Client files archaeologists have struck again, and here's a look at what's new and changed in 4.0.3.
We can see there in particular the new objects of the Day of Life event, which as Sigh said on our forum, will certainly be much more belligerent, with these snow throwers and even a tank!

The rest will certainly come from the next Cartel pack.

Class changes
- Shield Tech - Damage from Firestorm reduced by ~11%
- Advanced Prototype - Prototype Weapon Systems now only increases critical bonus damage by 10%, down from 30%.
- Darkness - Mounting Darkness now only increases the damage dealt by Dark Charge's Discharge and Wither by 30%, down from 50%.
- Deception - Ball Lightning damage reduced by ~6%
- Deception - Voltaic Slash damage reduced by ~7.5% and Force cost reduced to 20, down from 25.
- Deception - Crackling Blasts now increases the critical strike damage dealt by Surging Charge's Discharge effect and Ball Lightning by 10%, down from 30%.
- Hatred - Dreadful Nightmares now increases the damage dealt by Crushing Darkness and Demolish by 15%, down from 20%.
- All specs - Lacerate damage reduced by ~7.8% and force cost reduced to 20, down from 25.
- All specs - Assassinate damage reduced by ~4.5% and Force cost reduced to 20, down from 25.
- All specs - Thrashing Blades no longer reduces the Force cost of Thrash, Lacerate, Voltaic Slash, or Leeching Strike.
- All specs - Thrash damage reduced by ~7%, Force cost reduced to 20 from 25.
- Immortal - Consuming Power now increases the critical chance of Crushing blow by 20% in addition to Smash, and makes Aegis Assault deal an additonal 30% damage, up from 15%.
- Immortal - Pillar of Strength in addition to it's previous effects it now increases the damage dealt by Ravage by 30%.
- Annihilation - Reduced the damage of Force Rend by ~6.8%
- Carnage - Reduced the damage of Devastating Blast by ~6.2%
- Carnage - Sever now increases the critical strike damage bonus of Massacre and Devastating Blast by 15%, up from 10%.
Tireur d'izard
- Marksman - Reduced the damage of Penetrating Blasts by ~5.5%
- Marksman - Imperial Assassin now increases the critical damage dealt by Ambush, Penetrating Blasts, Followthrough, Snipe, and Takedown by 10%, down from 30%.
- Engineering - Field Command now increases the critical chance of your AoE attacks by 10%, down from 15%.
- Engineering - Explosive Engineering now increases the damage dealt by Explosive Probe, Cluster Bombs, Fragmentation Grenade, Plasma Probe, and Orbital Strike by 10%, down from 15%.
- Engineering - Experimental Explosives now increases the critical damage dealt by Explosive Probe, Interrogation Probe, EMP Discharge, and all area effects by 10%, down from 30%.
- Virulence - Hew no longer increases the damage dealt by Series of Shots.
- Lethality - Cut Down no longer increases the damage dealt by Corrosive Assault.
- Some Treek dialogue in combat removed
- Fixed issues with partners summoned in combat
- Chapter 2 checks if you are subscribed or not by starting it. Hypothetical, nothing is certain, maybe Chapter 1 could be available for free-to-play. Really very hypothetical
- Probably fixed loading screen text that correctly displays KotFE text
- By deleting a character created with the token 60, confirmation message specifying whether the token will be refunded or not
List of changes
Changed Abilities
Changed Areas
Changed Codex Entries
Changed Collections
Changed Companions
Changed Conversations
Changed Decorations
GOM Changes
Changed Items
MTX Changes
Changed NPCs
Changed Quests
Changed Schematic Variations
Changed String Tables
Gunslinger Changes
Guardian Changes
Sage Changes
Sentinel Changes
Shadow Changes
Operative Changes
Powertech Changes
Scoundrel Changes
Assassin Changes
Juggernaut Changes
Marauder Changes
Sorcerer Changes
Sniper Changes
Vanguard Changes