To continue our little tour of survival, I suggest you discover Rust, where the goal is above all pure survival. A little horror side also makes its appearance in the game but the players being much more dangerous than the zombies, you will forget the latter quite quickly. The game was created by Studio FacePunch, who owed the famous Garry's Mod. It is currently in early access.
The game is very reminiscent of a mix between DayZ and Minecraft. There is the important survival side of DayZ and a great possibility of construction and crafting. We start the game on an island with a post-apocalyptic feel: empty at first sight. Then abandoned structures appear nearby. And there, a suspicious noise announces a danger, a kind of unpleasant crackling. By checking your interface, you see at the bottom right that the level of radiation is increasing in the area. It's time to turn around. Unfortunately, you are no longer alone.

They have a knack for arriving when you don't expect it.
After this inglorious first meeting, it is time to get back in hand. There are quite a few things you can do to get Rust off to a good start. First: find resources. Then you will need to start building your Home. There are two solutions for this:
- either you are patient and you build it piece by piece.
- or you can make a small, pre-made shelter.
The most important thing is not to forget the door! A door you build can only be opened by you, but be careful it can be destroyed by other players. Favor a metal door whenever you can.
Finally, the most important: a sleeping bag ! It will allow you to return once dead to the place where you put it. It's always better than a random position on the map.
Regarding crafts, you should know that each object takes a certain time to be done (30 seconds on average) and that during this time, you can no longer run. The possibilities are endless, from making a bow to making a gun, a forge to smelt ores, a campfire to cook meat and so on.

The beginning ... it's long.
As this screenshot shows, at the start of the game you can harvest wood with a rock. This rudimentary tool only allows you to harvest resources unit by unit. As wood is a common resource, you will hardly ever run out of it. Then, you will have to attack the harvest of stones and skins. The stone is only found on the veins and the skins on the animals you hunt or, if you are lucky, you will sometimes find it in ruins.
Once your "house" is installed, it will take some more resources to craft a weapon. For the start of the game, the ax is strongly recommended. It allows you to harvest more resources and start hunting animals.
And now you are free to define your game mode. Make friends or make enemies? Like DayZ, this game is much more fun in a group and death is just as punitive.

This is the house of competition!
As you will quickly discover, players have a great influence on Rust's map. You can even stumble upon entire villages created by players. Unless you are allies, then you will need to carefully plan your route or hunting area. The other players are your main enemies and you need to be careful at all times to survive ... especially if you are playing solo.
Despite its early access state, the game already has a lot of servers. If you are playing alone, then I advise you to choose a server without PvP and without zombies, allowing you to focus on a game of pure survival.
You can find the game on Steam for $ 18.99. As usual, finally, I leave you with a trailer that shows you very well what to expect in Rust.