Since the advent of SWTOR's Free-to-Play (F2P) mode, many changes have taken place and it is sometimes difficult to navigate what is reserved for subscribers or restricted for the F2P player. On Massively, Larry Everett recently proposed to set the record straight on six preconceived ideas about this mode. Here is a translation / synthesis.
- Misconception # 1: I can't wear my artifact gear (purple) - The Truth: If you come back to the game and your character is wearing an Artifact Gear set, it's okay to continue wearing it. The only restriction on artifact gear is for newly acquired gear. Sometimes you just want to come back to test a few things without committing to a subscription, and that's fine if you want to keep the equipment you have.
- Misconception # 2: I won't be able to do hard or nightmare mode operations - The truth: yes, you can't participate in operations unless you have a weekly pass. But if you have a weekly pass, there is no restriction on the difficulty of the operation. While you may not be able to wear the earned gear, you may well participate in a Nightmare Mode Operation.
- Misconception # 3: I won't have enough shortcut bars for all of my abilities - The Truth: It is true that F2P players are limited to two bars and that can run out of room to put all the abilities on. However, privilege players have four bars, the same number we had when the game was released. That's more than enough to put all of his abilities in, even when playing a class where they are all used regularly.
- Misconception # 4: There is no way to earn Cartel Coins in-game - The Truth: This is not true. Like in most F2P games, earning this kind of currency can be difficult at times, but it's not impossible, and it's not as hard as you might think. The best way to earn Cartel Coins without a subscription is to link a security key to your account. Simply linking a security key to their account will not upgrade from F2P to Privileged status, but you will receive the monthly coin purse.
Earning Cartel Coins without a Security Key is more difficult, but not impossible. It is possible to earn 20 Cartel Coins by completing certain achievements like reaching Social Rank 1, completing a class story chapter, or doing all Flashpoints on Normal and Hard difficulty. Most recently, five Bounty Hunt event successes earned 20 coins. - Misconception n ° 5: I must unlock everything via the Cartel Market - The Truth: While it's possible to unlock everything through the Cartel Market, it doesn't have to be. Most of the unlocks needed by F2P and Privilege players drop randomly into Cartel Packs. I'm not saying you have to buy Cartel Packs to get the unlocks. But the majority of Cartel Packs are actually purchased by already subscribed players who don't need these items and put them on the Galactic Market rather than throwing them away.
- Receipt # 6: All Unlocks I Need In The Galactic Market Are Over The Credit Limit - The Truth: The vast majority of unlocks on almost all servers are below the privileged player credit limit (350k). This doesn't mean you won't find some for a higher amount, but those are often placed by people who have no idea how the galactic market works. If you don't see the unlock you are looking for then wait a bit, it will eventually be there. Or wait for a new Cartel Pack to appear, usually you'll find a lot of "unnecessary" unlocks in the Galactic Market soon after.
Finally, Larry promises more tips to make the most of the F2P option soon. At the same time, we will try to share them with you as soon as he has given them?