Here's a quick recap of the gear rewards you can get after defeating each boss in one of the game's two new operations. The loot below is what seems to drop safely. In addition to these loot, each boss (in normal) has a chance to give one of the following rewards:
- 1 implant 192
- 1 relic 192
- 1 token belt 192
- 1 brassard token 192
In addition, each boss gives as usual non-set pieces composed randomly.
In hard mode, random rooms can contain upgraded mods or sophistication, and bosses also randomly give a piece 198 of the same type as normal mode. It seems that the first two pieces are more likely to drop one of the following operations: Ravager for the implant and Temple for the relic.
The pests
- Sparky
- Quartermaster Bulo
- Torque
- Blaster and Master
- Coratanni
Normal Mode: 1 implant 192.
Hard Mode: 1 implant 198.
Normal mode: 1 set head 192.
Hard Mode: 1 set head 198.
Normal mode: 1 set glove 192.
Hard Mode: 1 glove from set 198.
Normal Mode: Secondary weapon 192.
Hard Mode: Secondary weapon 198.
Normal mode: 1 torso from set 192.
Hard Mode: 1 set 198 torso.
Temple of Sacrifice
- Malaphar
- The Sword Squad
- The under Rodeur
- The Revanite Commanders
- The ghost
Normal Mode: 1 relic 192.
Hard Mode: 1 relic 198.
Normal mode: 1 headset 192.
Hard Mode: 1 headset 198.
Normal Mode: 1 botte of set 192.
Hard Mode: 1 boot of set 198.
Normal mode: 1 set leg 192.
Hard Mode: 1 leg of set 198.
Normal Mode: 1 main weapon 192.
Hard Mode: 1 main weapon 198.
Who will face these bosses? And how hard will you manage to drop them?