The planet Ziost, like all those in the game, has some achievements to obtain! Most are done by completing quests, the others by killing particular enemies in the environment (no Player vs. Player achievements yet on the Public Test Server).
Most of these successes seem to be hidden as I write these lines. It is possible, however, that, since this is the PTS, the fact that they do not appear until you have completed them is a bug. Especially since some visible successes ... tell you to obtain them to complete the hidden successes first!
On the reward side, for the achievement of these successes, the heritage title, the speeder and the superb decoration!
We have three types of success:
- Boss Daily (an inheritance title to be obtained in this category)
- Missions (a decoration and a speeder to obtain in this category)
- General (an inheritance title to be obtained in this category)
Daily Bosses
A first series of successes will ask you to kill 5 enemies level 60 champion, walkers of theAegis squad (Aegis Squadron ZX-1 to 5) (Shield Squad in spanish?). A bit like the Lance walker squad on Yavin IV. You will obtain one success for each of these destroyed armored vehicles, and an additional success if you have all 5. This additional success will also grant you the title of "Aegis of Ziost" either in spanish, "Shield of Ziost".
The five walkers are distributed in 3 of the 4 zones of the planet, the only one not concerned being the People's Tower. These enemies take a few minutes to respawn in their patrol area when dead.
- Landing Zone
- Military Outpost
- District Central
In this area you will find squad number one.
These areas contain 3 of the squad members: ZX-2 to ZX-4
ZX-5 will be in this area.
Another success is to kill Grundorsen Maelo, in the area of People's Tower. This is a champion who will be more difficult to defeat than walkers and, depending on your class / role / equipment, you may require the assistance of companions (remember to interrupt the channeling of his orbital bombardment!). This champion is in an area that is only accessible during a particular quest. It is however probable that this one is daily, the enemy being classified in the category "daily bosses".
It can be observed that, for the moment, achieving all the achievements only brings 85 of the 130 category points. So there are still some successes to discover! Hidden successes or upcoming additions to the PTS of a daily zone ... this remains to be determined!
To get these achievements, you will need to complete all of the additional missions of the planet Ziost in the following areas: Military Outpost, New Adasta Central District et People's Tower in the heart of New Adasta ! You will have respectively three, four and three missions to complete there! You will have one success per additional mission completed, and one success per additional mission area completed!
The area of the People's Tower, once its three missions carried out, also bring back the decoration People's Tower Holo-Terminal ! A pretty planetary map for decoration!
In addition, accomplish the 13 achievements (so the 10 quests), will give you an additional success "Ziost Completist" which will give you the Rark K-133T speeder. Its visual is currently not available to know the color scheme, but here is already a visual of another model from the Rark series.
No hidden success in this category! We arrive at a total of 255 points!
This category has only one visible achievement (for the moment): defeat 50 monoliths on Ziost. The Monoliths are enemy creatures. We can only find one at the moment during a mission, it is likely that more are available among the content still missing on the PTS! This achievement will grant you the legacy title "Rockcrusher"or in good spanish: "Rockbreaker (he)"
This success earns 25 points out of the 45 in the category! It is therefore still necessary to find 20 success points hidden or not available at the moment.
As soon as we learn more about the missing achievements, we'll let you know!