You had the right to the minute by minute summary, here is another summary, very complete and above all better organized of the livestream of yesterday concerning the novelties to come for the update 3.3, with a focus on the fortress of Yavin IV and the race playable togrutas. Remember that everything that is said here is still under development, and therefore subject to change until the arrival on the live servers. Eric Musco was accompanied by Tobby, one of the designers.
We start with the answers to the important questions:
- La update 3.3 is currently scheduled for 21 July. It will include:
- Changes to PvP and classes.
- The New Fortress of Yavin IV
- Perhaps the new breed of togrutas (the current goal of the developers is to implement it in this update, but it is not excluded that this will have to be delayed by July).
- Le PTS (public test server) for the update will be rolled out today Thursday 4 June. However, this first PTS 3.3 will not include the Fortress of Yavin IV or the togrutas.
- The patch notes for this PTS are already available, with our translation here.
- The togrutas are not yet ready to be shown for males, nor are the various customization options, with teams still working on developing aspects of the breed. This is why there will surely be a next livestream later, short enough (about thirty minutes) to present the customization of this breed.
- Le #FallenEmpire coming on 15 June is not something at stake a priori, but Eric Musco says he is very excited about it, and although he did not want to say what it is, being very mysterious, he told us that we I would probably like to watch the net that day (so be on twitter, facebook or whatever, but watch the web!).
- I hate my internet connection (those who read the summary minute by minute will understand)
- The livestream had small image problems (you will see it in the gallery below, the quality is not great sometimes), this is not due to the game, it is perfectly fluid. and Tobby. The concern surely comes from compatibility issues between the developer environment they were in yesterday (with lots of tools launched) and the streaming software.
Then let's get down to business, starting with the togrutas, something people were most interested in finding out. Summary of the information obtained concerning them:
- The choice of this breed was made because it was the one most requested by players (who apparently have trouble naming it, sometimes calling it torturgas or tortillas for example)
- Its price will be similar to that of other breeds
- It will of course have the possibility of being personalized in many ways.
- A future livestream will be dedicated to him.
- Adding a race will not be accompanied by an increase in the number of possible characters on a server (currently 22).
Small selection of images on yesterday's togruta.

Next, let's move on to the big piece of this livestream: The Fortress of Yavin IV. Brief summary of the information before a guided tour:
- It is probably the largest fortress today. In any case, it has more hooks than Tatooïne (but a limit which would apparently be 485?).
- The price of the fortress will be comparable to Tatooïne or Nar Shaddaa.
- With this new fortress, the number of fortresses that can be owned at the same time remains at 4. You will therefore have to deactivate one if you want to buy Yavin IV and you already have the first 4.
- This fortress has 2 ship hooks (one being the arrival platform)
- This fortress has no less than 16 centerpiece hooks.
- Both the interior and the exterior of the temple can be decorated.
- There are three nice waterfalls on the ground, when asked if there is a hidden cave behind one of them to make some sort of BatCave, they replied that anyway, if it was a secret cellar it should not be said since it is secret. To discover when it will be available on the PTS therefore.
- Everything has not been shown to leave surprises
- New decorations will come out (to the merchant against credits) for this fortress, we have seen two examples: falling moss, and lianas.
- The environment has been worked on and there are many sounds, as well as daylight.
- There are 9 different coins to unlock (including the base one) in this fortress. Small guided tour of the fortress to explain them to you.
Here is already a plan of the fortress, seen from above. Note that this plan is approximate and made based on impressions from the livestream. It is not to scale. You will find a general plan, and another of the interior of the temple. You might want to open them in new windows or tabs to keep an eye on them while explaining. In blue it is the arrival level and what is accessible more or less from there, in purple everything that requires going through the bridge (or on the upper floor inside) to be accessible and in red internally, it is the lower level.

Exterior plan

Interior Plan of the Main Temple
We left for the visit!
- We first arrive at the arrival platform which is one of the two ship hooks, and a small path leads to the entrance of the Temple with the large room inside it. Note that the interior ceiling is a pyramidal fireplace and can be decorated. This is the coin you get when you buy the fortress.
- To the right is a small corridor to unlock, it leads into a small anti-room with a pyramidal exterior appearance, which opens onto a first balcony overlooking the jungle. Note that a centerpiece hook is in the center of this anteroom.
- On the left another room to unlock, one of the most beautiful in the fortress in my opinion. The small hallway here leads into a room through which a waterfall flows. The roof (which we will see from above) is deliberately pierced in its center to let the water cascade there.
- If we return to the entrance to the main room, we notice at the bottom of it two stairs to unlock. First to the left, it leads to the basement. The staircase can be decorated on the walls in particular. In the basement there is a fairly large room in which lies a stone head similar to those found in the jungle. In addition, in front of you arriving in the room, a small corridor leads to another balcony, which is located under the upper floor deck and which offers a magnificent view of the largest waterfall on the estate.
- Let's go back to the great room and take the right staircase which goes up. We arrive on a mezzanine overlooking the great room, the whole tower can also be decorated while a closed door is on the right.
- a) Once this door is open you can access the outside, on a magnificent bridge equipped with three hooks of centerpieces. On the left, we find the large waterfall visible from the second balcony. Before we venture further on this bridge, let's take a look behind us. On either side of the entrance to the bridge, you can see small platforms that you can jump onto and that lead to larger platforms on the roof of the temple. These platforms allow you to go to others by jumping or taking stairs and from the two highest we can reach the roof of the center of the temple (which has a centerpiece) by clicking on an old blue tablet that propels us with rockets on the roof. We therefore have a total of two low platforms, two at mid-height, two others which are the roofs of rooms 2 and 3 and the main roof.
Jumping platforms and stairs
- b) Return to the bridge and continue on it, we land in a gigantic clearing with a flat area that contains an impressive number of hooks (two dozen arrangement hooks and 3 centerpieces) and a little out of the way also a secondary landing platform with ship hook. Another waterfall is at the end of this clearing
- and 8. On the path between two, just after the bridge, we will have noticed to the right and to the left two small annexed temples to each open. No interior view was taken.
- And finally the last part to unlock! ... I really don't know. However, the decoration interface clearly indicated 9 rooms. Several options are possible:
- The clearing must be unlocked separately from the bridge and the roof.
- The roofs are to be unlocked separately from the bridge and the clearing.
- Only the central roof is to be unlocked in addition (which can be cut out in a logical way since one must activate an object to access it).
- The basement balcony unlocks separately.
- There is indeed a hidden room since they did not show us everything. A BatCave behind one of the waterfalls?
The owner's turn ends here for now, until you can access the PTS! I must admit that the work on the fortress is impressive, it is really beautiful. It is just a shame that we did not rôlistically speaking, no reason to be there! I would use it for sure but to represent another jungle planet. And you ? Excited by the fortress? By the Togrutas?
We also know that several new decorations will come, personally I would like to see torches (real ones) to be placed on the wall, in the descending staircase that would be the most beautiful effect (there would also apparently be a new musical object to come in utilities from what we saw during the livestream). Are you hoping for special decorations for your part?
Update : Ktull shared some awesome quick-made models of the fortress. Here are his results. Be careful though, the waterfall room and the balcony room have been swapped. Thank you Ktull for these pictures!