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The galaxy is vast and many secrets are to be discovered. In particular, elements of history, scattered all over the planets that you will visit. And to reward you for your research, it is an achievement which will be unlocked for you: "Galactic Historian", as well as the inheritance title "The Historian" once you have discovered all the history elements of each planet.
I therefore suggest that you set off on a great and long adventure, which will take us across the entire galaxy. However, certain prerequisites are necessary to achieve the objective:
- Have a Sith Inquisitor / Sith warrior who completed their class quest on Korriban
- Have a Soldier / Smuggler who has access to Ord Mantell
- Have a Jedi Consular / Jedi knight who completed their class quest on Tython
- Have a character from each faction who has completed the quests on Corellia
- Have a 50-55 character from each faction that has access to Makeb
Prepare your anti-toxin masks, we are going to the slightly toxic planet of Quesh.
Quesh atmosphere
- Empire: Obtained by taking the quest "Toxic Shock" from the medical officer on the orbital station.
- Republic: Obtained by taking the quest "Venomous Threat" from Republic Commando on the orbital station.
Quesh's venom
- Empire: Obtained by taking the quest "Toxic Shock" from the medical officer on the orbital station.
- Republic: Obtained by completing the quest "Decontamination of Quesh", given by Goonawaro at the Three Families Camp.
Military dopants
- Empire: Obtained by accepting the quest "Blood and Venom" given by Sergeant Molvar at the Imperial Outpost.
- Republic: Obtained during chat with Moff Dracen during the quest "The Republic Strikes Back" in Broga Palace.
The discovery of Quesh's venom
The earthquake
The neutrality of the Hutts
The Three Families
Go forward to the Three Families Palace and click on the coat of arms on the pillar.
Gone for Quesh, and sadly, the sequel takes place on the planet I like least, Hoth.