Rocket League is currently in maintenance for this new big update, which notably sees the start of Season 2.
And while the update is underway and the servers are down, here's the full and translated patch notes.
- Season 1 has ended and rewards will be given to all players rated Bronze or above
- Season 2 has started (renamed as "Competitive Season 2")
- The experimental "Rocket Labs" playlist is now available as a classic match online
- New item rarity system. "Common" and "Rare" items can be found in online matches
- Wasteland arena added to Competitive playlists
- Snow Day (Hockey) is added in Private Matches
- Performance has been improved in several arenas
- (In beta) a player reporting feature has been added
- A "Quick chat only" filter has been added
- Support for Russian and Turkish languages has been added
- Multiple bugs were fixed
Complete list below.
New content
- deadmau5
- Added “Community Flags”
- 9GAG
- Destructoid
- GameSpot
- Gfinity
- GoldGlove
- Operation Sports
- Added “Country Flags”
- Tonga
- deadmau5
Changes and Updates
- Players appearing in one match or replacing another have a new visual effect (they no longer explode as if they were demolished)
- The "Snow Day" preset in the Mutator, the "Puck" ball type and the DFH Stadium (Snowy) arena are now available in Exhibition and Private Match modes
- Support for Russian and Turkish languages has been added
- Implementation of a backup system on the servers to reduce the loss of data from a player
- (PS4) General optimization for PS4
- VSync enabled by default but disabling Triple Buffering to reduce lag. The VSync option still exists for players who want to disable it but risk some display problems
- "Ranked" Playlist has been renamed to "Competitive"
- Season 1 is over. The Limited Edition Crowns were distributed to all Ranked Season 1 players based on the highest division reached by the end of Season 1.
- Competitive Skills Divisions (pending official translation) now replace Season 1 Rank Points and the rank system. There are twelve Skill Divisions. You are promoted or demoted between them depending on your performance.
- The Top 100 Ranking is now based on your Skill Rating, like during the Preseason
- The qualifying matches are established. For each ranked queue, you play 10 qualifying matches and are placed in a division based on your performance
- Reconnection en Classé has been implemented. If you are disconnected during a ranked match, you will be given the option to reconnect to it
- The "Rocket Labs" playlist is now available as a classic online match
- The Labs offers new features, types of temporary matches. This in order to collect feedback on new features more quickly.
- Three arenas are available in the Rocket Labs playlist and in private matches:
- Underpass
- Utopia retro
- Double Goal
- New "Rare" items can be found after online matches. These "Rare" items can be brand new hats and Antennas to discover and equip
- Unlike previous previous loot rates, these new items do not have a fixed percentage chance of being dropped. Your chances of finding one of these items increase every minute you play until you find one. Then the counter is reset to zero.
- It is possible to obtain several copies of the same object, a counter counts those in the garage
- There is a maximum of 10 hours of play per week where you can earn these items
- (In beta) A player reporting option has been added and can be accessed through the pause menu. You can report incorrect players and the full match chat log will be sent to the team
- The Wasteland arena has been added to the arena rotation for Competitive Playlists
- Players can see metrics for Epic Goals, Rescues, and Rescues on the timeline in saved replays
- Players can turn off all chats except Quick Chat (emotes) by selecting the “Quick Chat Only) option in the Audio menu
- (PC) Graphics option:
- The frame rate per second of the game can be increased beyond 60FPS by using the "Max FPS" option in the Video settings
- The interface size can now be changed in the "Interface scale" option in the Video menu
And with all that some bug fixes that I don't think we need to detail for you.
In any case, there are still real changes for Rocket League, which continues to evolve, despite a fairly large success and which, contrary to what one might have thought (fad, etc. etc.), does not cannot be denied. It is clear that the Psyonix team has found a nice mix between accessibility and depth of play and above all which has been able to please the player, and in the long term.
Are you satisfied with these changes?