The Ascension Atlas is Skyforge's progression system. It is through it that you will gain skills and talents, unlock new classes and increase your stats. It is also one of the three sources of Prestige in the game.
The Ascension Atlas is in fact made up of a main Atlas, known as a “character” and a specific and distinct Atlas for each class in the game. In the longer term, you will also be able to gain access to the game. 'Divine Atlas, taking the same form as a class Atlas.
These Atlases take the form of a network of nodes, each of which represents a gain in statistics or the addition of a skill / talent. The Character Atlas also offers class nodes that can, once unlocked, give you access to the Atlas of the latter. In order to take advantage of a node, you will need to unlock it, which can be done under two conditions: that you have unlocked an immediately adjacent node and that you have the necessary resources. In Skyforge, these take the form of sparks.
Sparks are what could come closest to the experience in other MMOs. You will earn them by participating in adventures and you will consume them in the Atlas. There are 3 types of sparks, 2 of which are subject to weekly winning limits, reset every Wednesday at 05 a.m. and carry over from one week to the next
Sparks of Insight
Three in number (Destruction, Balance and Creation which I prefer to call red, blue and green), these represent the main resource of the Atlas and are obtained as a final reward for adventures. They are used for the first part of the Class Atlases as well as for almost all the nodes of the Character Atlas. They are subject to a weekly limit.
Class sparks
Specific and distinct for each class, these are found in the loot left by the enemies you have defeated. You will only be able to receive Sparks for the class with which you killed the aforementioned enemy. Small prerequisite before winning, you must have unlocked the second part of the Atlas of the class played (see below). These sparks are used exclusively in the second part of the Class Atlas.
As you always need one in order not to be like the others, we are going to talk about the Sparks of Evolution. These act as “wild” sparks, which can be used in place of sparks of any class. You'll earn them as additional rewards in PvP areas, on enemies in 5-player dungeons, and as a replacement for Class Sparks if you've completed Atlas for the class you're playing. Class sparks are subject to a weekly limit.
Sparks of Transformation
These sparks are earned in the same way as colored sparks and are used to unlock class nodes as well as reset you a class's talent points. No limit for them.
Now that we've taken a look at the resources needed to progress through the Atlases, let's take a look at the Atlases themselves.
At the start of the game, you will only have access to the Atlases of the 3 basic classes (Cryomancer, Lumancer and Paladin). Using Sparks of Insight, you'll be able to progress through it until you come to a node with the name of Class Path and marking the end of Part One of the Class Atlas. This node is free and its activation will have 2 consequences: you will gain access to the Character Atlas and you will start to earn Sparks of this class in the loot bags, which is quite handy, considering that all the nodes in the sequel of this Atlas are only unlockable with the latter (or with evolutionary sparks).
From this point on, you will be able to access your Character Atlas, which looks like this:
Yes, it's gigantic (over 2500 knots), and you see, the Atlas in your class, which was already quite large, is just a single knot in this set. In this Atlas, you will be able to unlock nodes providing statistics, symbols (common talents for all classes) as well as access to other classes in the game.
It is also in this Atlas that you will find the node of the Divine Form which will give you access (when you have more than 30 Prestige) to a new Atlas.
We will end with the evolution nodes. These do not cost anything to unlock them and then give you the possibility of increasing some of your statistics against Cores (found on enemies in open PvE zones) and Argents (the F2P currency of the game).
I will not dwell on it, because their operation has changed in the Russian version of the game, so very soon with us.
So much for the functioning of the Atlas of the Ascension, a key point of progression in Skyforge.