Ah la la, it's still pretty cool to be an English-speaking site. Easier to have contacts, let's say. And Massively has contacts, with Bioware in particular, since they had the chance to discuss a little with Charles Boyd, main screenwriter of update 3.0, Bruce MacLean, producer and James Ohlen, Game Director.
Here is a summary of the information they were able to glean in this interview.
Everyone was a little surprised to see Revan return as the villain in the story. Veterans of KOTOR games have a certain attachment to him, new players who have discovered him through SWTOR have appreciated him too, as well as in the novel that bears his name. The question we can ask the team of writers is if they aren't afraid of some somewhat violent reactions from players who like Revan and don't really like what is happening to him. in this extension. James Ohlen simply responds, "When you work on such a beloved character among the players, you can only be worried about those reactions. But we really wanted to tell the last chapter of Revan's story. We feel that full of it. other stories can be told in the Old Republic universe, and we want to set their context before we can tell them. "
For Charles Boyd, the important thing to remember is that if Revan is the villain of the story, it is not because he is inherently bad. The story goes much deeper. He thinks people will understand, as they go through the story, why they put Revan in this role.
New breeds?
More and more persistent rumors are being heard about the arrival of a new race in play. In particular during the Cantina Tour of New York, where the race of Togrutas would have been confirmed, without official validation, nor audio proof. And a priori, a well-founded rumor since MacLean confirms it, the team is working on adding Togrutas as a playable race, but a little patience, no date scheduled, and certainly not for 3.0. The only sure thing, apparently, is that it will be a Cartel item.
The future ?
James Ohlen: "Our plans for the future are even more exciting and epic than anything you've seen so far. We are not slowing down, on the contrary, we are stepping up."
Charles Boyd: "This is really a new starting point. It can only get crazy and even more exciting from now on"
Very nice closing words, which sound like an ode to optimism and the desire to see more.