Thanks to the guild of the 3 kingdoms, today we invite you to go in search of the rare arrived with Storm Legion.
Cap Yule
You must kill at least 5 of the rare below:
- Riktor the Marshy : 7704,11684 / 7945,11675
- The Ghost of Malluma : 7688,11289 / 7855,11255 / 7796,11317 / 7868,11267 / 7453,11530 / 7501,11420 / 7979,11319
- Avatar de krynathal : 8210,12598 / 7457,12479 / 8267,12392 /
- Capsize : 7599,13007 / 7429,12850 / 6818,11234 / 8065,12701 / 7912,12912
- Son of Auram : 8092,10586 / 7966,10748
- Dendorath the Eternal : 7002,11424/6958,11309/6500,11181
- Pyronite Monstrosity : 7833,10449
- Type VII Iron Dragon : 6606,11424
Heart of the city
You must kill at least 5 of the rare below:
- Granite Griffe : 7027,9588
- Thantarus : 6686,9302 / 6653,9393
- Serreciel : 6937,9380
- Tarmok the Infamous : 6743,9236
- Gnarlplanche : 7176,9119 / 7159,9018
- Thunder Defense : 7227,8690 / 7108,8770
- Buzzing Dart : 7171,8541
- Bilpalo the Destroyer : 7367,8416
Strongholds of the Orient
You must kill at least 8 of the following rare:
- Plague grips : 8219,8651
- Prototype Observer : 7591,8286 / 7768,8322 / 7670,8255 / 7569,8509 / 7767,8511
- Krazda : 8483,8903
- Kiljurn : 7568,9065
- Bicycle : 7833,9451
- Xerbex the Relentless : 8693,8311
- Muta grips : 7369,9244
- Tybretta : 9221,9075
- Kilgraw the Watcher : 8189,7501/8186,7425/8122,7540
- Maw-Scourge : 8633,7575 / 8599,7571
- Thundrakk : 9394,8515
- Over the Croc : 7823,7374
Burning Land
Kill 5 of the following rare and the feat is yours:
- Shadowstrap : 5343,10404 / 5420,10331
- Faucigriffe : 5753,10614
- Warlord Jurgak : 5340,9669
- Old barnacle : 5508,9339 / 5467,9243
- Statara : 6271,9266 / 6142,9193
- Lint Horn : 5851,9174
- Hervaz : 5494,9112
- Jacenda Cassana : 4908,9500
King's Protectorate
You must kill at least 5 of the following rare:
- Brisarbre : 5593,8271
- Fought : 5594,8261/5529,8671/5558,8662
- Prophet Leo Jharvais : 5432,8215
- Fouettevenin : 5129,7775 / 5040,7754
- Come on, Lodden : 5083,8735 / 4968,8705
- Killeth : 4113,8535 / 4243,8544
- Groin-de-Fer : 4640,9308 / 4576,9253
- Jardlae : 4433,9384
Many rare in this area. So, you have to kill 9 to get the feat.
- Harrel Rimechant : 3098,7806 / 3029,7684
- Crimson : 3157,7311/2924,7376/3258,7427
- Radish : 4182,6942 / 4255,6733 / 4213,6827 / 3436,7311 / 3337,7255 / 3286,7370
- Rusty : 2203,8135 / 2524,8393
- Tristeperon : 2401,8449
- Supervisor Hk'Kttk : 2736,7156/2774,7347/2725,7200
- Wolf : 3739,6579 / 3593,6660 / 3437,6946 / 3841,6694
- Yull : 2033,5965
- Master Assassin Lokarg : 2656,6548
- Horn : 2604,6025 / 2771,5978
- Terrible Sting : 1945,6453 / 2006,6506
- Terminator Sentinel : 4717,6422 / 4468,6556 / 4483,6199 / 4345,6244
- Rôdeur Fahrand : 2096,7165 / 2227,7250 / 1999,7297 / 1973,7389 / 1848,7168 / 1937,7078
Kill at least 6 rare for the feat!
- Hide : 2735,4513/2672,4749/2665,4697
- Drone benkaa : 3565,3645/2684,4347/2683,4279
- Cyrdel : 3464,5190/3285,5439/3231,5312
- Apothicaire Sakalo : 2940,4827 / 3064,4801
- Charognard d'Ionraic : 3524,4844 / 3678,4651
- Phanagos : 4428,5427/4353,5423/4262,5561
- Servant of Ezwah : 4022,3720/3801,4311/3257,4546
- Primarch Supervisor : 2684,4310
- Terrantulon : 4435,4570/4333,4662/4446,4720
Kingdom of Pelladane
Find and kill 5 of these rare to get the feat.
- Diocletian : 7453,5655 / 7450,5314 / 7534,5629 / 7408,5167
- Fulmo : 7762,5284/7586,5281/7823,5133
- Captain Calculus : 7318,5015 / 7464,4759 / 7328,4888 / 7112,5068
- Colonel Loyalty : 8024,5271 / 7952,4371 / 7908,5181 / 8067,5236 / 7886,5174
- Baron Teruran : 7376,4640 / 7479,4767 /
- Doctor Freneza : 7924,4795/7845,4900/7816,4977
- Rugxa : 8298,5460/8336,5561/8228,5378
- First choice : 8277,5131 / 8375,5112 / 8252,5247 / 8207,5117
Find at least 5 of the following rare to get the feat:
- Bone Rodent : 9690,4571 / 9629,4034 / 9569,4531 / 8945,3496 / 9644,4396 / 9586,3606 / 9149,4228 / 9417,3689
- Regulos gaze : 9185,4436/9102,4467/9112,4600
- Wriggle the Arcane Trickster : 8908,4641
- Velosaurus : 9872,4336 / 9960,4222 / 9872,4181 / 9864,4315
- Kolinkor Da Crusha : 10218,4429 / 10182,4666 /
- Life Errant : 10554,3945 / 10530,3630 / 10452,4030 / 10237,3737 / 10174,3506 / 10323,4024
- Suppurant Boil : 11454,5571 / 11288,6152 / 11324,6319 / 11543,6105 / 11273,6180 / 11789,6143
- Old Scarred Horn : 12095,3295
You must kill at least 7 of the following rare for the feat:
- Zhrale Necrosculptor : 13662,4974
- Emissaire de Cain : 12262,4914 / 12288,5374
- Franklin the Butcher : 12254,5579
- Cursed Reliquary : 14257,5913/14319,6147/14043,6072
- Blorrt the Messy : 14059,4948
- Kragog the Augur : 14110,6247
- Stormy : 14820,6878/14310,6655/14353,7339
- Disciple Ilnageth : 15133,5854/14923,6020/14987,5873
- Old Charger Owned : 13692,7702 / 13541,7669 / 13211,7426 / 13298,7730 / 13536,7779
- The Antique Garant : 15258,5345 / 15248,5459
- Regressive Aiyra : 14285,7416 / 14138,7455
Steppes of Infinity
Kill 6 of the following rare for your achievement:
- Stratos : 16774,6381 / 16642,6370 / 16563,6565 / 16422,6554
- The observer : 15959,6884 / 16348,6919 / 16155,6829 / 16120,6748
- Anima Born of the Storm : 15813,6736 / 15919,7081 / 15500,6622 / 15535,6862 / 15625,6678
- The Great Designer : 17263,7601 / 17257,7461 / 17224,7749 / 17115,7588 / 16904,7168
- Eye of crucia : 16861,7212 / 16829,7238
- Storm Charge Acrylia : 15285,7245/15321,7502/15155,7479
- Former Sentry : 16033,7876 / 16184,8040 / 16182,7876 / 16013,8040
- Gough Stratagem : 14902,8080 / 14952,8000 / 14802,8219 / 14894,7904
- Xil'Ahk : 16580,8212 / 16747,8408 / 16693,8300 / 16497,8155 / 16381,8352 / 16536,8379
If you kill all the rare on the continent, you will get an additional achievement with the title Bounty Hunter.
And if you have already killed the rare Mathosia before, you will get a second achievement, which will allow you to insert a Diamond on your portrait.