Announced a few weeks ago, an important reflection on the reshuffle of the classes was launched in the Russian studios of the Allods Team. The first results of this reflection have just been made available on the Russian server with an update for the Knight, Gunner, Paladin, Lumancer and Alchemist classes. You will find a list of changes.
- Stunning Blow: Applies the wounded effect to the target for 3s. Stacks 5 times.
- Spear Throw: Reload changed from 6 to 8s.
- Falcon Attack: Damage reduced, inflicts "Lack of Will" to the target, increasing damage received from the Knight for 6s.
- Razor Grass: Restores a dodge charge.
- Falcon's Fury: Inflicts "Lack of Will" on targets and prohibits the use of 2 Falcon attacks for 8s instead of 6.
- Reduced the duration of Concussion Blow (3 -> 2.25s).
- Random Attacks II: Shield always active regardless of the number of targets, its value will depend on the number of targets hit.
- Sky Hunter: No longer increases the damage of Falcon Attacks, but the reduction in Will cost is now 7 instead of 5.
- Open Wounds: Increased damage and duration of effect.
- Salt in the Wound: Concussion Blow deals 150% of its damage when Pulse Charge is activated in addition to the previous effects.
- Intrepid Youth: Charged Ram restores a dodge charge if a target is hit. Sharp Grass restores 2 dodge charges.
- Falconer: Sharp Grass consumes the "Lack of Will" effect on the target and deals more damage.
- Counterbatch: Knockout triggers and prolongs the duration of Barrier II's additional effect by 1s.
- Not Heavy: The Earthquake control effect can only happen every 5s instead of 4.
- Will Breaker: In PvP, enemies under "Lack of Will" will receive 30% more damage from all sources.
- Steadfast: Change in immunity mechanics. The knight is immune when his resistance index is above 0. This index decreases when he receives damage and increases when he inflicts damage.
- Spear increasing the damage of Concussion Blow: Bonus changed. The cost of Resolute Strike decreases if the target is affected by "Lack of Will".
- Spear increasing the duration of Wrath. Reduced the duration bonus of the latter. Added duration bonus for Resolved Defense.
- Falcon Attack Damage Increasing Spear: Increased further if the target is less than 33% health.
- Reduced the time to use skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills after switching weapons.
- Reduced missile regeneration rate (1 every 6s from 4)
- Residual Charge: Reversal of effects, damage inflicted by Beam and Plasma Flux increases damage inflicted by Pulse Fire for 3s. The effect stacks 4 times.
- Experimental Fuel: The maximum damage of your flame attacks is increased by a value corresponding to your Temperament.
- Conservation of Movement: Changed to "Adaptive Focus", which increases the range of your Plasma attacks and Pulse Fire inflicts an effect increasing their damage on the target for 4s.
- Multilayer Barrier: Lasts an additional 2s
- Self-Destruct Chip: Changed to "Dangerous Objects", which increases the maximum number of missiles by 5. After reviving in combat, the Gunner has all of his missiles available and the last of them explode upon death, inflicting damage. significant damage.
- Extended Ammo: Changed to "Barrage", which increases the damage of the missile salvo, gives a chance (equal to Temperament) to double the missile damage to the target. If the target suffers the effects of Mine Barrages, the Bonus damage (Bravery) is doubled, as is the chance of double damage from missiles.
- Stabilization Module: The gunner is immune to control effects in missile launcher mode.
- Chain Disintegrator: Two consecutive damage from Plasma Beam stuns the target for 3s, the second hit additionally dealing more damage. Can only occur on the same target once every 10s.
- Return Shock: Pulse Fire in a Suppressor Field stuns all targets in the field and destroys the field. The duration of the stun is increased by 2s.
- Engineer Training: Changed to "Energy Armor", Energy Barrier absorbs 100% more damage. Orbital Strike reduces damage taken by allies within its area of effect by 50%.
- Prognosis Module: Replaced by "High Temperature Alloys", when the weapon is overheated, the base attack no longer has its reduced rate of fire and ignites the target, inflicting damage (once every 1s max. ). For the area attack (right click), the effect can only occur every 5s.
- Auto Aim: Removes increased damage at the start of combat, increased fire damage by 40%, and 100% more if the target is controlled.
- Armor Regeneration: Only 1 charge now possible, increasing to 7% of max health. Collecting a life ball restores the charge.
- Entropic Factor: Cooldown reduction changed to 15s. Added Accelerated Heat Exchange cooldown reduction for each enemy killed.
- Shrapnel Fractal: Reduces damage dealt to the primary target and increases damage in the area.
- Heavy Fire: Damage increased by 60%.
- Flurry: Damage reduced by 4%
- Burning Blast: Damage reduced by 19%, costs 75 to heat up, 8s to cooldown.
- Fire Zone: Damage reduction.
- Plasma Ray: Damage increased by 100%, costs 60 instead of 45.
- Plasma Flux: Damage increased by 11%, costs 105 from 90, 5s to reload instead of 15.
- Plasma Field: Damage increased by 50%, Pulse Shot damage in this area reduced by 9% but increased to 200% on shields. Range increased by 25% and recharge increased to 8s from 15.
- Suppressor field: Duration changes to 7s.
- Missile Salvo: Damage increased by 24%.
- Guidance System: Damage increased by 3%.
- Circle of Mines: Damage increased by 17%, range increased to 40m.
- Mine Barrage: Range increased to 30, damage increased by 90%.
- Energy Barrier: Reload changed from 24s to 27.
- Teleport Beacon: Range 35m instead of 30, reload 12s instead of 15.
- Accelerated Heat Exchange: Damage and cost of Plasma attacks increased by 100% for 10s.
- Concussion Shell: The Gunner gains 16 charges. Heavy Shot consumes 1, Burst 2. Each charge consumed slows the target by 60% and stuns them for 2.5s if the effect is reapplied (once every 1s).
- Vulnerability Scanner: The Gunner gains 10 additional missiles for 20s and their regeneration is increased by 50% for the duration.
- Elimination: Restores 6 missiles instead of 3 and 90 heat instead of 60.
- Blame: Shield absorption changed from 60 to 100%, Onslaught forces attack for 3s instead of 4, and all Verdicts taunt enemies for 3s.
- Wave of Holiness: Forces enemies to attack you for 3s, down from 6.
- Heavy Verdict: Activation changed from 3s to 2, damage increased by 40%.
- Increases the cost of Stone Projectiles from 50 to 80.
- Gravitational Trap: Reduces cost from 75 to 50.
- Chain of Gravitation: Increases cost from 75 to 100.
- Stone Projectile: Deals 2/3 damage if energy is insufficient.
- Kinetic Pulse: Increases damage of the first charge by 87%, 40% for the second and third. Charges on the target are personal for each Kinetic and last 20s instead of 12.
- Seismic Blast: Range increased from 10 to 12m, damage increased for each additional target above 1 target, the maximum of this bonus is reached for 4 targets.
- Peace of mind: The bonus has been reduced from 35% to 25.
- Bouncer: Removes the damage bonus.
- Railotron: Makes the Stone Spear free.
- Protection Circuit: Reduces damage taken by all allies, instead of the first 2 damage taken.
- Increased damage for the weapon increasing the damage of Stone Spear
- Aura: No change for Power and life bonus. Increases Strength / Luck / Spirit / Valor by 15% of Spirit of the Lumancer
- Stream of Light: No change for Power. Increases Strength / Luck / Spirit / Valor by 8% of Spirit and 8% of Lumancer's Valor per effect. 5 effects maximum.
- Blessing of the Sun: Duration changed from 7s to 8, increases party damage by 40% plus 1/5 of the Temperament of the Lumancer.
- Embodiment of Light: Increases party damage by 50% plus 1/5 of the Temperament of the Lumancer. Reduces damage taken by 35%.
- Protector's Present: Reduces the recharge of Sacred Barrier with each impulse charge made.
- Rain of Fire: The charges for the shield regenerate every 15s instead of 12. This time is reduced by 1s for every 10% of Shock Recovery.
- Aura: No change for Power and life bonus. Increases Strength / Luck / Spirit / Valor by 15% of Alchemist's Spirit.
- Stimulant Injection: No change for Power and Energy. Increases Strength / Luck / Spirit / Valor by 32% of Spirit and 32% of Alchemist's Luck.
- Biopeat: Increases the damage taken by the target by 30%, plus 3% for every 10% Critical Chance. Its duration changes from 10 to 12s.
- Stabilizing Effect: Increases the duration of control immunity from 3 to 4s.
- Accelerated Synthesis: Acid Solution restores 30% more Catalyst, 70 if the hit is critical.
- Experiment Set: Deadly Experiment grants a chance equal to your Critical Chance that your next 2 skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills">skills are free.
- Terminal Reload Reducing Weapon: Reduces terminal reload in proportion to your Discharge Recovery score (20s for a purple weapon with 40% Recovery).
- Injection Reload Reducing Weapon: Reduces Injection reloading for each impulse charge made. The Double Discharge is taken into account.
What do you think of these changes?