Robowars is a Tower Defense-type strategy game developed by N-Game Studios and edited by Lace Games et KISS ltd. (who recently edited Guilty Gear X2 #Reload)
The main goal of the game is to destroy enemy waves in order to prevent them from seizing your flags and, at the same time, to protect your base.
To do this, you will have at your disposal a real arsenal of war. Defense turrets, infantry units, mechanical units, traps, weapons of mass destruction and whatnot. But, as in any conflict, the sinews of war are money and raw materials. In RoboWars, two resources allow you to acquire your units, money and Neon.
Neonium is the first and main resource of the game. It is obtained during the missions via the Neonium reactors, by bringing regularly throughout the game.
This resource is mainly used to purchase units of types of buildings, such as turrets, bunkers, walls, as well as weapons of destruction, such as napalm or laser.
The second resource is money. Money is obtained in several ways, and can be kept and used throughout the adventure. It is therefore recommended not to use it lightly. You will earn money by destroying certain enemies during missions as well as at the end of a mission, the gain being proportional to the result of the latter. It goes without saying that the higher you score the more money you get.
The money is mainly used to buy units of type "terrain", such as soldiers, tanks, robots or traps. However, unlike units bought with Neonium, units bought with silver are kept throughout the adventure and are extremely expensive. It should also be noted that if you lose one of these units during a mission, it will be permanently lost and you will have to buy it back. In addition, money will have to be spent in order to unlock new unit models, even those using Neonium as a resource.
RobotWars has a single player campaign featuring 55 missions, all scripted and articulated around a main plot, taking us through different environments such as deserts, boat bridges, forests, cities, etc. Each mission begins with a brief overview of the type of enemy units preparing to attack, then allowing you to choose yours accordingly. It is advisable to balance the units using Neonium and those using silver. The game takes place in the most classic way, several waves of enemies will come to attack regularly and the goal will be to protect the flags at the end of the line. Despite a fairly large amount of unity, the game unfortunately becomes quite repetitive and the way of playing does not change. In addition, the game suffers from some imbalances, some units (allied as well as enemies) being extremely powerful and making it possible to hold almost on their own an entire line against several units which leads us, in the end, to more or less always use them. same unit compositions, no matter what the enemy lines up in front of them.
In addition, the adventure is sometimes strewn with some graphics and translation bugs.
The story of Robowar, while classic, is well brought up and developed. We are on a distant planet, Praymos, inhabited by peaceful humans. Unfortunately, it turned out that this planet is the richest in Neonium in the galaxy, a rare material used in a large number of constructions, spaceships, battle droids, etc. which has become over the centuries an essential resource. It was then that two nations, the Solar Union and the Confederation of Commerce, went to war to seize exclusive control of this resource. So the peaceful Praymos has become a planetary battleground. Due to the many deaths, robots gradually replaced humans in this conflict, thus giving birth to the Robot Wars.
Robowars will appeal to those who love Tower Defense and other Plants VS Zombies addicts. Unfortunately, despite 55 missions, the game ends relatively quickly (count 8-10 hours) and does not add anything new in terms of replayability. Despite everything, Robowar remains a good game that should appeal to fans of the genre. You can find the latter on Steam, at a price of 12.99 €.