Tari Darkspanner was still just a sidekick in training on Korriban, many years before the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, when she discovered evidence of a Sith lord named Darth Revan. There was something there to intrigue him. No mention of the Empire or the Emperor, although these elements were essential to the existence of the Sith as she knew them. She sought to dig further, and fell under the spell of this ancient Jedi, a multi-faceted genius, and whose unknown parts contributed to make him ever more intriguing. And opinions so different from what she had learned to follow. Thanks to certain Imperial sources, she was able to learn more than the average person who would investigate the matter. But elementary details still escaped her, or else she voluntarily decided to ignore them. Eventually, she gathered disciples around her, and they began to worship this Sith Lord who had been dead for three centuries and the teachings Tari Darkspanner learned from him. Quickly, faced with a certain hostility from their superiors, Black Council in the lead, they went into hiding. Thus was born the Order of Revan, which we know more as Revanites.
Darth Revan has switched several times during his life between Light and Dark. The Revanites therefore believe that the path to power in the Force does not lie at either of the two extremes. The Force is a whole. It is also open to everyone. Revan had alien comrades, and even droids. Many alien apprentices, who could never have been allowed to go to Korriban, were thus trained in secret. The Mandalorians had a big history with him, dating back to when they faced each other in the Mandalorian Wars. Thus, an alliance was formed with the Farr clan, which developed much deeper. By extension, since there were these new allies, why not look for others? And the Order of Revan welcomed among its followers individuals who had no connection with the Force. But they had other qualities that they could develop to serve better. Tari Darkspanner and his lieutenants are deeply patriotic. They want to reform imperial society according to the more egalitarian standards that they apply among themselves. But at no time is betrayal considered. No question of helping the Republic, even if it applies several of these same standards. In addition, the mistress of the Order has a theory: she found out that Darth Revan had come to Dromund Kaas to confront the Emperor, and since he never shows himself in public, then Revan won. and took the place of the Emperor but that the Black Council keeps him prisoner. A theory supported by some visions of Force, even if imprecise. And which explains the refusal to betray. If the one they idolize is really their leader, they should not turn away from him but on the contrary do everything to free him. Are they not strong enough to do it directly? Too bad, they will use cunning as long as it is necessary.
As the main governing body of the Empire, the Dark Council cannot accept the Revanites and has already attempted to destroy them. In vain, this only caused them to hide even deeper in the jungle of Dromund Kaas. Assassins have been sent for Tari Darkspanner, so she only speaks directly to a few handpicked worshipers. For the vast majority, she is just the Master, an indistinct figure of gender clad in robes similar to those that Darth Revan once wore. For some even, it only communicates through a holo-transmitter. Those who stalk her don't even know her name. Dark Flesh, right-hand man of the Dark Council member Dark Decimus, has therefore sent several spies to infiltrate the Order. With mixed results. Some have been unmasked and nothing has been revealed to them. Worse, others have been converted. Only a small handful returned to announce what they knew. With this information, he was able to organize the capture, torture and execution of Tari Darkspanner and several of his lieutenants. But not all. He may have presented it as a victory, but the point is, the other still exists. Decapitated, but a new head can only grow back. And rumors started to spread that this new version of the Revanites had gone beyond the limits of the Empire, going so far as to convert Republicans. But for what purpose? ...