In a first article, we discussed the companions according to the class, their role as well as the armor worn and the romance options. Now that you can all play, you now know that our dear friends are having a tough time. They like some choices but hate others. On occasion, they also like to receive gifts. But their reactions are varied and it is sometimes difficult to navigate.
Note that building the affection of companions is important in particular to increase crew skill gains. It also unlocks bonus missions related to the background of the companion.
There are 10 types of gifts:
- weapon
- Cultural artifact
- Well of the underworld
- Military equipment
- Frequent
- Luxury
- Memories of the Empire
- Souvenirs of the Republic
- Technology
- Trophy
It is possible to obtain gifts with certain professions, to buy them for credits (gift shop for partners on the Fleet) or to exchange them with a Curator (still on the Fleet).
Note that the taste for certain objects is modified if the character has a romance or not with our character (when there are two mentions in the list below, the first concerns the companion without romance, the second with romance).
Regarding the affection points gained during conversations, it depends on the style of response made. It is not always easy to know what will please them, but we have tried to give you some ideas.
Here is an Excel file summarizing this information for better readability. Thanks to Bladrak for this contribution!
Direct access :
- Soldier
- Smuggler
- Jedi Consular
- Jedi Knight
- Bounty hunter
- Imperial Agent
- Sith Inquisitor
- Sith Warrior
The Republic
Name: C2-N2
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: indifferent
- Military equipment: indifferent
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: love
- Technology: favorites
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: love
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Caption: indifferent <likes <favorite <adores
Name: Aric Jorgan
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: adore
- Military equipment: favorite
- Frequent: indifferent favorite
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: efficiency, duty, the army of the Republic, honesty
- Hate: failure, apologies, sacrifices in cold blood
Nom: Elara Dorne
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: indifferent
- Military equipment: likes
- To frequent: indifferent adores
- Luxury: favorite
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: rules, decorum, altruism
- Hate: unnecessary violence, corruption
Name: M1-4X
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: likes
- To frequent: like
- Luxury: love
- Technology: favorites
- Souvenirs of the Republic: adore
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: destroying enemies of the Republic, pro-Republic messages, courage
- Hate: anything that goes against the Republic
Nom: Tanno Vik
Companion Gifts:
- Weapons: favors
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: adore
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: cruelty, mercenary behavior, mocking authority, blowing everything up
- Hate: kindness, sacrifice
Name: Yuun
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: love
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: love
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: mysteries, respect for people / unusual beliefs, patience, restraint
- Hates: unnecessary violence, chaos, rudeness, recklessness, bragging
Caption: indifferent <likes <favorite <adores
Name: Corso Riggs
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: adore
- Military equipment: favorite
- Frequent: likes favorite
- Luxury: love
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: Favorite Likes
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: likes favorite
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: protecting the weak, being nice to the ladies, punishing the wicked
- Hate: hurting for profit, hurting women no matter what they've done, working with the Sith or the Imperials
Name: Bowdaar
Companion Gifts:
- Weapons: favors
- Military equipment: likes
- To frequent: like
- Luxury: adore
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: love
- Trophy: favorite
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: a good fight against worthy opponents, protecting the weak, personal honor
- Hates: cruelty, intimidation, slavery, respect authority when he is at fault
Name: Risha
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent likes
- Luxury: favorite loves
- Technology: like favorite
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: Favorite
- Trophy: indifferent
- Well of the underworld: favorite loves
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: personal interest, profit, secrets and new technologies
- Hates: unprofessional or emotional behavior, killing innocent people, working with idiots or the uneducated
Nom: Akavi Spaar
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: adore
- Military equipment: favorite
- Frequent: likes favorite
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: favorite
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: combat challenges, profit, symbols of authority
- Hate: the Republic, dishonorable acts, pity
Name: Guss Tuno
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: indifferent
- Military equipment: indifferent
- To frequent: like
- Luxury: favorite
- Technology: favorites
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: adore
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: making fun of Force users, taking advantage of those who let it go, a good scam
- Hate: killing innocent people, taking unnecessary risks
Caption: indifferent <likes <favorite <adores
Jedi Consular
Name: Qyzen-Fess
Companion Gifts:
- Weapons: favors
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: killing powerful enemies, encouraging others to defend themselves, danger, honor
- Hate: kill the weak, the mercenary spirit, spare powerful enemies
Name: Theran Cedrex
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: indifferent
- Military equipment: indifferent
- To frequent: like
- Luxury: adore
- Technology: favorites
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: intelligence, logical thinking, helping scientists, beautiful women, getting something for nothing
- Hate: the mystical absurdities of the Jedi, Persuasion by Force, destroy science, useless heroism
Name: Zenith
Companion Gifts:
- Weapons: favors
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: indifferent
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: adore
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: hurting Imperials, defending the weak, stubbornness, resolve
- Hate: pity for the Empire, betrayal, a second chance for those who do evil
Name: Felix Lieutenant Iresso
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: indifferent
- To frequent: indifferent adores
- Luxury: love
- Technology: indifferent
- Souvenirs of the Republic: favorite
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: the army of the Republic, leadership, taking risks for the good of all, honor, pity
- Hate: breaking the law, cruelty
Name: Nadia Grell
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: indifferent
- Military equipment: indifferent
- Frequent: loves adores
- Luxury: love
- Technology: indifferent
- Souvenirs of the Republic: favorite
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: love
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: learning, helping the weak, charity, pity, testing one's powers
- Hate: Cruelty, Dark Jedi, Insulting Authority
Caption: indifferent <likes <favorite <adores
Jedi knight
Nom: T7-01
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: love
- Souvenirs of the Republic: favorite
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: Favorite
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: Jedi, morally correct actions, defeating the Empire
- Hates: bullying, killing innocent people, disrespecting authority
Name: Kira Carsen
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: indifferent
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: likes favorite
- Luxury: favorite loves
- Technology: favorites
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: likes favorite
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: to be funny, to be involved, to taunt and beat the Empire
- Hate: bullying, acting like a mercenary, cooperating with the Sith
Name: Doc
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: likes
- To frequent: favorite loves
- Luxury: favorite loves
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: being like a hero, romance and flirtation, helping those in need
- Hate: being mean, hurting the innocent, refusing to help
Name: Sergeant Rusk
Companion Gifts:
- Weapons: favors
- Military gear: love
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: love
- Technology: like
- Souvenirs of the Republic: favorite
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: killing Imperials, protecting the Republic, motivating others to fight
- Hate: avoid battles, weakness, disrespect for authority
Name: Lord Scourge
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: favorites
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: Favorite
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: using powers against the weak, power, anger, revenge, grudge
- Hates: greed, acts of pity, Jedi authority, the Republic
Caption: indifferent <likes <favorite <adores
Bounty hunter
Name: Mako
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: indifferent
- Frequent: indifferent, adores
- Luxury: love
- Technology: love
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: love
- Well of the underworld: favorite
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: professionalism, bounty hunters, making money, freedom, kindness
- Hates: bullying, cruelty, snobs
Name: Gault Rennow
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: indifferent
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: adore
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: indifferent
- Well of the underworld: favorite
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: greed, indulgence, thinking about the solution of the problem
- Hate: fair battles, pain, charity, rules
Name: Torian Hip
Companion Gifts:
- Weapons: favors
- Military equipment: favorite
- Frequent: indifferent, favorite
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: challenges, honor, Mandalorians, respect
- Hate: liquidation, cowardice
Name: Blizz
Companion Gifts:
- Weapons: favors
- Military equipment: favorite
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: favorite
- Technology: love
- Souvenirs of the Republic: favorite
- Memories of the Empire: Favorite
- Cultural Artifact: Favorite
- Trophy: favorite
- Good of the underworld: adore
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: adventure, gadgets, attention, praise, friendship
- Hates: scary things, extreme violence, people who are mean to him
Name: Skadge
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: adore
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: love
- Technology: indifferent
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: adore
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: violence, causing suffering, destruction, intimidation
- Hates: compromise, taking orders, weakness
Caption: indifferent <likes <favorite <adores
Imperial Agent
Name: Kaliyo D'jannis
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: adore
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: favorite, love
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: indifferent
- Well of the underworld: favorite
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: disrespect for authority, occasional violence, lawlessness for fun
- Hates: self-sacrifice for the good of all, sincerity, obedience, patriotic spirit and the benefit that is taken from it
Name: Vector Hyllus
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: indifferent
- Frequent: indifferent, favorite
- Luxury: love
- Technology: indifferent
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: Favorite
- Cultural Artifact: love
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: diplomacy, helping people, discovering foreign cultures
- Hates: greed, cruelty, prejudice, anti-foreign feelings
Name: Doctor Lokin
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: indifferent
- Military equipment: favorite
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: favorite
- Technology: love
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: smart solutions, long-term thinking, technology, pragmatism
- Hate: ideology, honesty, selfish actions with no clear long term gain
Name: Ensign Raina Temple
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: favorite
- Hang out: love, adore
- Luxury: love
- Technology: indifferent
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: adore
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: The Empire, the Sith, duty, honor
- Hates: cruelty, occasional violence, selfishness
Name: Scorpio
Companion Gifts:
- Weapons: favors
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: love
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: learning and obtaining new technologies, selfishness, killing threats
- Hate: self-sacrifice, duty, waste
Caption: indifferent <likes <favorite <adores
Sith Inquisitor
Nom: Khem Val
Companion Gifts:
- Weapons: favors
- Military equipment: indifferent
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: love
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: killing Force users, shows of force, making dumb people miserable
- Hate: weakness in all its forms, not killing Force users
Name: Andronikos Revel
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: adore
- Military gear: favorite, love it
- Frequent: indifferent, likes
- Luxury: love, adore
- Technology: indifferent
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: favorite, adore
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: action, keeping promises, complications
- Hates: authority, betrayal, backing down in a fight
Name: Ashara Zavros
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like, favorite
- Military equipment: likes, favorite
- Frequent: indifferent, adores
- Luxury: indifferent, love
- Technology: indifferent, likes
- Memories of the Republic: love, adore
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent, love
- Cultural Artifact: like, favorite
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: reasonable choices, secrets of the Force, fighting thugs
- Hate: gratuitous cruelty, fighting against the Jedi
Name: Talos Drellik
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: indifferent
- Military equipment: indifferent
- To frequent: like
- Luxury: favorite
- Technology: like
- Souvenirs of the Republic: favorite
- Memories of the Empire: Favorite
- Cultural Artifact: love
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: artefacts, discovery, history, feelings of pro-empire, clever puns
- Hates: cruelty, rudeness, secrets of his allies
Nom: Xalek
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: adore
- Military gear: love
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: indifferent
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: following the Sith Code, fighting when there is an overwhelming advantage, brevity
- Hates: pity, weakness, talking
Caption: indifferent <likes <favorite <adores
Sith warrior
Name: Vette
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: indifferent
- Hang out: love, adore
- Luxury: like, favorite
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: Favorite
- Trophy: indifferent
- Good of the underworld: adore
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: protesting behavior, protecting the weak, treasures, getting paid
- Hate: bullying, killing innocent people, talking down on him
Nom: Malavai Quinn
Companion Gifts:
- Weapons: favors
- Military equipment: favorite
- To frequent: like
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: Favorite
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: patriotism to the Empire, rewarding hard work, honor
- Hates: selfishness, betrayal, irrational behavior
Name: Jaesa Willsaam
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: like
- Military equipment: likes
- To frequent: like
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: indifferent
- Souvenirs of the Republic: favorite
- Memories of the Empire: indifferent
- Cultural Artifact: Favorite
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
- Weapon: adore
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: favorite, love
- Technology: indifferent
- Memories of the Republic: indifferent
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: favorite
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: gratuitous cruelty, secrets of the Force, assassination and chaos
- Hate: honor, pity, helping people
Name: Lieutenant Pierce
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: adore
- Military gear: love
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: like
- Memories of the Republic: love
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: indifferent
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: love
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: personal gain, hurting the Republic, danger, mocking authority
- Hate: rules, talking loudly to him, peace
Name: Broonmark
Companion Gifts:
- Weapon: adore
- Military equipment: likes
- Frequent: indifferent
- Luxury: indifferent
- Technology: favorites
- Souvenirs of the Republic: favorite
- Memories of the Empire: love
- Cultural Artifact: like
- Trophy: love
- Good of the underworld: indifferent
Dialogue choice:
- Likes: violence as a solution, testing yourself, protecting those close to you
- Hates: betrayal of allies, inaction, talking about everything and nothing