Through swtor_potato, one of the two SWTOR dataminers, we discover the changes potential on classes, which could take place in update 4.0 (release of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion).
Keep in mind that all this remains hypothetical, swtor_potato used a loophole to force the update of the PTS client, which is currently not open. All these changes are therefore not at all guaranteed to be in play. Also, don't forget that this 4.0 will be accompanied by quite a few changes to the mechanics, so the evolutions of powers can have a completely different context. than currently.
Please take all of this into account when commenting and relativizing.
So here are the changes for Jedi Knights / Sith Warriors.
Jedi knight
Blade Blitz
- Run forward 20 yards, dealing damage to enemies in the path and increasing defense chance by 100% during the power's duration. Cannot be used when immobilized or obstructed.
- 45 second cooldown
- Instantaneous
Expert Strike renamed to Blade Dance
- Sentinelle
- guardian
- Unwavering Resolve
- Saber Return activation grants immunity to stun, sleep, and incapacitating effects for 6 seconds.
- 1st level
- Inspired Focus
- Inspiration generates 12 Focus points
- 2nd level
- Cut Loose
- Blade Blitz can be used while immobilized and purges hindrance effects
- 3nd level
- Smoldering Burns
- Merciless Lunge increases Fire damage by 10% for X seconds
- Passive
- Burning Slices
- Blade Dance damage builds up a burning effect on the target for up to 3 stacks and deals X elemental damage for X seconds.
- Centered Focus
- Concentrated Slice grants Centered Focus, increasing the critical damage of your next Force Sweep or Focused Burst by 15%.
- Focused Freedom
- Combat Focus purges hindrance effects and increases your movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
- 1st level
- Ardent Advocate
- Force Leap causes your next Kill to be used on a target with any percentage of health. Lasts up to 15 seconds.
- 2nd level
- Cut Loose
- Blade Blitz can be used while immobilized and purges hindrance effects.
- 3nd level
- Defensive Swings:
- Dealing damage with Blade Dance increases your Defense Chance by 2%. Stacks up to 3 times and lasts up to 6 seconds.
- Passive
- Level 64
- Burnmaster:
- For each of your active burning effects on the target, you deal 5% more burning damage, up to a maximum of 15%. Plasma Iron, Burning Blade, and Burning Purpose inflict Burn on one target each.
- Passive
- Level 64
- Protective Focus:
- Activating Focused Burst or Force Sweep increases your damage reduction by 5% for 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 8 seconds.
- Passive
- Level 64
Sith warrior
Mad Dash
- Run forward 20 yards, dealing damage to enemies in the path and increasing defense chance by 100% during the power's duration. Cannot be used when immobilized or obstructed.
- 45 second cooldown
- Instantaneous
- Marauder
- Pest
- Unflinchin Determination
- Saber Return activation grants immunity to stun, sleep, and incapacitating effects for 6 seconds.
- Thrist for Rage
- Bloodlust generates 12 Focus points
- Through Victory
- Mad Dash can be used while immobilized and purges hindrance effects
- Devious Wounds
- Disaggregation increases Fire damage by 10% for X seconds
- Passive
- Bloody Slashes
- Mad Dash damage builds up a burning effect on the target for up to 3 stacks and deals X elemental damage for X seconds.
- 64 level
- Massacre now causes your Ataru form to have an additional 30% chance to proc for 6 seconds in addition to its previous effects.
- Furious Rage
- Furious Strike grants Furious Rage, increasing the critical damage of your next Shock or Raging Burst by 15%.
- Unshackling Rage
- Enrage purges obstruction effects and increases your movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
- 1st level
- War Bringer
- Force Charge causes your next Vicious Throw to be used on a target with any percentage of health. Lasts up to 15 seconds.
- 2nd level
- Through Victory
- Mad Dash can be used while immobilized and purges hindrance effects.
- 3nd level
- Defensive Slashes
- Dealing damage with Ravage increases your Defense Chance by 2%. Stacks up to 3 times and lasts up to 6 seconds.
- Passive
- Level 64
- Bloodmaster
- For each of your active burning effects on the target, you deal 5% more burning damage, up to a maximum of 15%. Smash, Draining Scream, and Eviscerate inflicts Burn on one target each.
- Passive
- Level 64
- Enveloping Rage
- Activating Raging Burst or Shock increases your damage reduction by 5% for 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 8 seconds.
- Passive
- Level 64
So much for the Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior changes. What do you think ?