I'm pretty nervous right now. My computer has served me faithfully for several years, but now it fails me twice in three months. I couldn't come to see if you had been good on my last article on Cartel packs or if you had to punish yourself with care bear songs. And in such a situation, when I have barely taken it to repair, here is Juliaan asking me if I am taking care of the recap of the contents of this Shadow of Acolyte pack. Fortunately, Juliaan is nice (it's normal, he plays on the Republic side) and he got all the pictures for me so that I can write directly when I get back. So for that, I want to hear you all say with one voice "Thank you Juliaan!"
And also thank Shana-Inika, who took care of testing different colors on the armor in this pack and shared them with us. Armor of which we already know some, that of Shae Vizla being heralded as the big star of the Acolyte Shadow pack. But also that of Nomadic and that of Pursuing Revanitis.
But that's only half of the armor available. Three others can also be recovered: the Knowing Blade, Scary Soothsayer and Activist. There's no denying it, I love the diversity that the Cartel Market has brought to the game in terms of skin ...
For the weapons, we find our favorite model, the one to whom we have to repeat in heart “Thank you Juliaan!”, Who went to rummage for us in the material of the Star Forge. For those who do not remember what this high place of the KOTOR game is, it is explained in the Forged Alliances story mode, just before the last Litigation Zone.
We won't be the only ones with the ability to change appearances with this Acolyte Shadow Pack. Two of our companions will be entitled to it. One for the Imperial Agent and one for the Jedi Consular. By the way, for the latter, I hope you have no problem with certain percings.
Each Cartel Pack contains mounts. Animal and mechanical, the Shadow of Acolyte is no exception. Which one do you plan to run across different soils towards your enemies?
After that ? What could I forget? Ah yes, pets. Here too, you can find some who will accompany you throughout your missions.
Two new emotes will also be there. Both should allow you to let off steam and work out. But not in the same way. Let's also add to the account the object of regeneration, which will allow you to take yourself for Bert, the friend of Marry Poppins.
New crystals will also appear in the Shadow of Acolyte pack. I'm only showing you two, but each has a whole set behind it, with different spec tweaks for each.
And finally, to finish, the pack Shadow of Acolyte allows to recover two titles.
Well, what do you think of all the new additions in this pack?