This guide was written by Borg from the Mantle of the Force server, which he kindly passed on to me so that I can share it with you. I salute his remarkable, tedious and extremely comprehensive work which, I hope will help you greatly in the quest for your success. So read his lines carefully.
New in 5.0, the Dark vs Light alignment war also introduced the Dark / Light bosses, which were only debugged in 5.1.
I consider this guide to be incomplete, it is unlikely that all of the boss locations will be uncovered. And even less likely that Bioware will confirm these locations as the only possible ones. So do not hesitate, in the comments, to indicate a new location if you discover one, with its contact details, or even a screenshot!
A brief overview of the Dark vs Light bosses
- 10 Light / Dark Mirror Bosses
- 2 types of bosses: execution or agony
- 5 planets: Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Tatooine, Alderaan and Hoth5.0
- 1 hour of Alignment War victory to find and drop bosses
- 1 try per boss
What about the dark boss or the light boss
He's a World Boss! (it is said, so you will not say more that you did not know !!!). These bosses appear during a light or dark victory (progression to 5 visible in the galactic command), on certain planets and in certain locations, detailed below.
Recognizable by their aura: red in the event of a dark victory (dark boss therefore) and light blue in the event of a luminous victory (luminous boss). The catch is their size: they're the same size as any base player or NPC and aren't the over-sized Bosses in general. Like all WBs, they have immunity buffs. That is, stuns, immobilizations, rollovers, interrupts.
Finally, and this is probably the most important detail, you will not be allowed to make mistakes! If there is a wipe (group death), the boss leaves. The same is true if the alignment war timer reaches 0, even if combat is engaged, or if the boss is moved too far from its starting location (it resets and therefore disappears). If you die, nothing prevents you from returning to the medical center to join your group as soon as possible (make sure that the boss has enough life left to be entitled to the loot and to progress the achievements).
If you are not in a group but see one on a boss, note that the combat zone is large and the boss does not distinguish between the attacking group and a single player: wait in the distance or bypassing the group is a good way to avoid getting caught up in an unwanted fight.
What do we gain by doing these bosses?
The drops on his bosses are as follows: credits, '' super rare '' alignment pack and possibly a token. Why possibly? Because you have to be in the opposite alignment to the boss to get one (a dark boss will leave bright tokens to bright players only, and vice versa for a bright boss).
PLEASE NOTE: There are only 16 loot items per category, so larger groups will have their loot allocated randomly. The value of the PEC pack will change with the changes in command point gains, be aware that it was around 600 at the release of 5.0 (see Dulfy.net) and is currently 2000+ during the boost event of cxp.
Bosses are also linked to Achievements (one per alignment and one to finish it all), each awarding one or two decorations (in Legacy, Galactic Command category, Dark vs Light). These decorations are not (currently) purchasable for the guild. These achievements are validated only when you have defeated all the bosses in an alignment, so you will progress the category as follows: 0% then 33% then 100%.
The decoration of the boss series is the one on the left and the ones for finishing everything are to their right.
Dark / Light Bosses
There are only two types of bosses, which do not escape the recycling carried out by Bioware with 5.0. However, if their attacks are known because they are used by other bosses, the accumulation of attacks can make the fight difficult, and some combos are formidable. Not all attacks will be listed, some only targeting the tank (or in the form of a cleave, an arcuate attack in front of the boss, but who would go behind a tank?).
The attack that you will probably hate the most, and, oh surprise, present on all bosses, is Force (dark) choke or mass Force (light) stasis (see bonus bosses of the ZL Incursion on Korriban ). However, the whole group will not be stun (stunned) and the one who has the aggro of the boss (therefore who takes the damage) is (almost?) Never stunned. If the damage suffered is in the order of 10 to 15% of the health on the capital planets, we suffer damage up to 90% of our life bar on Hoth. Be careful for the tank not to move away from the boss because it could be interrupted (but this does not interrupt the stun on the players) and follow up on an attack which could be fatal to the group.
- First type of boss: the execution boss
- Second type of boss: the boss in agony
We will therefore begin with its notable attack, the execution of Force (like the Dreadmaster Raptus on Palais d'Erifroi NM, therefore without lightning damage zone on the boss), purple for dark bosses and yellow for dark bosses. luminous boss. It is very easy to avoid and formidable if the tank wants to kill you: the tank just has to not move and the rest of the group to get out (a tank playing with a spinning top will kill half of its group on Hoth).
The other notable attack (and the worst) is instantaneous, it is his mass damage zone (aoe), again not targeted on everyone and normally never on the tank and this aoe is that of … Bulo (see Pests). As in the operation, you will have a colored circle under the feet (red here and not purple) which once fixed to the ground (in sky blue) will do very heavy damage for about 8 seconds (the time of the barrier of Force in a way…). To avoid it, nothing could be simpler (hum), do not rush at anyone (even your worst enemy) or even turn your back on the boss and move forward (do not come and complain if you are in reverse), in 90% of case you will be out before the first tick of the aoe or the mass stun ... Because the stun can arrive before your aoe is fixed to the ground (and in this case only you will use your power purging the stuns if you want to survive , or the Force barrier, phase walking (rip shadows / assassins)). Last problem: the aoe are almost invisible on the snow and are half hidden on the slopes ...
We start with the attack that you will hate (or not). This is the agony of Revan HM (see Temple of Sacrifice). An incantation, and a multitude of pink area damage hardly visible on the sand and even less on the ice. Unlike the operation, it is a player who does not have aggro who will be decked out with the purple debuff and who will have to move away from the group to place the aoe. You will not be able to cast a speed spell while posing agonies (forget Force speeds, immutabilities, hydraulic steps, bursts of propulsion, rolls, etc.). Dizziness can occur with agony so be prepared to break free. Opt for the straight line and especially do not turn around the boss (3 people can pose them at the same time). The risk being to lock up the group, reducing the arena created around the boss until the wipe: the aoe remain long on the ground. Above all, avoid having an aoe just behind you, the boss having a mass bump.
The second attack is Rip, a mass debuff, like Nefra's (see Dread Fortress). Doing little damage on its own, it can become deadly accompanied by the stun (Hoth in particular) or an aoe. And, unlike the fight against Nefra, the party doesn't get a dispell buff, so count only one healer-doable dispell, which I recommend for themselves, the tank holding on to DoT better than them. DPS that can dispel must do so as quickly as possible.
The third dangerous attack is Master Obai's sword throwing (Cf ZL Battle of Rishi). Without a cast, the boss turns around and attacks a random player, dealing a large amount of damage.
Bosses by planet and type
You will understand, the higher the level of the planet, the more damage the bosses will do. If you can do without a tank on the capital planet and make a boss at 3 with a fart DPS rank 50 which keeps the aggro (or rather which does not throw a dagro), it is strongly recommended to have several tanks and many healers on Hoth. There are 10 bosses in each category but only 4 planets where they can appear: Capital Planet, Tatooine, Alderaan and Hoth (Coruscant and Dromund Kaas being the capital planets). You can find two bosses per planet (one in agony and one in execution) and they can be done on any planet (and considering what was said before, it is better to do them on the capital planet).
Maps of locations with coordinates
BEFORE rushing to these maps, remember that a boss can appear at multiple points in the same instance, it may also not appear at all and some spawn areas may remain empty for several wins in a row. Remember to check the PvP instances, they will not have the same boss configuration as the PvE instance, in some locations. Finally, you will notice that some locations are on boulevards where a number of players passing their quests, and not paying attention to what they are attacking, engage in the fight against the bosses and make them disappear.
The coordinates given are in cursor coordinate on the map.
Note that the locations are sometimes located next to or in the middle of hostile NPCs and will have to be managed during the fight (especially those that slow down) ...
- Dromund Cheese
- Coruscant
- Tatooine
- Alderaan
- Hoth
Dromund Cheese
1: (X, Y): (-1531, 829)
2: (X, Y): (-910, 140)
3: (X, Y): (-349, 577)
4: (X, Y): (520, 737)
5: (X, Y): (-885, 1279)
6: (X, Y): (-577, 1007)
7: (X, Y): (4, 1659)
8: (X, Y): (116, 1558)
Ancient Galactic Market
1: (X, Y): (2482, 1222)
2: (X, Y): (2281, 1166)
Black Sun Territory
1: (X, Y): (-4023, 149)
2: (X, Y): (-3828, 530)
Justicar Sector
1: (X, Y): (820, 3997)
2: (X, Y): (873, 4591)
Jedi temple
(X, Y): (-2765, 3167) H2: Enemies of the Republic (high traffic area)
The Jundland
1: (X, Y): (626, -1035)
2: (X, Y): (978, -1089)
3: (X, Y): (1250, -290)
4: (X, Y): (1662, 25)
The Sea of Dunes
1: (X, Y): (-2183, -1215)
2: (X, Y): (-1648, -1929)
3: (X, Y): (-870, -1917)
4: (X, Y): (-1248, -864)
5: (X, Y): (-1924, -268)
6: (X, Y): (-1189, 228)
Juran Mountains
1: (X, Y): (1494, -939)
2: (X, Y): (1741, -579)
3: (X, Y): (1850, 578)
The valley of Glarus
1: (X, Y): (-1502, -570)
2: (X, Y): (-1797, 101)
Please note: Medic droids close to bosses are rarely the ones you will be sent to if you are defeated by the boss.
Peak Ice Crest
1: (X, Y): (-1768, -567)
2: (X, Y): (-1549, 178)
3: (X, Y): (-1152, 1259)
Glacial crevasse
(X, Y): (877, 234)
Space cemetery
(X, Y): (1622, -456)
Toundra Clabburn
1: (X, Y): (-3565, 153)
2: (X, Y): (-2504, -270)
I would like to thank the guilds who have frequently accompanied me in the groups that I have set up to drop the bosses and who have (sometimes) suffered a lot from strangulation in particular aoe (they will recognize each other). I especially thank the handful of players scouting to find these bosses, who will also recognize themselves.
Finally, I want to thank the community of Dulfy (who will probably never read these lines) and who have done a wonderful job sharing the majority of the locations in this guide.
Happy hunting everyone and may the Force be with you!