As it had been announced during the last livestream of the Producer, a new event will be proposed in SWTOR soon and which will consist of a "confrontation" between Darkness and Light.
This event will start on 28 June and should last a good part of the year (date to be confirmed, but it seems that it is until the end of the year).
To participate, the principle is really very simple: create a new character and make him evolve. You will then be able to get rewards depending on what you have accomplished with it.
Thus, several levels are available, which you can reach by performing certain various actions and unlocking various rewards:
- Heroic
- Inheritance
- Vaillant
- Champion
- Eternal
- Legend
The rewards are diverse, ranging from miscellaneous item packs (Force-Bound Dark vs Light packs), titles, armor, vehicles, and even a completely exclusive new partner.
Some small details given by Eric:
- Only characters created level 1 count.
- Goals are tracked through the Inheritance system. It is therefore necessary to complete all the objectives in a single Legacy.
- Rewards such as partners and mounts will be given at the very end of the event.
- Completing the class quests is not necessary.
For more details, including full details of the rewards, head to the official website!
Official site
So which character are you going to create?