I've been asked a number of times, here's a rundown of where to find loot in Flashpoints on hard mode. I ask the Republic players to apologize. If they have any rewards information on their side, I'm in! You can find the equipment in operation in a second article.
Here is the equipment sorted by instances:
- Black greenhouse
- False Emperor
- Directive 7
- Ilum
- Boarding
- Foundry
- Kao
- Sergeant Boran / GXR-5 Sabotage Droid: Tionist Belt
- Commander Ghulil: Energized Pants
- Bonus: GXR-7 Commander Droid: Tionist Ears
- Yadira Ban: Bracelets Columi
- Jindo Krey: Zionist Gloves
- HK-47: First main Tioniste
- Bonus: Sith Entity: Tionist Implants
- Dark Malgus: Plastron Columi
- Interrogator: Tionist Bracelets
- Bulwark: Energized Breastplate
- Bonus: Replicator: Relic
- Mentor: Columi Pants
- Velasti Graeger & Drinda-zel: Bracelets Tioniste
- Krel Thak: Energized Head
- Bonus: Patriache Guide: Tionist Ears
- Darth Serevin: Secondary Hand Columi
- HXI-54 Ravager: Relic
- Sakan Do'nair: Energized Boots
- Bonus: Chief Engineer Kels: Tionist Implants
- Order Jorland & Goonies: Columi Gloves
- Foundry Guardian: Tionist Boots
- HK-47: Tionist Secondary Hand
- Bonus: Burrowing Matriarch: Tionist Belt
- Revan: Columi Boots
- Zombie Defense: Xenotech Gloves
- Behemoth Rakghoul: Tionist-level main hand with an Index 56 crystal
- Bonus: KR-82 Expeller: Tionist Belt
- Commander Lk'Graagth: Columi Head
And here is the equipment sorted by type:
- Head
- Chestplate
- Pants
- Bracelets / Belt
- Gloves / Boots
- Arms
- Other
- Ilum - Krel Thak: Energized Head
- Siege of Kaon - Commander Lk'Graagth: Columi Head
- False Emperor - Dark Malgus: Columi Breastplate
- Guideline 7 - Bulwark: Energized Breastplate
- Black Talon - Commander Ghulil: Energized Pants
- Guideline 7 - Mentor: Columi Pants
- Black greenhouse - Yadira Ban: Columi bracelets
- Directive 7 - Interrogator: Tionist Bracelets
- While - Velasti Graeger & Drinda-zel: Bracelets Tioniste
- Black Talon - Sergeant Boran / GXR-5 Sabotage Droid: Tionist Belt
- The Foundry - Bonus: Burrowing Matriarch: Tionist Belt
- Siege of Kaon - Bonus: KR-82 Expeller: Tionist Belt
- False Emperor - Jindo Krey: Tionist Gloves
- Boarding Crew - Commander Jorland & Goonies: Columi Gloves
- Siege of Kaon - Defense Against Zombies: Xenotech Gloves
- Boarding Party - Sakan Do'nair: Energized Boots
- The Foundry - Guardian of the Foundry: Tionist Boots
- The Foundry - Revan: Columi Boots
- False Emperor - HK-47: Main Tionist Hand
- Siege of Kaon - Behemoth Rakghoul: Tionist-level main hand with an Index 56 crystal
- Ilum - Dark Serevin: Columi Off Hand
- The Foundry - HK-47: Tionist Secondary Hand
- Darktalon - Bonus: GXR-7 Commander Droid: Tionist Ears
- Ilum - Bonus: Patriache Guide: Tionist Ears
- False Emperor - Bonus: Sith Entity: Tionist Implants
- Boarding team - Bonus: Chief Engineer Kels: Tionist Implants
- Directive 7 - Bonus: Replicator: Relic
- Boarding Party - HXI-54 Ravager: Relic
Finally, here is a beautiful graphic, from the Dulty Force site:
- DultyForce : Hardmode Flashpoint Loot list- SithAFaim: Tionist Equipment, Columi, Rakata: Where do I find this?