Scraat'h Kyyr, from The Black Destiny Guild, offers you a guide to optimizing tanking with a Sith Warrior v5.2 in Star Wars: The Old Republic. There is also a PDF version available here.
- Purpose of this guide
- Presentation of the Pest 5.2
- The basics of tanking
- Tank, Off-Tank, DPS avec Taunt
- Combat skills
- Active Defensive Procs
- Active Offensive Procs
- Passive Procs
- Defensive CDs
- Relics, ear, implants and secondary hand
- The Chiefs
- The set bonus
- The mono target cycle
- The multi-target cycle
- Saber reflection
- Provocations (taunt)
While there are quite a few changes to the Ravager Tank 5.2 from 4.0, I will still be doing a full guide on this character again. So there is no copy and paste here since this guide is brand new. It is valid for version 5.2 of the game from May 2017 and for later versions that have not made changes to the Ravager specialty Immortality.
Purpose of this guide
This guide is intended for:
- Players wishing to do PVE HL level 70.
- Pests who have chosen the discipline Immortality.
- Pests Immortality wishing to improve and / or consolidate their choice.
This guide will therefore not talk about the leveling phase, pvp or datacrons for example.
Presentation of the Pest 5.2
The Ravager is with the Marauder, one of the two advanced classes of the Sith Warrior. Unlike the Marauder who is exclusively dedicated to a damage role (DPS), the Ravager can take on the role of DPS as well as that of Tank.
The Revenge and Ravager's Rage disciplines are DPS-oriented and the Immortality discipline is Tank-oriented, this is the discipline that we are going to study in this guide.
The Ravager Tank is in heavy armor, he wields a simple lightsaber to defend himself from his enemies. It is a very efficient single-target tank, very mobile with many movement or jumping skills. He is also a character very resistant to attacks and other area effects while having the means to protect his allies during the various fights.
The Ravager Tank uses Rage to be able to cast spells. Rage is generated by Ravager attacks and also, if the point has been selected, by a passive (see “COMBAT SKILLS” and “Rage Generation” chapters).
The basics of tanking
Tanker cannot be improvised! You should know the basics of tanking before committing to an operation. ZLs are great for learning. Also take advantage of your leveling to know your different skills, watch your buffs, the debuffs you place on your opponents, not forgetting to start managing your defensive CDs as soon as you get them.
To be a good tank you must be an expert in basic combat mechanics in Swtor. Knowing your cycle is not enough to make you a good tank, you must also master boss mechanics at your fingertips, knowing the abilities of the different heal classes is also a big plus for managing your CDs, history not to slam them in the wind. As sometimes, you can see a CD slam just after taking big damage. It is good but it is not very useful, it would have been necessary, to do well, to use the CD just before! Finally, everything depends on which CD we are talking about because the Ravager has a "panic" button which is absolutely magic (Tolerance to pain). But all this is learned by training.
The first thing to do is look at the discipline path about fighting skills. Start by immersing yourself in the different passive and active spells that you will learn as you level up. This will already give you a good idea of how your class, the Immortality Ravager, works.
You must then learn to manage the threat that you will generate and that generated by your teammates of the roster in which you are. See the “PROVOCATIONS” chapter of this guide to learn more about how taunts work.
The work of the tank
The tank's job is to generate enough threat so that all enemy NPCs (Non-Player Character) have only one desire: to hit you and no one else in the group. This somewhat quick and somewhat easy shortcut in no way reflects the complexity of the tank's work but has the advantage of giving a precise picture of the result to be obtained.
Learn the strategies of bosses and large mob packs, learn to place the boss in such a way as to minimize the damage taken by the rest of the group (always turn the boss back to the raid), learn to manage your interruptions (cut in English), your short checks (stun in English), but first and foremost, learn to manage your threat to maintain aggro on enemy bosses and NPCs.
How to generate threat
Here are the different means that will allow you to generate the threat:
- Engage in combat;
- Do DPS;
- Use your taunt skills;
- Be 3 meters from the boss (only possible when the boss engaged is static). See the “PROVOCATIONS” chapter of this guide for more information.
Start the fight
Although it may seem logical that it is the tank that initiates the fight, it is not easy for everyone believe me!
Engaging in combat instantly generates threat to the attacked NPC and all NPCs linked to it.

Small precision concerning the pre-hot of the heals: generally the heals like to put HOTs (Heal Over Time) to the tank (and to other players) before the start of the fight. It's very nice, but you have to know that the healers in Swtor are big threat generators. By doing this, it often happens that a heal can have aggro on certain NPCs in a pack almost from the start of the fight or in any case, as soon as you have taken the first tick of the HOT after having launched the fight. So, unless you're in immediate danger of tapping, unless you're tapping a single boss, ask the healer not to pre-hot.
Make DPS
Yes, the tank's job is also to seek to do as much DPS as possible in order to generate a maximum of threat and thus have a stable aggro on all enemy NPCs.
Doing DPS generates threat, think about it, and just because an NPC is attacking you right now, doesn't mean it will continue to do so the next second. So, on the NPC packs, it is essential to change the target very regularly in order to maintain a sufficient level of threat on all and not to be taken back aggro.
For this it can also be useful to designate a priority target for the group's DPS so that they all attack the target you have designated, this will make your job easier! But remember that heals are also big threat generators and they generate threat on all enemy NPCs indiscriminately as soon as they do their heal job!
Use your provocation skills
With some exceptions, we never engage in combat with a provocation skill! It is a golden rule of tanking in Swtor. I insist on this point, we never engage in combat with a provocation.
So when do I use my provocations?
- To strengthen / stabilize the threat that you have already generated before;
- To resume aggro on one or more NPCs who would no longer attack you;
- To switch the aggro of the boss or the NPCs between the two tanks.
If there are several tanks in the group, which is usually the case in operation, no need to bother trying to regain the aggro on the NPCs already tanked by the other tank, instead make sure that all the NPCs are tanked. correctly. For this use the target target.
Your taunt and dps cycle determine your threat. And the efficiency of your cycle will determine the strength and durability of your aggro.
When using your taunts, a debuff is placed on the tanked NPC . It has a duration of 6 seconds which forces tanked NPC (s) to attack you for its duration. Remember to check that it is not already active before launching a provocation.
Place your debuffs on enemies
Once your threat has been generated and secured, you will then need to place and maintain debuffs (see the chapter “ACTIVE OFFENSIVE PROCESSES”) on your enemies.
These debuffs will be beneficial to the entire roster.
Loss of aggro and protection
Losing aggro is not a disaster, you have provocations to remedy it. It is good to know that you will lose the aggro on an NPC (excluding specific mechanics) as soon as another player generates 110% of your threat. From then on you will have to use a Taunt to regain the head of the threat list and thus resume aggro. It will just remain to maintain this threat by your dps.
If despite this a player in your group systematically takes aggro back from you, place your Protection which will have the effect of reducing its generated threat by 25% and will thus allow you to better conserve the aggro on your NPCs. In the event that 2 DPS would take your aggro back, prefer to put your Protection on the DPS càc (if applicable).
All DPS have a deaggro skill (spell that slightly reduces their animosity / threat), they must use it wisely to help you in your aggro outfit. This collaboration is essential especially during your first steps in tanking.
The target of the target
The target's target is the tank's friend! This tool allows you to know who has the aggro (who is the target) of your own target. It's very useful. The tool is not enabled by default in Swtor, so remember to do it in theinterface editor.
The concentrated target
The focused target is the tank's other friend. Just like the target of the target, it must be activated in the interface editor.
The concentrated target allows to follow a target different from the main target. This is mostly to be used for bosses with multiple NPCs. This makes it possible to follow the boss tanked by another player (tank or not depending on the case) and also it facilitates targeting in the event of a boss switch by tanks. Indeed, it suffices to switch the main target into a concentrated target for the countered target to become the main target. This allows for quick and clean switches.
Tanking takes practice and experience. You will make mistakes, maybe even a lot. But know how to bounce back, not to stress, and learn from your failures. Don't hide behind a supposed bug. By admitting and learning from your mistakes you will become a good tank.
Tank, Off-Tank, DPS avec Taunt
In operation, on a single boss, there is a main tank (the tank ou main tank) and a secondary tank (theoff-tank). The tank (or main tank) is the one that has the aggro of the boss and the off-tank is the second tank that does not have the aggro of the boss. The off-tank must generate enough threat to be second on the boss's threat list. In the event that the tank dies, the off-tank (which then becomes main tank) immediately regains aggro without further damage to the rest of the group of players. The off-tank can also take care of NPCs that may appear during the boss fight.
Warning: the off-tank is essential for an operation. This is the most difficult position in tanking, because it must make up for any mistakes made by the main tank and in addition, the off-tank must have an eye on everything that happens during the fight.
In some operations, often in story mode, it is unnecessary to have two tanks, or a main tank and an off-tank. In this case, it's a DPS with the skill of provocation (assassin, specialist, pest) which acts as an off-tank.
Combat skills
The Combat Skills depend on the way of playing that each one can have of the Ravager but also on the different bosses that you will meet.
I present to you here a standard selection, a little goes everywhere, of the capacities of combat. However, I would specify the skills that I think are essential to have.

When you are attacked, the active cooldown of the Force charge is reduced by 1 second. This effect is only available every 1,5 seconds.

Volley hits deal 25% more damage.

Taking non-regular area-of-effect damage generates 2 Rage points. This effect is only available once per second.

Threatening Scream protects all allies in range except yourself and grants Sound Barrier, which absorbs a small amount of damage. Lasts 10 seconds.

The Force charge allows you to use your next vicious cast or slash regardless of the target's health percentage. Lasts up to 15 seconds.

Reduces the cooldown of Enraged Defense by 30 seconds.

The icy cry pierces enemies in pain, inflicting 4956 elemental damage to all affected targets for 8 seconds. Additionally, the Freezing Scream grants Freezing Speed, increasing your movement speed by 35% for 8 seconds.

Force Charge interrupts the cooldown of Disruption. In addition, the Saber Reflection lasts 2 seconds longer and, if the Soresu form is active (note: Soresu = discipline immortality), generates a large amount of animosity in all enemies attacked within a radius of 30 meters during its activation. .
Active Defensive Procs
These are buffs or debuffs that activate automatically when you cast certain skills. In this section we will see the defensive buffs. You will find in the table below the skills that generate the defensive procs, the defensive procs generated and the effect of these procs.
Active Offensive Procs
You will find in the table below the skills that generate the offensive procs, the generated offensive procs and the effect of these procs.
Passive Procs
These are procs that are automatically generated when your character takes damage.

Reduces the rage consumption of your next Force Shout or Vicious Throw. Lasts 12 seconds and goes up to 3 stacks.

Increased absorption index. Lasts 5 seconds.

Increased defense index. Lasts 5 seconds.
Defensive CDs
It is, in addition to a judicious investment, your best assets for your survival. Here is the list of the Defensive Cool Down (CD) of the Immortality Ravager.

Dual-use skill, offensive and defensive. Reflects Force and Tech attacks for 5 seconds.

Puts 12 charges that allow you to heal for each damage hit. Only usable at less than 70% HP (health point). Very effective when you are endowed.

Increases melee and ranged defense by 50% (100% for 2 seconds) and absorbs 25% Force and Tech damage for 12 seconds.

Reduces damage by 40% for 15 seconds.

Increases defense by 100% during its duration.

Temporarily increases health by 30% for 20 seconds.

Reduces melee and ranged damage by 15% for 10 seconds from targets affected by growl.

Taunt target deals 30% less damage when attacking another player. Lasts 6 seconds

Absorbs at least 30% damage taken for 15 seconds.

Restores a certain amount of health and another amount of additional health for 15 seconds.
When to use which defensive CD
You have to learn when to use your defensive CDs, for that you have to know the mechanics of each boss and each large group of enemy NPCs.
Launch Invincibility (for example) before engaging in combat is heresy. Defensive CDs should not be used in this kind of case. For that, you have the shield of the Sorcerer heal for example. Your defensive CDs should be used to withstand an anticipated big hit or to give your heal time to recover after taking damage.
In anticipation (as much as possible)
For example: following a mass provocation (Threatening Shout) on a large group of enemy NPCs in order not to lose life very suddenly. Or, with full knowledge of the mechanics of a boss, to anticipate a big damage taking.
Spells to use: Saber Reflection, Saber Return, Invincibility, Doping.
By reaction
You've just taken a lot of damage, you're low in hit points, your heal is asking for it, etc. All defensive CDs are concerned but primarily:
Spells to use: Pain tolerance, Enraged Defense, Medipac, Dopant.
The medipac
Dying without having used your Medipac is a mistake! (Except in the case of One Shoot - OS). This is valid for all roles in a group. A medipac can restore up to a third of your life points, it's your survival panic button!
The dopant
It is strongly recommended to crack the dopant at the same time as the medipac (just after)!
Relics, ear, implants and secondary hand
As the Ravager already has many defensive CDs, I opted for auto-proc relics. But this choice is very personal and clickable relics can do the trick very well.
My choice fell on:
- Relic of Fortuitous Refuge : Impending attacks have a 30% chance to grant X Defense Rating for 6 seconds. This effect is only available every 20 seconds.
- Shield Amplification Relic : Protecting against an impending attack grants an absorption index of X points for 6 seconds. This effect is only available every 24 seconds.
For the headset it is your choice: a Bastion device (Defense and Tertiary Shield secondary statistic) or a Rempart device (Defense secondary statistic and Absorption tertiary statistic), balancing being done with buffs.
The same goes for Implants, take your pick and balance your tertiary stats with the upgrades.
Your Secondary Hand must be a Bouclier which gives a default bonus of 5% chance to trigger shield and 20% absorption.
The Chiefs
The percentage of defense to aim for is at most 32% in index 248. Beyond that, the cost ratio in index points / benefit is too unfavorable. No “defense” buffs should be used.
Shield and Absorption Index
Legend : S = sophistication, A = improvement
What is in percentage for the index 248 : Shield 50,5% and Absorption 46,9%
There are two schools, either: two Endurance +41 crystals, the Ravager having already little endurance or two Power +41 crystals to increase the damage and therefore the threat generated.
The set bonus
Since the update 5.2.2 of June 2017, it is now possible to acquire item 230 of Artifact quality (purple), with set bonus, for a few hundred command tokens. So there are no more excuses for not getting a full set bonus very quickly.
This stuff can be purchased from the Imperial Fleet, spatiodock Vaiken, Reserves area from the NPC Lord Galall.
The Ravager tank armor set is the set of Military leader (whatever the index).
2-piece set bonus: the Crushing blow Increases damage reduction by 2% for 4 seconds.
4-piece set bonus: the Force cry reduces the cooldown of the Provocation and Threatening cry 2 seconds per activation.
6 Piece Set Bonus: Increases blade pivot duration by 3 seconds and blade pivot duration by 5 secondsInvincibility.
The mono target cycle
In principle, no taunt is necessary if the DPS have well integrated their desaggro skill into their pull cycle.
The priorities
For aggro outfit and DPS, the following skills should be prioritized in the order given:
Crushing blow
Force cry
Vicious throw
Volley of blows
The fillers
Fillers are waiting spells to be used while your priority spells finish their cooldown.
Saber throwing
Icy cry
Force strangulation
Vicious slit
Force boost
The generation of rage
Rage is very important to the Ravager. It allows you to cast the most powerful spells. It is therefore important to keep your Rage level as high as possible. For this you can mainly use the following spells:
Enrage : Instantly generates 6 rage points.
Aegis assault : Instantly generates 6 rage points.
Saber throwing : Instantly generates 3 rage points.
Force strangulation : generates 3 rage points while channeling.
Assault : generates 1 point of rage.
The multi-target cycle
Since the Ravager has relatively few spells with AOE, the multi target cycle is much shorter than the single target cycle. In addition, it requires a frequent change of target for single target hits in order to maintain a sufficient threat level on all mobs to maintain aggro on them, even if your DPS is not very disciplined.
The multi-target pullover
Multi-target priorities
For the holding of aggro and the DPS the following skills are to be prioritized in the given order:
Crushing blow
Volley of blows
Icy cry
Saber reflection
Le saber reflection works on many boss spells in different operations and allows either to reflect part of the damage done by said boss on itself or to grant immunity. However, this list is very difficult to update because you have to redo all the operations and test all the bosses' casts with each new update of the game.
Numy on The Red Eclipse keeps this list up to date as much as possible in great detail, operation by operation and boss by boss, on this Google docs page:
Numy's List
Provocations (taunt)
Taunt in SWTOR is special because it works as a threat multiplier.
It multiplies your aggro against the first on the list. The multiplication is 110% if you are within 3 meters and 130% if you are 3 meters or more. So think back to 3 meters or more before provoking, you will gain 20% on the multiplication of your threat.
Tip for CtoC DPS: if you get more than 3 meters away, you will need to generate 20% more threat to regain aggro.
We have (like all Tanks in SWTOR) 2 provocations at our disposal:

I've tried to be as complete as possible on the Immortality Ravager in version 5.2. If you have questions or suggestions, even criticisms to improve this guide, I am interested. You can contact me In Game on Scraat'h Kyyr.
Many thanks to Xanalos Terr'a for proofreading and suggestions for changes. Many thanks to Mirabelle d'ambre Murakami and Jahnice Mandokar for the ideas and suggestions.
PDF version
Scraat’h Kyyr - The Black Destiny