Here we are today on a Japanese game that is not very well known but extremely addicting, it is Sayonara UmiharaKawase. Remake of the game released in 1994 on Super Famicom, it offers new graphics, new enemies, as well as a level of difficulty brought up to date.
So, here we are immersed with this game in a completely crazy world, in the skin of a 20-year-old sushi expert. Here, the fish move outside the water on their own two legs and one has to use a fishing rod and play with the physics of the game to move but also to catch the enemies. Said like that, it may seem child's play but it is not.
Indeed, Sayonara UmiharaKawase has a handling that is based on a physical model that was already perfectly successful when it was released on Super Famicom, and is found here even more sophisticated with this PC adaptation. This is why it is quite complicated and delicate to handle. In addition, you will have to master to perfection various techniques such as pendulum movements, abseiling or descents, as well as those of the catapult. All these movements are possible thanks to the elasticity of our line which allows us to stretch or contract it, in order to be able to propel ourselves in the air. We therefore find ourselves doing incredible jumps and acrobatics which often have to be millimetered, the slightest error being sanctioned by a return to square one.
Like its predecessors, this new Sayonara UmiharaKawase has a clever level-design but is also enriched by some new features, by several skills such as the ability to stop time.
Also, what's interesting here is that since each level is timed, so we can compare ourselves to the times of different players around the world.
Nevertheless, not everything is rosy about this game and, despite an awesome gameplay which is due to the talent of Kiyoshi Sakai, the creator of Sayonara, we can note that the graphics are quite dated and could unfortunately put off more than one. In addition, like a lot of games of this type, it is important to emphasize that the scenario is almost nonexistent.
Also, as said previously, the system which makes us return to the beginning of the level at the slightest error can be compared today to a method at the end of another time, outdated, reminding us of certain old games.
Despite everything, this is a very addicting game, which I could perfectly recommend. Because, despite these few faults mentioned above, we find ourselves with Sayonara UmiharaKawase on a game that propels us into the past of video games, partly due to its graphics having only slightly evolved. The gameplay is enjoyable thanks to the more than subtle handling of the fishing rod, the good architecture of the levels and also the possibility of being able to compare our times with other players. In addition, the music is pleasant and the integration of several capacities and talents in this opus is a big positive point.
So if you are a fan of speedrun and offbeat Japanese games where you have to defeat bipedal fish with a fishing rod, do not hesitate to test it because when you have bitten on the hook it is difficult to get rid of it. get rid of ! Sayonara UmiharaKawase is available on Steam for around fifteen euros and also on Nintendo 3DS and Playstation Vita.