After a short break, Share Your Fortresses is back for new issues, to let you discover even more creations from other players and guilds, and why not, give you some inspiration for your home!
In this new issue, we will leave for the Mantle of the Force server to find a regular PVF, or rather his guild. I had the pleasure of meeting Mac'Bart, in order to visit the Keibatsu guild ship, or rather the Dark Keibatsu, their imperial mirror! Our host was, along with Nagosha and Khalessa, one of the main decorators, one of the best placed to lead the tour! For this reboot issue, we're going to focus on images, so no RP text. Make a big smile. Yes, I admit ... we had no inspiration for the text! At the same time after all the PVF already published, it becomes hard to find inspiration! And then, once in a while, focusing on the images is good!
Unlike a famous Nordic furniture manufacturer, there is no sense of the visit! But we will still make the bridges in order. Starting with the nerve center of the ship, the pilot deck!

By taking the main elevator, the next step is the command bridge! After passing a series of torches, you will be able to choose between two pillu ... um, three pieces. To my left, the darling of the raging public, he promises us every time blood and tears, sometimes with a little extra gut to the gut, the PvP saaaaaalle! With of course something to heal after training. And to my right, the room of any military organization, without which it would be shit on the battlefield ... the briefing room! Well actually ... this description also works for the middle room: the command center!

After wandering around for a few minutes, we descend one more floor to find ourselves on the crew deck! Aaah ... the crew, their ammo stocks, their bounty hunter room with their ... but wait, how did they get him in there? The hutt! I just measured, the block of carbonite does not go through the door! They froze it on site, otherwise we end up with another major problem! And even the hutt alone, it was surely necessary to push to bring it in or to put oil on it! Because everyone knows, an oiled hutt is as slippery as a huttball! Or is it the other way around?

Then we have a gallery of mirrors, or rather THE ice cream, dedicated to Ilum and his rosy-skinned Gree ambassadors. While in the next room, Iko groans (sorry for that pun, I couldn't resist) about this ode to the grim reaper that is made there, because it is neither gray nor pink. here, but red. On the other hand, there is no ode, but the storage of the team's spoils of war ... we can also see the difference in taste and color between the members! Where some bring back statues and other antiques, others prefer to set their sights on chairs! And the last room on the deck, the ship's greenhouse and all its plants ... I'm sure they grow some not very legal stuff, in the mushrooms there, don't tell me everything is clean! Yes by the way, I'm sure it's because of that rotten puns since the beginning of this paragraph (who said it was already before?), It's their fault!

Return main lift to descend to the hangars. With the elite of Imperial ships represented here!

And finally the heart of the ship, the engine room kitchen. In a state of emergency after a generator catches fire. Fortunately, an Emergency Response Droid is already there to put out the blaze. Have you ever seen this droid spit water? As long as it doesn't show it during the preview, I missed it!
Speaking of water ... saying so much nonsense in writing made me thirsty. So the visit being about to end, I will go up on the main bridge, turn left to pass through the small market essential for supplies, before taking the secondary elevator that will take me to the cantina of the district of officers. Are you coming with me?

What I took away from this visit: How jealous I am of the Obelisks of the Red Reaper! Even having done it fifty times, I never managed to get this one in loot, I had to resolve to buy my obelisk! I also really like the gree room which remains coherent and well organized whereas one could have feared simply a random placement of the various linked decorations, without great harmony. But my favorite place is undoubtedly the plant room, which also describes a spiral and therefore a kind of mini labyrinth.
Did you like this presentation and would like to see a little more for yourself? You'll find this ship on the Mantle of the Force Imperial Public List!
rjprojectsonline (at) Gmail (dot) com to be one of the next to share your fortress!