Released last Tuesday, the 5.1 brings many changes to the equipment system. The goal of these changes is to provide a way to acquire equipment that can compensate for some pretty annoying bad luck. This is because the Galactic Command System, as it came out with the expansion, may very well never give you the much-awaited gear to progress through content such as Operations and Ranked PvP. So let's take a look at what these changes bring us and how to navigate them.
In JcE
The PvE part of the system is based on operations. Each level of difficulty corresponds to a third of equipment as follows: history veteran master for the respective levels 230, 236 and 242. This update brings the return of Operation Tokens. Each final boss will give you one or more tokens to distribute in the group according to the number of players in the operation (8 or 16 players). Here is the breakdown of these tokens for the story and veteran difficulty modes:
- Implant / Atrium : Chamber of Eternity - Soa
- Relic : Karagga Palace - Karagga
- Torso : Again - Kephess
- legs : Asation - Nightmare from elsewhere
- Hands : Darvanis - Styrak
- boots : Dread Fortress - Brontes
- Head : Dread Palace - The Dread Council
- Secondary hand : Pest - Ruugar
- Main hand : Temple du sacrifice - Revan
- armbands : Makeb – The Golden Fury (and Eyeless from the Rakghoul event)
- Belt : Ziost – Worldbreaker Monolith (and Xenoanalyst from the Gree event)
For tier 3, you will have to go through the following bosses:
- Relic and Implants : Again - Kephess
- Legs and Earpiece : Asation - Nightmare from elsewhere
- Hands and Torso : Darvanis - Styrak
- Secondary boots and hands : Dread Fortress - Brontes
- Head and main hand : Dread Palace - The Dread Council
- Implant (chance to drop in Veteran mode): Ravager - Ruugar
- Relic (chance to drop in Veteran mode): Temple of Sacrifice - Revan
- armbands (chance to drop in Veteran mode): Makeb - Golden Fury and the Ambliope of the Rakghoul event
- Belt (chance to drop in Veteran mode): Ziost - Worldbreaker Monolith and Xenoanalyst from the Gree event
The difficulty mode for this level remains the master level mode except for the few coins that are on event bosses or world bosses. Once you have collected an Operation Token, you will need to go to the appropriate vendor for your class in the reserve area on your faction's fleet. Here is for example the area on the imperial side:

It will then cost you the unassembled part, which you must have on you and a specific amount of Command Tokens. You will find these in the Command Crates in addition to the usual items. Finally, these modifications complement the already existing system which itself is not modified. It will therefore always be possible to obtain the equipment through the command boxes if you do not have the time or the inclination to go on an operation to look for these unassembled tokens.
In PvP
The system is similar to the one that existed with the war zone distinctions. You will have to participate in any PvP activity, i.e. classified or unclassified war zones and space battles to win unassembled components. These components are linked to the character. These will allow you to buy the unassembled equipment Third party 1. For tier 2 and 3 will require additional unassembled component quantity and the part from the previous level. So to get tier 2 it will cost you tier 1 and components. To get tier 3, it will cost tier 2 and components. You will be able to purchase these coins through vendors in the reserve area.
There are currently no components in PvP quests but the feedback is relatively negative in terms of the time and number of victories required to equip, these attributes could be reviewed soon as well as the ratios. The team having announced that they are following developments. In the meantime, here are the current acquisition ratios for unassembled components:
- 5 - War zone - Victory
- 2 - War zone - Defeat
- 3 - Arena - Victory
- 1 - Arena - Defeat
- 5 - Ranked solo - Victory
- 2 - Ranked solo - Loss
- 8 - Classified in group - Victory
- 3 - Classified as a group - Loss
- 8 - GSF - Victory
- 3 - GSF - Loss
Then come the costs in components, indicated in the following way Tiers 1 / Tiers 2 / Tiers 3 knowing that the total cost for a part of third party 3 is the sum of the three values.
- Torso - 100/150/225
- Legs - 100/150/225
- Head - 100/150/225
- Hands - 100/150/225
- Boots - 100/150/225
- Belt - 75/115/175
- Armband - 75/115/175
- Implant - 80/120/180
- Headset - 80/120/180
- Relic - 80/120/180
- Main main - 120/180/270
- Secondary Hand - 120/180/270
A temporary 25% Command Source bonus was added to the Cartel Market some time ago. Similarly, a temporary boost has just been added with this system. This boost works differently from others. You have to buy it in Cartel Tokens and it will only work according to your current command rank. Thus, the grade 1 boost will be ineffective if you have passed command level 90 and thus reached grade 2. Each boost is the same. bonus +15% but they will cost more as you go up in rank. Here are their command token costs:
- Tier 1 - 20
- Tier 2 - 28
- Tier 3 - 44
You will find them on the fleet from the same vendors who allow the acquisition of equipment. In addition, these bonuses are not the only ones that allow you to gain more command points. Another bonus has been added to the inheritance. It will still cost nearly 4 million credits to acquire the additional 10% available at the rate of 2% per improvement purchased. These upgrades can be found in the Character Inheritance Perks window and cost 100k / 300k / 600k / 1M / 1.5M respectively.
Finally, we didn't mention it earlier, but Command Tokens are not obtained randomly. You will find a fixed quantity each time you open the cash register and as follows:
- Tier 1 - 5
- Tier 2 - 8
- Tier 3 - 12
They were allocated retroactively during the update but require a connection on each of your characters to be added to the stock already acquired. In addition, you are limited to 3000 tokens at the same time. As possession of tokens is linked to inheritance, this limit is common for all your characters. Small advantage in this, there will be no need to transfer the tokens from one character to another since the gauge is the same for all our characters.