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The galaxy is vast, and many secrets are to be discovered. In particular, elements of history, scattered all over the planets that you will visit. And to reward you for your research, it is an achievement which will be unlocked for you: "Galactic Historian", as well as the inheritance title "The Historian" once you have discovered all the history elements of each planet.
I therefore suggest that you set off on a great and long adventure, which will take us across the entire galaxy. However, certain prerequisites are necessary to achieve the objective:
- Have a Sith Inquisitor / Sith warrior who completed their class quest on Korriban
- Have a Soldier / Smuggler who has access to Ord Mantell
- Have a Jedi Consular / Jedi knight who completed their class quest on Tython
- Have a character from each faction who has completed the quests on Corellia
- Have a 50-55 character from each faction that has access to Makeb
Now head to the Republic's starting planets to find the story elements.
For this planet, you will need a Jedi Knight or a Jedi Consular to get two Story items.
- Obtained during the quest "Enemy Force" from the Jedi Knight
- Obtained during the quest "Path of a Jedi" from the Jedi Consular
Jedi Weapons
- Obtained during the quest "The Forge" of the Jedi Knight
- Obtained during the quest "The Jedi Weapon" from the Jedi Consular
Rediscovering Tython
Reconstruction of the Jedi Order
Ord Mantell
For this planet, it will be necessary to have a Soldier or a Smuggler for three of the recoverable items.
War refugees
A torn planet
During the quest "Victims of War", given by Lieutenant Xorem, and which asks you to go find Doctor Jaen Kett. It is by talking to the latter that you will recover the story element.
The reign of corruption
Take the quest "Republic Roulette" from Corporal Dregg in the Avitalan Badlands.
Choose the Bright Choice carefully during the chat to unlock the next "nice" part of the quest, which will send you to see the ethics officer Drage at Fort Garnik.
Underworld influences
Collect the H2 quest "The Price of Loyalty" from Gizmel in Oradam Village.
In the area of the H2, locate the droid that you must go to see, and above all choose the Bright Choice. Then return the quest to Gizmel to get your story element.
See you soon, for a new hunt on Korriban and Hutta!