned at level 58 (was 57).
- Charged Veins and Searing Saber are now learned at level 60 (was 59).
- Vandalism and Zen Strike are now learned at level 16 (was 36).
- Draining Cry and Searing Blade are now learned at level 20 (was 16).
- Eviscerate and the Burning Objective are now learned at level 36 (was 28).
- Ravager and Expert Focus are now learned at level 28 (was 20).
- New Passive Skill: Enveloping Rage / Protective Focus! Frenzied Burst and Focused Burst, along with Force Shock and Sweep, grant 5% damage reduction bonus for 6 seconds.
- Force Crush and Force Depletion are now learned at level 42 (was 41).
- Enraged Strike and Focused Slicing are now learned at level 58 (was 57).
- Power Unleash and Concentrated Power are now learned at level 60 (was 59).
- Skill
- mastery
- Heroic
- New use: liberated rage / concentrated freedom! On activation, Rage and Focus in combat releases the player from movement-affecting effects (immobilizes and slows) and increases the Ravager / Guardian's movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
- New Usage: Warbearer / Fervent Defender! For 15 seconds after activation, Force Charge and Jump allow you to use your Vicious Throw / Kill on a target regardless of their health level.
- New use: by victory / postage! Mad Run and Lightning Blade can be used while immobilized and frees you from immobilization and slows when activated.