Here is the walk in image of Ezrille, an Inquisitor of the Dark Side guild on Battle Meditation. Ideal for enjoying the beauty of the Star Wars landscapes when you are far from home and away from your game!
Attention spoiler: some images may shock future Sith Inquisitors!
Day 1
Ezrille, my Sith Inquisitor, lands on Korriban and searches the tombs for artifacts.

Day 2
Ezrille leaves Korriban to join the Imperial fleet. She then takes the Black Talon to get to Dromund Kaas.

Day 3
Ezrille marvels at the beauty and riches of Kaas City. She also fulfills an important mission for Darth Malgus on Martel Station.

Day 4
Ezrille awakens mighty forces buried in the Black Temple on Dromund Kaas. She is given a Fury class interception ship with which she performs a few space missions before landing on Balmorra.

Day 5
Ezrille fights the rebellion raging on Balmorra.

Day 6
Summoned by Darth Malgus, Ezrille is sent to the Republic Warship: the Allusis, which she takes control with the help of other forces from the Dark Side.

Day 7 and Day 8
Ezrille helps the Empire put an end to the war raging on Balmorra before leaving for Nar Shaddaa where she intervenes against the various criminal cartels in place.

Day 9
After completing several secret missions on behalf of the Empire's secret services, Ezrille returns to Korriban to put an end to Lord Khreusis' actions. She then leaves for Tatooine before being called back by Darth Malgus to end the ongoing civil war on Cademimu 5.

Day 10
Ezrille discovers the joys of survival in the Tatooine Desert.

Day 11
Ezrille leaves the desert planet to completely change his environment when he arrives on the snowy planet of Alderaan, cradle of the nobility and of political games between the different houses. She will also return to the Black Temple on Domund Kaas to craft her first Relic from Datacron Shard.

Day 12
Ezrille is still charmed by the magnificent landscapes of Alderaan.