Hello everyone, friends of the Star Wars galaxy. Here is the first issue of HoloNews, your podcast dedicated to Star Wars The Old Republic, but also to the world of Star Wars in general.
For this first issue, we have decided to invite Onidra, High Priestess of Games Managers, who will tell us about the genesis of Swtor-Guide, a small retrospective of how this fan site was created, which motivated and what he's evolved into now. Here is the detail of the program for this first issue of HoloNews: we give you our impressions of Galactic Starfighter, we tell you about the new Makeb arena before Onidra tells us more about the genesis of SWTOR-Guide. Finally we thank you (hum ^^) for our spontaneous closing remarks!
For those who wish to move quickly from one section to another, here are the minutes:
- 1:43: presentations
- 6:45: Galactic Starfighter
- 21:05 p.m .: PvP and Makeb Arena
- 32:00: genesis de swtor guide
- 44:13: final word
A big thank you to Onidra, creator and great head of Gamesmanagers, for agreeing to participate in this first issue.
This show is brought to you by the shock trio Antarès, Belial and Juliaan.
- Soundcloud
- iTunes
See you next month for a new issue of HoloNews, and in the meantime, may the Force be with you!