A new page on the official website has just unveiled the content of the future update, 1.7. In particular, we learn about the arrival of two major features:
- recurring events (accessible to all types of accounts)
- the reputation
Le premier event on offer is called Relics of the Gree and takes place on Ilum! The snowy planet will therefore revive around the wreckage of the Gray Secant, a mysterious Gree vessel. You will be able to gain new weapons as well as armor appearances.
La reputation is not on the other hand very original, based on a traditional system with 6 levels:
[one_third last="no"]
- foreign
- newcomer
[/one_third][one_third last="no"]
- ami
- hero
[/one_third][one_third last="yes"]
- champion
- legend
[/ one_third]
As in all games, you earn reputation points by completing missions. The advantage here is that the galactic reputation is linked to the heritage, a significant plus that will allow you to do your missions with the character you want to play at the time.

I can't wait to have it all on the test server!