Until May 5th, you will find various activities on the occasion of the Carnival, a somewhat special event given that it is also the fifth anniversary of the game! Meet on the wharf to the southwest. You can go there on your own or use the porticulum which can be found in the capitals, provided by the happy organizers. Make sure you take all of the repeatable quests you find before starting the minigames, it would be a shame to miss them.
Mini games
Once there, you will see new repeatable quest indicators, these are the carnival games! In order you will find:
- Frog hunting (achievable once a day): click on the frog basket to make lots of frogs appear around you. You have to click on it as quickly as possible!
- Leaping prairie tigers (no limit - 3 prizes): once the quest has been accepted, click on the handle to start the game. Animals will randomly appear among the 16 piles of soil. You have to click before they disappear.
- Memorization contest (no limit - 8 prizes): five colored orbs light up once the lever is clicked. Just click again in the correct order to pass the memory test. You have to pass five to complete the quest.
- Mini-mount race (no limit - 8 prizes): once the quest is taken, you have to choose a team (blue, green, yellow or red) then go to the platform of the right color. The race begins after a few minutes, leaving the opportunity for other players to join and then starts automatically (whether there are other players or not). You have to jump on the platform to make your horse move faster (without abusing it too much so that it does not get tired).
- Race around Carnival (no limit - 12 prizes): after racing in mini-mounts, it's time to race in real mounts. After choosing his mount (Crocnard, Spawn of Murdantix, Cendrinosaurus or Ethereal Charger), we are teleported to the heights of the city and the race begins! The goal is simple: to arrive before the end of the stopwatch. To do this, you have to avoid the red areas that slow down!
- Marine rings (no limit - 3 prizes): get the quest then return to the round area with the tentacles. The goal is to place eight rings on the running little Cappys.
- Fashion (no limit - 12 prizes): the start is simple and involves going behind the scenes. You will then have to wait until the start of the parade, then wait your turn to exit (Mrs. Lawler announces your name in / dire).
- Drink competition (no limit - 3 prices): here you have to drink fifteen pints before the end of the count. You have to be careful not to drink too quickly (so as not to end up drunk) while keeping the pace. As and when the penalties imposed by the drink, our character will be dazed, his vision disturbed. There is plenty of time to take the drinks without stressing (2 minutes), especially if you find bread that lowers the level. The beer of the chosen ones has the advantage of giving out pints more quickly.
- Balloon jump (no limit - 1 prize): this mini-game is extremely simple, you have to explode thirty balloons in five minutes. There are so many balloons in the small area that you just need to jump in place, which quickly validates the quest.
Completing 5 of the Carnival mini-games will also earn you an achievement!
Among other notable achievements:
- Hard Core Gamer : play 100 carnival games
- Someone took antacids : taste 11 of the carnival dishes. You can find them all at Gifyeri, at 1 price each (it can be found on the penultimate platform, on the right).
- Et tu tapes, tapes, tapes... : burst Piñatas-dragons that you can find all over the world.
- Everyone loves parades : locate a parade on the map where you are (or elsewhere) then join the player procession. You will be able to recover nodules on this occasion.
- I dance for some pearls : Pearls are the items collected during the event if you participate in outdoor activities. You need 1000 pearls for this feat, note that if you have too many prices, you can barter from Perdel (5 prices for a pearl). It is on the penultimate platform, on the left.
- What do you mean for VIPs? You know who i am ?! : this requires the purchase of the six Carnival titles, which are sold at the price of 50 pearls per unit in the shop.
If you complete these seven feats, you'll have eternal crystallized intuition thanks to the Bottle-in-Train meta-feat. Other less obvious exploits are to be achieved, you will find them in the category World Events => Carnival of the Chosen.
- The Feast personified : Find or buy the seven Carnival masks (one per item). They are on sale at 150 prices in stores.
- Chromancie : use the four luminescent effects, items on sale in stores at the price of 400 beads each.
- Celebration through decoration : four kits are on sale in stores at the price of 125 (for 2 kits), 300 and 375 Carnival prices.
- Recommended by Tito ! : Collect all seventeen pets from the event. Note that these are not those that can be purchased directly in the store, but rather those contained in the Flux Anachronic III pack (sold for credits in the store). You gain an ultimate pet, Tito, as a reward.
- Go home, drunks : You will need to defeat the Drunken Storm Drake in Pelladane during the "Take Back All!" area event.
- What? I take everything back! : Still in Pelladane, this zone event will also grant you this achievement if you complete it.
- Concern and disgust in Tuliane : Complete the zone event in Cape Yule.
- Standing ovation : You will need to kill all seven Raid Rift bosses. Be careful to harmonize your level correctly to allow you to gain experience!
- Dimensional divination : complete the quest Awe or Other option
- Five more years : Take the questline given by Winachuk Maguk, he is on the bridge, just before the festival. Also check that you don't have any quests available / to take from the Capital Mini-Camp before heading to the Carnival. You earn a title as a reward, Mediator.
- Come on hop! : Collect the Artifact Sets as you roam all over Telara to obtain an item usable every five minutes, the Philosopher's Crown, which highlights "Your Artifact Knowledge".
Other activites
At the bottom of the event, you can choose to bet on roulette. For this, three dealers are there to take either small bets (20 gold), or medium bets (2 pp) or high bets (10 pp). Once the item is purchased, you will have a quest to activate in your bag. Your participation is recorded for the next launch (once per minute).
You have to stay close to the roulette wheel until the ball is launched and the winner is designated. If you win, you will be able to go to the same NPCs where you bought your ticket.
You can also be told fortune-tellers (penultimate platform) or launch a cannon-man (end of the first long large platform).
In Sable-Chatoyant now, you will be able to see a city in jubilation!
With your prizes, you will be able to buy a large number of items, accessible via the shop for pearls or prizes.
I remind you that it is possible to exchange pearls <-> prices with Perdel:
What is your favorite game from this fifth edition of the Carnival?