Djecko, from the Heaven Of Spirit guild, on Mantle Of The Force, offers us a guide on the Healer Commando. After a little hiccup and a removal of the post due to copied parts, here is the guide's return! “To heal, or not to heal? That is the question ”This question, which may seem problematic, turns out to be answered with Private Commando. Indeed, the commando class offers you the possibility of approaching your character in two ways:
- To heal: with the "War medicine" tree, you will take care of your partners as a devoted doctor,
- Or not to heal: with the "Artillery" tree and the possibility of defending your partners by doing DPS.
Following the principle of SWTOR, several companions will be there to support you in your adventures. We find tank, healer ...
ATTENTION REVELATIONS ! If you want to surprise yourself during your adventure, skip the following descriptions of your future companions.
- Aric jorgan : your first partner, this proud Cathar, whom you will meet from Ord Mantell, is a distant DPS who can be oriented single target or multi-target via his talents. Wielding willingly the blaster rifle or the assault cannon, like a good soldier, his basic statistics are aim and endurance.
- Elara Dorne : your second partner will join your squad in Taris. Defector of the Empire but above all a trained healer, his interest for you will be less if you direct your character in care. Again, we find the soldier's statistics in Elara, namely aim and endurance.
- M1-4X : third partner, this formidable droid, whom you will meet on Nar Shaddaa, can help you as a tank or DPS from a distance. From an equipment standpoint, it will need to be equipped with droid parts in aim and stamina.
- Tanno vik : this charming Weeqay will be your fourth partner. In "The good, the bad and the ugly", he would undoubtedly be the bad! Encountered on Balmorra, it will be by far your best tank, but can also help you as DPS on contact. For its statistics, we find aim and endurance. The effectiveness of the healer / tank combo is no longer to prove, you will spend a lot of time in his company!
- Yuun : your last partner will incorporate your group on Hoth. His role in your team will be Contact DPS. Side statistics, to make in the originality, we still find aim and endurance, but in intermediate armor. After Elara, Yuun will perhaps be the most neglected character because much less interesting than a tank (I have nothing against the Gands, be careful!).
If small gifts keep friendship alive, update 2.0 will make your job easier because for each gift you will have an indication of the gain of affection directly on the screen: no, small, moderate, important.
Why cover his partners with gifts, you will say? Well, with each return from missions, the results will be better and the time spent will be shorter. It's always nicer to see your partner come back with rare blueprints, materials or components, isn't it? A double choice in the tables below indicates the gain of affection in the event of a romantic relationship.

skills">Crew skills
You will have the opportunity to choose three Crew Skills following the following principle: Crafting Skill / Gathering Skill / Special Mission Skill. Before you embark on the race for equipment at level 50, and the distinctions that go with it, these skills will be an opportunity for you to make yourself custom equipment. While you are quietly eating your little milk chocolate schoolchildren, your partners will be at work.
Note that each partner will have two areas of predilection where it will be more effective, which results in more fruitful missions. This all shows up clearly in the Crew Skill window when you make your selection.
What might well stick to a Commando Soldier:
- Weapon Creation / Recovery / Investigation : assault cannons, blaster rifles, techno-blades, in short everything you need to atomize mobs at all costs!
- Armor Creation / Salvage / Illegal Trade : in addition to the skin, these confections will be an opportunity to improve your main statistics but also secondary (critical index, influx, etc.).
- Biochemistry / Bioanalysis / Diplomacy : You only need to taste the happiness of an infinitely reusable medipack once to be definitely addicted to it! Yes, this is possible with this skill, as well as stims, boosts, and implants.
For each character, according to his class, we can define main statistics, secondary statistics and finally auxiliary statistics. For the Healer Commando, the main statistic is the Aiming. secondary statistics are the Engime andCritical Index. Finally, the auxiliary statistics are theInflux index andEndurance.
- Aiming : Aiming increases your damage and healing.
- Power : la Engime, or Engime technology, increases your healing bonus.
- Index de critical (28%): increases your chance to critically hit and see the amount of health restored soar.
- Influx index (75%): this stat increases the critical score multiplier (not the critical chance, but the power of your crit), which improves your healing by the same amount on a hit.
- Endurance : increases your life point capital. Important both in PvP and PvE to take as much damage as possible without dying (a dead healer is not very useful to the group ...).
- Trick : Ok, I haven't covered this above, but this skill does affect your healing scores a bit. No question of equipping yourself with modifications, but why not look for the datacrons (ie a +30 bonus to the key).
Two templates are possible to play your Commando. Only the “Medicine of war” tree will be detailed later in this guide.
War medicine
The list is not exhaustive but it includes the main skills that you will use as a healer.
- Care
- Buffs
Combat Support Cell
- Energy: free
- Activation: 1,5 sec
- Reactivation delay: none
- The Combat Support Cell will be your American Express card: don't leave without it! It will allow you to accumulate support charges in combat. At 30 stacks, your healing and damage is increased by 3% and you will be able to activate overloaded cells.
Pestle shot
- Energy: free
- Incantation: instant
- Reactivation delay: none
- The healer shoots his allies? It may sound strange, but thanks to this skill, you will be able to heal your partners on the move and accumulate combat support charge (3 for each shot) mentioned above.
Advanced medical probe
- Energy: 16 ammunition
- Activation: 1,5 sec
- Reactivation delay: 12 sec
- More muscular than the previous skill, this spell which consumes little ammunition can have a cooldown reduced to 0 if your character is in mode overloaded cells. In addition, it grants an additional armor screen for 10 seconds and can activate Preventive medecine, a regular heal for 9 seconds, if you choose the eponymous talent at tier 5 of your tree.
Medical probe
- Energy: 25 ammunition
- Activation: 2,5 sec
- Reactivation delay: none
- One of your two powerful spells whose only problem is the relatively long activation time. In case of emergency, you can send it immediately thanks to technological manipulation. . With each activation, it grants you 6 combat support charge which brings you one step closer to the overload.
Bacta infusion
- Energy: free
- Activation: instant
- Reactivation time: 21 sec
- This is a very interesting spell for the amount of healing it provides and the possibility of using it while moving. We could almost have written on it: in an emergency, break the ice!
Kolto Bomb
- Energy: 16 ammunition
- Activation: instant
- Reactivation time: 6 sec
- From the area spell, to heal 4 allies within a radius of 8 meters. Thanks to Overloaded cells (again!), this Kolto Bomb will additionally activate a shield on targets hit, reducing damage by 10% for 15 seconds. It was already not bad but with the added talent Kolto Capsules at level 3 of your tree, the bomb triggers a Kolto pool that heals all your allies.
Overloaded cells
- Energy: free
- Activation: instant
- Reactivation time: 1,5 sec
- We talked about it from the start, this is THE skill of your commando's healing cycle. When activated at 30 combat support charges, this overload gives you the ability to:
- Collect 8 energy cells
- Increase all healing by 5% for 10 sec,
- Remove the reactivation delay from Advanced medical probe for 10 sec,
- Place a shield (5% less damage) on targets that are under the effect of the Kolto Bomb for 15 sec.
Trauma probes
- Energy: 16 ammunition
- Activation: instant
- Reactivation time: 1,5 sec
- The trauma probe deploys to an ally and places 13 charges on them for 5 minutes. When the latter takes damage, the probe heals it. In short, it is a continuous supply of care when needed.
Field aid
- Energy: 4,5 ammunition
- Activation: instant
- Reactivation time: 4,5 sec
- Removes 2 negative effects on a friendly target and can heal your ally at the same time if you have taken the talent Psychic Help at level 5 of your tree.
- Energy: free
- Activation: instant
- Reactivation time: 45 sec
- You will quickly find that mobs don't like healers in SWTOR! This skill will allow you to reduce your animosity and restore the Tank's spotlight.
- Energy: free
- Activation: instant
- Reactivation time: 45 sec
- The class buff, it increases stamina by 5% for the whole group for 1 hour.
Cell economy
- Energy: free
- Activation: instant
- Reactivation time: 120 sec
- Is your energy bar dangerously empty? This skill makes your next cast spell free.
Recharging cells
- Energy: free
- Activation: instant
- Reactivation time: 120 sec
- Poor management of your resources and you are dry. One shot of Reload cells and your bar goes up by 50 ammo instantly.
Technological manipulation
- Energy: free
- Activation: instant
- Reactivation time: 120 sec
- Your next incantation spell becomes free. Very interesting, to use in case of emergency!
With the management of casting times, your other difficulty will be to manage your energy bar. The lower your level, the longer it will take for it to rise. Ideally, keep your energy threshold above 60 to benefit from a 5 ammo recharge per second. For this you can use Recharging cells et Cell economy. Below 20 ammunition, your regenerations will be only 2 ammunition per second, it smells of death for the group: it is bad ...
Open the ball
The starting point, I will remind you all the same, is to have activated your Combat Support Cell to heal. Before attacking a Champion or Boss, use your Pestle shot to increase your support charges in combat to receive the 3% healing bonus. If the fight begins while you are at zero charge, it's not a drama, don't worry.
After placing a Trauma probes on the Tank, a probe that you will need to maintain (remember to renew it!), some will choose to activate immediately Overloaded cells and place a Kolto Bomb to benefit from the 10% additional armor from the start of the fight. As so often, this option is above all a question of feeling. If the last preparations are made, the group can go to the front!
Low care need
The fight has just started, you just got to know the mobs, one of them might be a Champion or an elite hitting hard, but for now the Tank is handling brilliantly and the need for healing is not not critical. You can be content with your Pestle shot and use a Advanced medical probe or one Medical probe in the event of a big slap, it will bring you closer to the overload if necessary.
Strong need for care
Panic in the ranks, the mobs oppose you with fierce resistance and the life bars of your partners are rapidly decreasing: the time for overload has come! For this phase:
Among the variants, you will be able to take advantage of the cast time reduced to 0 of the Advanced medical probe by spamming it during this phase of overload. Be careful, however, there is a good chance that you will end the sequence dry energy level. Preferably alternate Advanced medical probe et Medical probe for the reduced energy cost of the latter in the overload phase.
You can also integrate into your cycle a Bacta infusion to take advantage of the healing bonus.
By the way, still in the overload phase, you can also try a little DPS because the skill " Loaded shot Is free.
Do not hesitate to use Cell recharge during the cycle to be able to finish it properly and especially not to run out of water two probes after the start (in which case, you will have the aggro of the members of your team: "What the hell are you doing the Heal !? Ch ** r!" ! ").
Critical care need
Is the Tank's vital prognosis engaged? Here's a very powerful little combo that should keep him afloat:
Here, I hope that these few information will allow you to better approach your role of healer?
List of datacrons and matrix cubes that will be useful for you to have, whatever the chosen spec:
You can also take the Tip datacrons (see the Smuggler datacrons).