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The galaxy is teeming with evil, wonderful, peaceful, and rabid creatures. So came the time to tame them to be the "Galactic Tamer". So catch them all (uh ..)!
We quickly go to Dromund Kaas, capital and seat of the Empire and Nar Shaddaa, whose bestiaries are more or less linked.
Vineyard Cat
This bug is a little more complicated to obtain, because it only appears during a restart of the servers, in other words when an update is deployed (on Tuesday very often). Another solution: if a new instance of the planet is created, you can access it and go eliminate the Yozusk.
Empire only, it counts for the success of Dromund Kaas and Nar Shaddaa.
Direction Nar Shaddaa with an imperial character. Accessible only during the Imperial Quest H4 Vrblthers Hunger.
It's over for Dromund Kaas and Nar Shaddaa, see you soon for a new beast hunt.