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The galaxy is vast and many secrets are to be discovered. In particular, elements of history, scattered all over the planets that you will visit. And to reward you for your research, it is an achievement which will be unlocked for you: "Galactic Historian", as well as the inheritance title "The Historian" once you have discovered all the history elements of each planet.
I therefore suggest that you set off on a great and long adventure, which will take us across the entire galaxy. However, certain prerequisites are necessary to achieve the objective:
- Have a Sith Inquisitor / Sith warrior who completed their class quest on Korriban
- Have a Soldier / Smuggler who has access to Ord Mantell
- Have a Jedi Consular / Jedi knight who completed their class quest on Tython
- Have a character from each faction who has completed the quests on Corellia
- Have a 50-55 character from each faction that has access to Makeb
Return again to Taris, imperial side. Bring out the anti-rakghoul vaccines! If you want to know more about the history of Taris, discover it here, told by Chaotin.
Reconstruction of the Republic
Repopulation zone of the Republic
Dry up (before the bombardment)
Repopulation zone of the Republic
Rakghouls disease
First floor of the Dynamet center hospital
The environment of Taris
Tularean Marsh
Malak's attack
Tularéen Marsh, in Transport station 5
Entrance to the station:
Element position:
The Jedi Civil War
The wrecked city
Here we are, we leave Taris aside for good this time, and we take off towards Quesh.