It is the holiday season. As SWTOR's anniversary is in full swing, and the Day of Life festivities are announced for next week, the Cartel Market brings what is expected to be the last Cartel Pack of this year 2015: the Strategy Pack. 'Alliance. Let's receive it with snowballs, and maybe one will come out Snowtrooper.

Their allies advance alongside, more recognizable in their Reconnaissance armor.

While shining with a thousand lights Overwatch Execution Agent.

And to better gain height in the face of all this, let's move between the skiff guards.

But who says Alliance says its leader, the Stranger. What's in this pack for him? What to become a Observer stranger ?

Or else a Foreign guerrilla.

For the nostalgic, this pack will also allow you to put on the cape and hood of Dark Malgus, less his respirator.

And finally, the last armor in this pack is that of Mandalorian seeker, which can bring our bounty hunters and their allies back to a time when this style was a standard.

On the weapons side, we were provided by Zakellian exiles, fleeing the tyrannical government of their ... oops, I was going to spoil it.

Can be equipped with the new Bleu Agricole crystal.
This pack also contains its batch of speeders, like the Colossus Dasta.

Or the Meirm biting frog.

And let's not forget the Minas wasp.

Ni l 'Hyrotii YH55.

The Alliance's research unit has nevertheless succeeded in pushing a large company to invest in them. look at the Czerka Z3B !

What about organic frames? Take a jetpack MSM JT9 and let's see that.

This pack therefore allows us to now raise a Gundark of the jungle.

And if you chose this snowtrooper armor (at the very beginning, but I'm sure you follow), you'll be totally hooked up with this Moonlight vrake.

We will end up with another animal, the partner of this new pack: a lovely connection !

And as ardently claimed, here are the decorations!

There you go, it only remains for me to thank Juliaan for all these beautiful screens. And ask yourself what interests you in this last pack of the year 2015, this Alliance Strategy Pack.