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We invite you to discover the content of the new Alliance Underworld pack, available in 4.0 at the Cartel Market, presented in RP form.
- Hello and welcome to this new Cartel Market parade sponsored by the Cartel des Hutts. And for this edition, which will concern the new Alliance Underworld Pack, I have a special guest. Since it is nothing less than the famous Dark Lagerfeld!
- Hello. I hope your models will be very elegant. Not like you.
- Like us ? What do you mean like us?
- Your clothes are ugly. A 70s movie glory t-shirt and jeans. No class. Tasteless. And I'm not even talking about your boss showing off in pink armor.
- Yes, well my clothes are practical. And Juliaan has temporarily recolored her armor because it's the month of ...
- Do not interrupt me, you cheeky little one! If not...
- Watch out for the laser fan!
- You are lucky that the first models are arriving. And ... what is this? Why are they fat?
- They're not fat.
- If they're fat. They make more than 3 ...
- Three? Size three? No, they are much smaller than ...
- I'm talking about three centimeters of waistline, congenital moron. Too bad, we'll do with it.
- And so we start with these splendid armors: Front Defender, Aerial shield et Aviation safety...
- Splendid? How's that splendid? It's white, republican limit. It's ugly, it lacks feathers, capes and other large flights of fabrics. Looks like utility uniforms. No interest.
- I'm not sure ...
- I said no interest. And it's my opinion that counts. Who is the fashion critic here? So you move on.
- The following ? The following is for Smugglers and other Bounty Hunters. Those who like to flaunt their skills at the blaster and scare their opponents. The Renowned Duelist and Dune prowler (attention, small problem in the collection where the outfit is also displayed as a Sith ranger with no obvious link)!
- So for pecnos who like to hang out in the middle of the desert.
- Dark Lagerfeld !
- What? I do haute-couture! I dress the greatest of Dromund Kaas. The elite of the elite. I have nothing to do in the cantina on the planet furthest from civilization. The farmers of Tatooine repel me. No style! No knowledge of what is fancy! No...
- Well, well ... Dromund Kaas you said? But we also have outfits for the Sith. As the Messenger of Zildrog, or the eagerly awaited Sith Hermit !
- Where are the feathers? Where are the capes? Where are the great flights of fabric that give class? There, one would imagine oneself on the front line, at the entrance to a battlefield.
- At the same time, we are at war. And...
- War is not an excuse. It does not justify everything. Otherwise we'll end up with stripes and kilts at sixty. Or to confuse a tree trunk with a speeder just because we find it relaxing.
- Uh ... Well ... It is not a mount strictly speaking, but it can indeed allow you to rest!
- Anyway, I guess you don't come to see the speeders then.
- And why shouldn't I come and see the speeders? I am not allowed to have an opinion on speeders? I have an opinion on everything!
- And above all an opinion ... Ouch! Be careful with your laser fan!
- So where are these speeders? Behind these little pets? But who would want a giant rat-womp? How awful !
- In fact it is a Wasteland rat-womp. And next to a Forest raptor. And they are mounts, yes!

- Mounts? To do what ?
- To move ? To do as with a Iraqi Falcon, a Eclaireur Orlean, a Religion Meirm or a Korrealis KL-1F.

- And?
- What do you mean "and"?
- Is there nothing more? Something with better-tuned colors that don't give the impression of coming out of a landfill or a totally myopic small-time repairer?
- You're really tough.
- No, I have taste. That's all.
We have the Vectron LW-1S and Hornet Minas.

- I had better not talk about it.
- Don't talk about it then.
- And the Chien akk, the ? What does he do ?
- Him ? Oh, he's attacking.
- He attacks ? What do you mean ? Ouch! But save your dirt! He's not ... Ouch!
What a character this Dark Lagerfeld! Shana-Inika is really lucky not to have to go through it when he takes care of the fortress decorations ... Anyway.

Here are two images of the In-game Mood Machine: Casino and Lightsaber Slash (Straight) decorations, provided by Kahlann.

That's it for this Alliance Underworld Pack. Seemingly light content, but this is due to the changes to the Cartel Market. As for us, we will meet again soon for a brand new parade!
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