The important points
Alpha version 2.3.1 is on the Live server.
Alpha version 2.4 is already being finalized.
The March Monthly Report will be out next week.
When activating a distress beacon, it will be possible for Banus, Xi'ans, Vanduuls or ill-intentioned players to come your way in addition to the rescuers. Ships with more than one flight mode can be activated at will in the future. They are currently triggering automatically for players to see. It will be possible for players, during makeshift repairs, to use spare parts from one ship to repair another. Light Navy armor is being redesigned as well as faces and textures more generally. They also work on the player's health system.
The work continues on the Caterpillar, once it is completed they will move on to the Anvil Carrack. They have already started to collect the ideas. The Drake Herald is still in development as well as the military version of the Hornet F7c-A. The Javelin has taken a boost and the Starfarer continues the flight attempts. They are also working on the landing system behind the Idris.
The design of the URSA Rover is launched, we will have more details soon as well as the Lynx, we will learn in particular what we can do with it. At 41:27 around The Verse, the first lavish footage of a character stepping on a planet's floor procedurally generating.
The game will be translated, but that is not a priority for the moment. They continue to work on the number of players per instance. The limitation comes from the CryEngine itself which is designed for multiplayer between 8 and 16 players. The next goal for the alpha is to push the Port Olisar home to 64 players. The RSI Polaris, Drake Buccaneer and MISC Prospector are the next ship concepts.
The Alpha 2.4 is well underway and they are quite optimistic about the integration of persistence and the traditional duo of ships including one flyable and one for the hangar. All store inventories are ready and integrated into the code as well as the interface linked to Mobiglas. The Alpha's currency system can be reset multiple times to fine-tune the economic balancing. Finally the Levski station on Delamar has armor stores that are not present on ArcCorp, but the station will not be integrated in the next patch. They continue the work on first-person shooters and the titanic work on artificial intelligence. The first-time firing module is far from over and is still in its early stages. They will start to work on activities other than combat such as rescue, escort or cargo transport.
Foundry 42 UK now has 160 people and continues to hire.
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