I was talking about this last week here, the Memorium Guild was having a massive PvP party. This evening of September 09 was a success, it all started around 20:30 p.m., when the Imperials and Republicans were called in to wage a great battle.
The Empire attacked Organa Castle on Alderaan to take the leaders of this family hostage, a good means of pressure on the Republic. It is thus 90 imperials and a few more or less loyal mercenaries who rushed there. The Republic reacted strongly, forming a group of almost 100 Republicans. Once the assault groups were formed and the target transmitted via a secure Republic channel, the Imperial threat to Alderaan was removed in about 6:30 minutes.
Proud of this victory, the Republican assault groups had a new target: to prevent the Empire from continuing its advance on the prison planet Belsavis. The Republic quickly took control of the base, and some Imperials who had managed to hack the Republican channel were already there. But this was not a concern for the Republic, which swept away this vanguard. The Empire responded quickly, knowing that they risked losing months of work on Belsavis. The same shock group as on Alderaan managed to retake the base in about 7 minutes 30.
The two groups were then dispatched to Illum to support the war effort, after a few minutes staring at each other in central space the signal for battle was given. The Republic, superior in number, crushed the Imperials and forced them to fall back to its base. Bad luck, the planetary defenses were activated and the Republican force, trying to penetrate the base, was exterminated in a large explosion.
After this evening of long fights, the Republic is declared the Winner of the Great Clash.
We would therefore like to thank all the participants as well as all those who have already sent us their screenshots, we have two other events in our reserve, you will learn more very quickly. On the other hand, we are still looking for an event that can be performed by the greatest number (and not just level 50). If you have any ideas !

Event pvp Mantle of 09/09/12 by Tychotank