This article is a complement to the first article which introduced the quests of Ilum and Belsavis. Now, on Corellia, you will be able to make 9 new daily distinctions that allow you to purchase equipment.
Before leaving
No need to rush to Corellia: you must first collect a quest from the Fleet station, on the main passage, above the Cantina. The Imperials will pick it up from Sergeant Karloss (in the Southwest) while the Republicans will pick it up at a Holonet terminal (in the Northwest). Both quests (Empire: Fall of Corellia / Republic: Rise of Corellia) require the same thing: travel to the Black Hole on Corellia.
Direction his ship, to get to the planet. Once on the surface, just outside the spaceport, a shuttle will gently take us directly to the Black Hole, a new area totally independent and dedicated to daily quests (it doesn't even look "really" on the planet. because you can't see the general map of Corellia when you try to zoom out).
You can make 9 daily distinctions per day thanks to 6 new quests (4 solo x1, 1 zone x2 and 1 heroic + 4 x3). All of these quests are in the same area and it's very simple! If this is the first time this day you come to the area, you are automatically given a quest. The other 4 normal quests are taken in a building right next to the shuttle (Horizon outpost for the Empire, Sentinel outpost for the Republic), at a mission terminal.
Once the normal quests are completed, a final Heroic Quest +4 becomes available.
On this same terminal, you will find a weekly quest, Black Hole Crisis, allowing you to obtain 6 Black Hole Awards, the new currency to purchase the new raid equipment. It simply consists of completing the 6 daily quests!
Come on, a little math. By doing these 6 quests, you will accumulate 56 credits every day. The weekly reports 043 credits. That is a total of 16 credits per week! If you have that you can't afford some Inheritance Abilities!
- Empire
- Republic
- [Zone] Liquidation of assets : Kill 20 members of the Torvix forces, destroy 6 Torvix ammo caches and the communication tower, and recover T-5RZ core memory
- [Daily] Control of the battlefield : Defeat 12 Torvix War Droids
- [Daily] HyperMaterial Directive : steal 5 emergency hypermite reserves from the HyperMatière storage complex
- [Daily] Glow : steal an anti-radiation injector and redirect 4 flows from hypermatière pipelines to the HyperMatière pipeline checkpoint
- [Daily] Without any trace : identify 3 Torvix spies
- [Heroic 4] The End of Torvix : go to the HyperMatière tower
- [Zone] Criminal repression : kill 15 members of the Torvix Forces, destroy 4 weapon containers and the sensor platform and take the blaster from Quarl Tournemain
- [Daily] Forced Labor: free 5 Dralls engineers
- [Daily] Stolen Victory: recover 15 stolen weapon prototypes
- [Daily] Prying ears: place 5 listening devices in the HyperMatière shipping warehouse
- [Daily] Ecological counter-terrorism: steal an anti-radiation injector and repair 4 damaged risk material tanks
- [Heroic +4] Shadowhunting : kill Kovic
As we continue to earn daily distinctions, we still have access to old equipment (especially the popular Rakata implants and ears). Fortunately, new objects have been added including some very interesting relics. You can make your purchases from two sellers present in the outposts but also kept your habits and contact the old sellers on Ilum and Belsavis who have reviewed their stocks to present these new objects.
- Relics
- Fireworks plans
- Construction kit
200 daily distinctions
- Shield Amplification Campaign Relic : +84 Stamina - Protecting against an impending attack grants an absorption rating of 405 points for 6 seconds. This effect is available every 20 seconds. This limit is common to similar defensive effects.
- Dark Shard Campaign Relic : +84 Stamina - Damage attacks have a 30% chance to deal 184 additional internal damage to the target. This effect is available every 4.5 seconds. This limit is common to similar damage effects.
- Campaign Relic of Immeasurable Ages : +84 Stamina - Increases power by 405 for 20 seconds.
- Campaign Relic of Eternal Transcendence : +84 Stamina - Damage attacks have a 30% chance to deal 184 additional elemental damage to the target. This effect is available every 4.5 seconds. This limit is common to similar damage effects.
- Campaign Relic of the Cerulean Nova : +84 Stamina - Damage attacks have a 30% chance to deal an additional 246 Energy damage to the target. This effect is available every 4.5 seconds. This limit is common to similar damage effects.
- Ephemeral Grinding Campaign Relic : +84 Stamina - Healing an ally has a 50% chance to restore 443 additional health for 3 seconds. This effect is available every 20 seconds. This limit is common to similar healing effects.
- Campaign Relic of Compromising Serenity : +84 Stamina - Increases Defense Index by 405 for 20 seconds.
- Relic of the Kinetic Storm Campaign : +84 Stamina - Damage attacks have a 30% chance to deal an additional 246 Kinetic damage to the target. This effect is available every 4.5 seconds. This limit is common to similar damage effects.
- Field Relic of the Veiled Crusader : +84 Stamina - Increases shield index and absorption index by 255 points for 20 seconds.
- Field Relic of the Primal Fate Sealer : +84 Stamina - Increases Alacrity Index by 405 for 20 seconds.
20 daily distinctions
- Blueprint: Advanced Sniper Crystal Blue : Power +41
- Blueprint: Red Advanced Sniper Crystal : Power +41
- Blueprint: Blue Advanced Fearlessness Crystal : Endurance +41
- Blueprint: Red Advanced Fearlessness Crystal : Endurance +41
- Blueprint: Advanced Blue Fatal Crystal : Crit Rating +41
- Blueprint: Advanced Red Fatal Crystal : Crit Rating +41
200 daily distinctions
- Construction kit heirloom boots
- Construction kit legitimacy headgear
- Construction kit gaiters of legitimacy
- Construction kit heritage jacket
Heirloom Merchants in capital cities will exchange these kits from you for level 14-16 (Legacy) or 29-33 (Legitimacy) Legacy Gear.
And finally, a few shots of this area of Corellia: