In Skyforge, Symbols are global talents, ie common to all classes, so they will remain active regardless of the class played.
There are 2 categories of these symbols, each with its origin:
- the class symbols, you will get one for each fully developed class (all major nodes unlocked)
- the general symbols, which you will find on the shape of nodes in the main Atlas.
You are limited in the number of symbols that you can have active at the same time. You will earn 3 symbol slots for unlocking your first symbol, then you will get 2 additional slots for each class unlocked at most. You can change your symbol selection at any time for a few Transformation Sparks.
The symbols are very powerful and will have a big impact on your performance. It is therefore advisable to choose them well. We will now get down to a census of these with advice on how to make them profitable and for which class / style of play they are best suited.
Note: Some symbols appear multiple times in the Atlas, taking it more than once will increase its effect. This is described by the notion of "level" of the symbol in the description.
- Class symbols
- Symbols linked to a statistic
- Offensive symbols
- Defensive symbols
- Miscellaneous symbols
Class symbols
Instant ice cream (Cryomancien)
Any enemy hitting you from within 5m will be immobilized for 3s. Once every 15s for each enemy.
Notice: Very limited interest, except in PvP, in letting you escape if a melee class tickles you.
Intervention Divine (Paladin)
If you receive a hit with a damage value greater than 10% of your max health, the hit is absorbed and grants you invulnerability to damage and negative effects for 4s. Can only activate once every 70s.
Notice: Simply huge, whatever the situation (solo, group PvE, PvP). To be taken as soon as possible.
Veil of light (Lumancien)
Out of combat, the character gains a shield equivalent to 5% of his maximum health. 3 loads maximum. In combat, the shield recharges if no damage has been taken within 6s.
Notice: Not the best defensive symbol available, its acquisition condition being quite random.
Bleeding (Berserker)
Gives a chance to receive a 20% damage bonus for 8s with each hit received. The probability increases the lower the character's health. Berserker bonus, reduced the cooldown of Thirst for Battle and Blood Rage by 15%.
Notice: Mandatory for Berserkers, the general bonus occurs too little (or with very low life, which is not great) to be really useful.
Cold Calculation (Archer)
Increases damage by 12% if the target has more than 50% of their health
Notice: A damage bonus, even if it is only active for half the fight, is still good to take. To be taken if you have nothing better.
Under the cover of darkness(Assassin)
Increases the critical chance by 7% if the character has not been the target of a hostile attack for 5s.
Notice: Very good in groups, if you are not tank and have a lot of Luck. Less good in solo / PvP.
Ghost Viper (Necromancer)
Your attacks can summon a ghost viper that will fight alongside you for 20s
Notice: Not bad, but there is much better as a symbol.
Gravitational Disturbance (Kinetics)
Your damage increases by 10% for 6s after a pulse.
Notice: A 10% bonus for 6s every 10s (minimum), to be taken.
Active defense (Gunner)
Spawns 3 drones if you are in combat and still for 5s. Each drone will fly towards an enemy 9 feet away and explode, dealing damage. Can only appear every 20s minimum.
Opinion: Very situational.
Invincible Will (Knight)
The duration of checks on the character is reduced by 15%, 30 if you have less than 50% of your health.
Rating: Useful in PvP, situational in PvE.
Stolen Initiative (Monk)
Increases damage against stunned targets by 20%.
Notice: Very situational, more useful in PvP.
Strength Serum (Alchemist)
Gives a chance to receive a bonus of 15% damage for 10s with each attack made.
Notice: This bonus appears very often. Very useful if your role is to inflict damage.
Curse (Witch)
Your attacks can indeed place dealing damage over time on the target for 6s. Bonus for Sorcerers, increased Taint damage by 25%.
Notice: Mandatory for Sorcerers, the completely passive general bonus is very good to take.
Symbols linked to a statistic
Maximum recoil
Increases critical damage by 10% per level.
Advice: To be taken if you favor Luck.
Ultimate Force
Increases the effects of the Force on your base damage by 10% per level.
Advice: To be taken if you favor Strength.
Increases damage bonus by 10% per level
Advice: To be taken if you favor Bravery.
Pulse Intensity
Increases Impulse Damage by 10% per level
Advice: To be taken if you favor the Spirit.
Laceration Injury
Deals damage over time after a critical hit. The amount of damage depends on your Chance score.
Advice: To be taken if you favor Luck and Criticism.
Painful spasms
Deals damage over time after a Pulse Charge. The amount of damage depends on your Spirit score.
Advice: To be taken if you favor the Spirit.
Compressive Trauma
Deals damage over time after damage doubled by Impact Force. The amount of damage depends on your Strength score.
Advice: To be taken if you favor Impact Force and Strength.
Deep dissection
Deals damage over time after your max damage bonus is inflicted (Temperament). The amount of damage depends on your Valor score.
Advice: To be taken if you favor Temperament and Bravery.
Lucky Shot
Increases your critical strike by 1% every 2s until you critically strike. Resets with each critical hit.
Advice: To be taken if you favor Luck.
Double Discharge
When your Pulse Charge is restored, you have a 12% chance per level of this symbol to gain a second.
Advice: To be taken if you favor the Spirit.
Offensive symbols
Warrior's Creed
Increases your damage dealt and taken by 5%.
Notice: Good to take in a group if your role is to inflict damage
Element of Surprise
During the first 8 seconds of combat, increase your damage by 12% per level.
Notice: Fairly good but highly dependent on your class's ability to deal high damage quickly. The Kinetic melee will benefit well, the Berserker much less.
Fast Attack
Increases damage by 6% per level for 3s after dodging.
Notice: Fairly good but again depends on the ability of your class to inflict significant damage over 3s.
Disabled targets take 6% more damage per level, slowed targets take 2%.
Notice: More PvP oriented.
Mark of Death
Your attacks affect the target for 6 seconds. Upon completion, deal 15/22/30% of the damage dealt during the effect per symbol level.
Notice: Very powerful, requires reactivity to deal the most damage during the duration of the effect.
Glorious Triumph
Increases damage dealt and decreases damage received by 10% for 10s after an execution.
Notice: More PvP oriented but still very situational.
Defensive symbols
Protector's Creed
Reduces damage dealt and taken by 5%.
Notice: Good to take in a group if your role is to tank.
Reduces damage taken by 10% per level for 3s after dodging.
Notice: Always good to take for a tank.
Maneuver Skillful
Grants a shield equal to 5% of your max health per level for 3s after dodging.
Notice: Always good to take for a tank. For others, it's also quite handy for increasing your survival as the shield activates from the start of your dodge, which helps absorb damage from the thing you're avoiding.
Reduces damage taken by 10% per level if you face more than 3 enemies.
Notice: Always good to take for a tank for fights against groups.
Reflex Defense
Reduces damage taken by 10% per level when incapacitated, and 3% if slowed
Notice: Always good to take for a tank.
Impulse Barrier
Grants a shield equal to 3% of your max health per level for 3s after activating a Pulse Charge.
Notice: Very practical (even capital) for a tank, always good for others.
Vital energy
Reduces damage taken and increases run speed by 30/40% for 3 / 6s per level after picking up a Healing Orb.
Notice: Excellent for tanking and soloing. Rather useful for the rest (in PvE).
Tactical Defense
Increases melee and ranged defense by 5% per level.
Notice: Only works in PvP.
Miscellaneous symbols
Speed boost bonus
Adds one dodge charge per level.
Notice: If you ever feel like you just can't get enough. Take if you use a lot (and well) Quick Attack.
Slow Attack
The character's attacks slow opponents by 10% per level for 3s.
Notice: PvP only.
Oculat invoked
Your attacks can summon an oculate fighting alongside you for 18 / 25s per level.
Notice: There is better to take.
Searing Pain
Your attacks can give you the ability to use Searing Pain (via the E key), dealing damage to your target. Can only occur every 25s or more. If you have Paralyzing Shock, the 2 effects are combined and the cooldown is increased to 20s.
Notice: The damage is quite high and this skill can be used during the global reload of your skills. Very good if you favor the Force.
Paralyzing Shock
Your attacks can grant you the ability to use Paralyzing Shock (via the E key), stunning your target. Can only occur every 25s or more. If you have Searing Pain, the 2 effects are combined and the cooldown is increased to 20s.
Notice: The stun effect is more PvP oriented. The reload reduction is good to take in PvE.
Wave: Damage
Your attacks can grant you the ability to use Wave: Damage (via the E key), dealing damage to targets within 8m. Can only occur every 25s or more. If you have Wave: Slow, the 2 effects are combined and the cooldown is increased to 20s.
Notice: The utility in PvE doesn't seem overwhelming to me. More PvP oriented.
Wave: Slowdown
Your attacks can grant you the ability to use Wave: Damage (via the E key), slowing targets at 8m by 50% for 4s. Can only occur every 25s or more. If you have Wave: Damage, the 2 effects are combined and the cooldown is increased to 20s.
Notice: The utility in PvE doesn't seem overwhelming to me. More PvP oriented.
Forced break
If you are slowed, you have a 20% chance to restore a dodge charge.
Rating: Very very situational and quite PvP.
Adrenaline rush
Attacks received can increase your movement speed by 15% per level. The effect lasts for 5s and the activation chance increases the lower your health.
Rating: Very very situational and quite PvP.
Critical hits stun the target for 1.5s. The effect can only occur every 7s on the same enemy.
Notice: More PvP.
Consumable efficiency
Consumable effectiveness (duration, health restored, damage dealt) is increased by 12/24% per level.
Reviews: Bof
Refill consumables
Combat consumables are restored 15/30% faster.
Opinion: Bof too.
This is the end of the symbols. This article will be updated with the arrival of new symbols (the first being in the next update).