Fashion is revival at the moment, whether in cinema, series and also video games! While World of Warcraft is working on its Vanilla server, now Trion is doing the same thing with Rift, offering players the Prime server!
Clearly, the Prime server is only accessible by classic subscription and offers the Rift that we knew before the establishment of Free-to-play. Namely a level capped at 50, a shop (almost) non-existent and content (for the moment) limited. Because the goal is to offer a staggered progression, where the extensions will be implemented (free of charge) as and when. We are talking about a frequency of about every three months.
A very good way therefore for nostalgics like me to relive the adventure at their own pace and in order. And for the new ones, to discover this game which, let's be clear, is still worth the detour, without being drowned in the flood of casually significant enough content.
It is also a good opportunity to dive back into the guides that we have offered you over time. So here is a recap of our guides relevant to current progress in Rift Prime!
- The races
- The warrior
- Thief
- Le Clerc
- The Wizard
- Riddles, Cairns and Jumps
- Achievements - Lake of Consolation
- Rare enemies
- Repeatable quests
- Resource location
- Generalities
- Generalities
- Guided tour
- planning
Some of the guides we published are no longer up to date, so I did not quote them, or they relate to following expansions and therefore are not relevant at this time. But you can find all the guides published on Rift on this page (select the "Guides" button).