The role of Solo Top is something, contrary to what one might think, very tactical and very subtle. This is perhaps even the most dangerous role in League of Legends. So let's take a look at what being Solotop means. This article will be entirely devoted to the role of Solotop.
Discover the roles with Gamesmanagers:
- Support
- Jungler
- Solotop
- Carry AD
- Carry ap
First of all, let us specify that the rest of the article includes my take on the role of Solotop, month runes, my master's degrees, my equipment... There are of course other ways to play a Solotop but here is highlighted my way of doing it.
This article will only be useful in battles in 5 vs. 5, that is to say the Summoner's Rift.
By the way, you'll find the dreaded League of Legends vocabulary here. I still try to speak correctly so that everyone can fully understand the article.
- Presentation
- Some Junglers characters
- Runes & Masteries
- Summoner spells
- Equipment
- gameplay
- Conclusion
For Loliens apprentices, what is the role of Solotop?
The Solotop (you) is a player playing on the top line, the top in English. Your role will be to collect as much gold and experience as possible on your line. You are alone, it is your responsibility to equip yourself as well as possible without giving the advantage to your opposite opponent (s). If you help (feed) the enemy by dying too many times, you may lose your team, and that will be your fault alone. Safe is the key word.
Your role obviously does not exist without Jungler and consists of to quickly gain experience and gold in order to be hyper equipped compared to the other players on your team and to be resistant. Most often, it will be you who will initiate teamfights.
Solotops can exist in two types:
- Tanky Physical Fighter (AD): the player will have to equip themselves as well as possible in order to do physical damage and be resistant
- Tanky Magic Fighter (AP): the player will have to equip themselves as well as possible in order to do great magic damage and be resistant
In these two types, there are still 3 types of solotop:
- The great farmer: typical example, Nasus. He will stay on his top-lane and farm as long as possible, go down for the end of mid / late and turn the game over to you because he is infamous.
- The shifter: typical example, Rumble / Renek: the highlight of this kind of solotop is the mid-game. It's about dominating your lane early, then as quickly as possible to bring down your tower, then push, shift, repush, re-shift, etc. You will play on a very aggressive counter (blue steal if you are top-side of the map, very frequent ganks on the mid in order to chain on a drake if their mid is forced back or dies, etc. goal is, thanks to your strong presence, to fold the game before the late where you will run out of breath a little and where the opponents will regain the advantage.
- The hard-counter: typical example, Teemo. The opponent picks a Riven? We pick Teemo and we hard counter it. The goal is to ignore it completely via a rather aggressive style of play on your lane, not too much lag other than those forced for the drakes / invade. The goal is for poor Riven to finish 60 creeps and 0/3 at 20 min, giving you a significant advantage for teamfights, and surely victory if the other lanes are balanced.
You will need to make sure you are as efficient as possible:
- By killing as many minions / minions as possible.
- By placing visions beacons (called Ward and used to have the vision of an area for 3 minutes) on the ground at key locations.
- By controlling and interpreting enemy movements on the lines. If he goes back, if he comes towards you, if he leaves ...
- By helping your mid by a shift, that is to say that you go on its line when it is not there or in difficulty and that your line is doing very well, that there is 0 danger. You take 3/4 minions and then you go back to the top.
- By never dying so as not to give the advantage to the enemy. If the enemy leaves with 10 HP in the bush, leave it and return to farm your line. Also, if it's found, its jungler is in the bush and waiting for you. If your turret lasts 25/30 minutes, that's a great job!
- By playing as a team. Of course, you are SOLO top but you must keep this team game in mind: say the "miss / ss top", do not just ward off your river, if your opponent goes to the middle, either you shift or you take its turret. If your jungler needs help, leave your lane as soon as possible because you depend on him more than on you ... In short, you have to know how to sacrifice your top job for the team game.
Avoid stealing minions from your allies' lines or arriving at the last moment to kill an enemy! If your ally had the opportunity to kill him or get gold from the minions, he won't really appreciate this gesture.
Pantheon, artisan of war. One of the effective solotops
The more the game progresses, the more you will lose sight of your opponents, so you will have to place more wards in key places on the map and help your allies as much as possible. It will be essential for you to locate your opponents in order to initiate the fights and not to be surprised.
You can even be bold and place a ward (I repeat: a beacon of vision) next to a blue or red Golem so you know if an enemy is going to come and take it. By the time he's almost finished ... Steal him then kill him! Tell your jungler anyway, maybe he's in trouble and needs it.
If you are less strong than your enemy or your enemies at the top, play it safe, take the creeps / minions / minions when possible and play under your turret. They will make mistakes by feeling too powerful and this is the time to corner the one with the least hit points under your turn and kill them. Whenever you make a back, buy 2 wards.
Some Solotop characters
There are a large number of characters who can play this role and each has its own specificities. I will detail some of them for you because describing them all would make the article way too long! I will also choose champions that I haven't mentioned yet.
Ideally, you need a champion who can "dash" in order to jump on a target or on the contrary to quickly gain distance. He should be able to regenerate his life easily and be resilient.
Darius, main of Noxus
- Darius has a fairly high resistance and very effective skills. He can grab enemies in a cone and pull them back towards him. One of his attacks can be improved by 200% and he can also do a very powerful circular attack. His ultimate allows him to jump on a target and inflict great raw damage, neither magical nor physical, which passes directly through enemy defenses.
- Care: none;
- Crowd control: a grapple;
- Bonus: can slow down enemy movement and attack speed;
- Resistance: high.
Garen, Demacia's force
- Thread is a bit like Darius' mirror. High strength, fairly similar skills. He can turn on himself to do regular area damage and inflict additional damage on his next attack which in addition, inflicts him silence. He has a shield and his ultimate deals great magical damage to the target. The less life it has, the greater the damage.
- Crowd control: none;
- Bonus: increases his armor and magic resistance thanks to the shield + silence on the target enemy;
- Resistance: high.
Irelia, will of the blades
- Irelia passively recovers its hit points with each hit with one of its skills. She can also use rush to rush towards an enemy and deal damage. One of his skills allows him to inflict damage AND stun the target if the target's% HP is greater than their% HP. His ultimate can launch blades that deal damage and regenerate his life if the hits are struck.
- Care: from Low to Moderate via 2 skills;
- Crowd Control: can knock out a target if that target's% HP is greater than% of their HP;
- Bonus: regenerates her health with each hit and keeps crowd controls on her for a shorter period of time. The more enemies there are around her, the more resistant she is;
- Resistance: high.
Nasus, Guardian of the Sands
- Nasus is a great farmer. His first skill allows him to deal bonus physical damage and increase its damage whenever he kills a target with it. In the middle and end of the game, if you have used this skill well you will inflict monstrous damage. Another of his skills allows you to create an area doing magic damage and yet another skill allows to slow the movement speed of the target! You walk then for 5s, your enemy's movement speed drops from 35% to 95%! His ultimate, finally, unleashes the fury of the sands. As long as the storm is raging, he has more health and he drains the maximum health of his enemies converting them into additional damage.
- Care: passive life-theft;
- Crowd control: great slowdown in enemy movement;
- Bonus: can increase his life points via the ultimate;
- Resistance: high.
Pantheon, craftsman of war
- Pantheon is one of my favorites for solotop. His first skill makes it possible to project his lance on a target, he can launch it very often at the cost of a relatively low mana as long as there is a little mana regeneration (Philosopher's Stone, the turn is played). He can also throw himself at his target, knock them out and block the next attack. Pantheon can also throw great throws in front of him. His ultimate allows him to jump skyward (Superman in his spare time) to land at the designated spot in a very large circle around him. This does great magical damage but is difficult to do well because it takes a long time to prepare. Passively he can block the next attack against him all of his 4 skills or automatic attacks.
- Care: none;
- Crowd Control: knocks out a target and can slow enemies in its ultimate's area;
- Bonus: blocks the next attack against him all 4 skills or automatic attacks. ;
- Resistance: moderate (+).
Renekton, Devourer of the Sands
- Renekton is a powerful solotop. He does not have mana but fury that can be used to improve his skills. He can perform a circular attack around him dealing damage and healing (more damage and heal with fury) and, deal greater damage to an enemy (and knock them out with fury) or throw forward dealing damage and reducing the target's armor. If he hits an enemy he can reuse the skill (with fury the damage is greater and the armor even more reduced). For his ultimate, Renekton takes on his tyrant form and gains additional health; it also deals damage to all enemies around it. While in Tyrant Form, Renekton periodically gains Fury.
- Heals: via his circular attack;
- Crowd Control: Stuns the target via fury and a precise skill
- Bonus: vampiric spell with its vampiric skill;
- Resistance: high.
Rumble, Mechanized Threat
- Rumble is an excellent AP solotop. Its resource bar is the overheating bar. His skills return quickly as long as it doesn't overheat. He is equipped with a powerful flamethrower, a shield that also increases his movement speed, and hook throws to reduce enemy movement speed. He can also launch 2. His ultimate allows him to fire rockets in a whole line in the chosen direction inflicting direct damage and over time. I really like this character.
- Care: none;
- Crowd Control: Reduces enemy movement speed via 2 skills;
- Bonus: shield and increase your movement speed;
- Resistance: very high.
Shen, eye of twilight
- Shen can throw himself forward in order to force the target to attack him (a bit like Rammus as explained in the Jungler guide). Very practical with an ally or under the tower. It is therefore necessary to equip resistance as a priority. He can also shield himself and throw a blade at a target that heals him if he attacks. His ultimate allows him to teleport to an ally in order to give him a shield and help him.
- Heals: weak when attacking the target of one of his skills;
- Crowd control: via the Shadow Rush taunt;
- Bonus: shield and stronger auto attack every few seconds;
- Resistance: high.
Yorick, gravedigger
- Yorick has a mana bar and skills summoning ghouls that serve him by giving him various bonuses. They attack Yorick's targets. It can shovel hard and increase its movement speed. Crash a ghoul to inflict area damage while slowing enemies in the area and summon a ghoul that heals him with each attack but also when it appears. His ultimate allows him to summon a duplicate of the target allied champion or himself to attack enemies. If the target of the skill dies, it revives in the Augur of Death and within seconds to deal full damage to enemies before dying.
- Care: moderate via skill;
- Crowd Control: via Slowing Pestilence Augur;
- Bonus: movement speed and attack damage bonus;
- Resistance: moderate.
Cho'gath, black terror
- Cho'gath can inflict area auto attacks that will attack enemies behind your target. It can also knock spikes out of the ground, throwing enemies into the air and dealing damage. Cho'gath can also scream to deal damage to enemies in a cone and silence them. His ultimate allows him to devour a target inflicting enormous raw damage. If the target dies, it increases its maximum hit points and grows.
- Care: none;
- Crowd control: slowing down and throwing via Rupture;
- Bonus: silence over enemies in a cone in front of him;
- Resistance: very high.
I could also have cited: Akali, Dr Mundo, Fiora, Gangplank, Jayce, Jax, Lee Sin, Maokai, Nidalee, Nunu, Olaf, Riven, Singed, Teemo, Urgot, Vi, Volibear, Warwick, Wukong, Xin Zhao. .. That you can find on the champions page of the official League of Legends website.
Runes & Masteries
Runes and mastery points are acquired as you level up. At level 30, you have 30 places for your runes and 30 points for your masteries, so you earn one of each per level.
There are 4 types of runes:
- 9 brands
- 9 Seals
- 9 Glyphs
- 3 Quintessences
These things are very important later in order to "specialize" your characters. You can become more resistant, do more damage, regenerate your mana faster and more.
Runes can be bought and have different prices depending on their qualities and levels.
- Tier 1: level 1 to 9
- Tier 2: level 10 to 19
- Tier 3: level 20 to 30
Here are the runes that I have selected to best play my solotop. We agree, the runes are only a boost in order to start the game as well as possible, if the statistics are important, it can surely even be used throughout the game. I differentiated the Solotops Power AP and Solotops Physics AD.
The first image represents the runes AP. So you can see that I have increased my power, my magic penetration and my magic resistance.
- +20 power: handy to show the enemy not to get too close and let me farm my line. +20 AP is good at the start of the game.
- +12 magic resistance: the best would be to have FULL of pages of runes and to adapt the defense according to the enemy which one will have in front. By default I use my AP Carry runes.
- +7.8 magic penetration: you have power, so much the better to penetrate the opposing defenses to make them benefit from our great power. Contrary to what some people believe, it's impossible to lower a target's magic resistance below 0 and gain raw damage. You will do damage as if the target has no magic resistance, period.
The second image represents the runes AD. So we see that I increased my physical attack, my attack speed and my armor.
- +8.5 physical attack: let's strike hard in order to show the enemy that it is better not to get too close.
- +12 magic resistance: in order to be resistant to enemy AP skills.
- +7.7 Physical Penetration: with masteries, you have a total (without champion base) of 11.5 attack damage and 12.7 armor penetration. You also ignore 8% of enemy armor. The opposing champion will have about 10 armor so that you will attack him (at level 1) as if he had little or no armor. Your attack damage therefore comes into play!
- +13 armor: you obviously need armor in order to be resistant at the start of the game. +13 isn't huge, luckily masteries round it out.
Regarding master's degrees, I take a 20/10/0 and AP and one 20/10/0 in AD.
About the Tank AP masteries :
- 20 points in attack:
- Summoner's Wrath: as a solotop i may take Ghost ou Tiredness into summoner spells. This mastery reduces your target's armor and magic resistance by 10. Convenient for making eliminations quickly if necessary and providing a small bonus afterwards.
- Witchcraft (4/4): + 4% cooldown, useful for casting skills more often.
- Explosion (4/4): +1 power per level, why not. Required to unlock the Arcane knowledge.
- Chaos (2/3): increases all damage dealt by 1.33%. Required to obtain the Strong minded.
- Arcane Knowledge: + 8% magic penetration. You're welcome !
- Mental strength (3/3): +6 power to always do more damage.
- Mage's Sword: Deals 5% of your Power on a Basic Attack. AP tanks often attacking melee, it is essential (Kassadin, Rumble, Diana, Akali, ...)
- Archmage (4/4): Increases total power by 5%, huge bonus?
- 10 points in defense:
- Durability (4/4): +6 health points per level, to be taken to go further in the defense tree.
- Robustness (3/3): this gives me 5 more armor to be even stronger.
- Resistance (1/3): this gives me 2 in magic resistance. I need it to take control of the underside.
- Inexhaustible (2/2): reduced crowd checks on me by 15%, very handy as a solotop.
- Durability (4/4): +6 health points per level, to be taken to go further in the defense tree.
Cho'gath, a champion who can play as a Solotop AP
About the Jungler AD masteries :
- 20 point in attack:
- Summoner's Wrath: as a solotop i may take Ghost ou Tiredness into summoner spells. This mastery reduces your target's armor and magic resistance by 10. Convenient for making eliminations quickly if necessary and providing a small bonus afterwards.
- Fury (4/4): + 4% attack speed.
- Witchcraft (4/4): + 4% cooldown, useful for casting skills more often.
- Mortiferous (4/4): +0.67 attack damage per level, why not. Required to unlock the Master of arms.
- Chaos (2/3): increases all damage dealt by 1.33%. Required to obtain the Strength brute.
- Master of arms : + 8% armor penetration. You're welcome !
- Force brute (1/2) : +1.5 attack damage.
- Breach (3/3): +5 armor penetration
- 10 points in defense:
- Durability (4/4): +6 health points per level, to be taken to go further in the defense tree.
- Robustness (3/3): this gives me 5 more armor to be even stronger.
- Resistance (1/3): this gives me 2 in magic resistance. I need it to take control of the underside.
- Inexhaustible (2/2): Reduced crowd checks on me by 15%, very handy as a solotop.
Urgot, a champion who can play as a Solotop AD
These masteries are fine with me and contribute to the mechanics I have created with my runes and in-game gear.
Summoner spells
For summoner spells, there are several variations but my favorite remains: Flash + Fatigue.
Flash allows you to flee quickly if you are badly engaged, to execute a maneuver or on the contrary to surprise the enemy. Use in moderation as you do not gain mastery reducing the cooldown of this spell.
Tiredness is an extremely practical tool since it allows to reduce the movement speed and damage of the enemy by 30% + his attack speed by 50% for 2.5s. If an enemy gets too close to the tower, knock them out if possible and add fatigue. For optimal effectiveness, make sure his flash or other skill is on cooldown. Also useful for running away from a gank or catching up with an enemy.
Why not take those other spells?
Barrier: hmm ... Why not me finally if we take precautions in defense and equipment I do not see the point - Protects against champion against 115-455 points (depending on the champion's level) for 2s.
Care: useless, you have your health regeneration via purchased equipment, heal if you have. It's up to you to play it safe; save your spell location for something else. - 100 to 525 HP returned (depending on the champion's level), 50% of this total to nearby allies.
Teleportation : ah! On the other hand, teleportation can be very practical for teleporting quickly to help an ally. For example, Pantheon can ultimate to aid an ally and then immediately return to his line. He can also go back, buy his equipment and come back quickly so as not to waste time. It is a good alternative to Flash if you are sure you don't need it. - After 4s, you are teleported to the targeted turret or minion anywhere on the map.
Ignition: it's up to you to see if you prefer a Conflagration rather than one Tiredness . - Deals 70-410 raw damage over 5s to a champion or enemy and reduces their healing effects for that time.
Purge : maybe very practical on some champions but I prefer to make my arrangements using a mercury belt which has almost the same effect or mercury boots for example. - Removes all hindrances and summoner spell effects in addition to reducing all new hindering effects taken by 65% for 3s.
Now let's talk about the equipment. This is basically always the same. I then change according to what the team needs. I will detail you step by step how to build the equipment I have chosen for the role of Solotop.
Le Solotop will have to be resistant. It will obviously take enough to cause damage but less than a Carry. The solotop will then be able to engage in combat just like the Jungler (if the latter has built a tank equipment).
Speaking of which, gentlemen Junglers, when we gank ... We let the Carry AD kill the target (If it can)! It is not up to you to get the kill, assistance will be sufficient. For the solotop you can discuss it if you have time. Compare your stats, if you need gold he will give it to you.
- AD Champions needing basic mana regeneration (Nasus, Irelia, Pantheon, Urgot, ...):
- We start with 475 gp, take a Fairy Charm (to chain on the Philosopher's Stone on our return) + 4 potions mixed between the Healing Potion and the Mana Potion according to your wishes. Also take 2 Vision Milestones.
- First return to the base one thus finishes his Philosopher's Stone. Then we start the Boots of Speed and the Phage (For the Frozen Mallet next). Already think about what kind of boots you are going to buy next. Don't forget to buy 2 Vision Milestones.
- Second return, finish the Frozen Mallet and buy a Tabi Ninja (Boots) for armor OR Mercury Sandals for magic resistance and reduced shackles OR Berserker Leggings for attack speed.
Then build your equipment by combining resistances with your physical damage as much as possible. If your enemy is AP it will be Magic Resist + Physical Attack. If it is AD it will be Armor + Physical Attack. Also see to be resistant, thereafter, to the other enemies of the team.
Thorny Coil, Harbinger of Randuin, Warmog, Maw of Malmortius, Black Cleaver, Spirit Visage, Atma Impaler, Rune Bulwark, Bloodlust, ...
► If you take Urgot, you will need a Frozen Heart and a Manamune.
► For Nasus, if you manage to get yourself a Brilliance and a Trinity Force, it is also classy.
- AD Champions with little need for mana (Lee Sin, Riven, Garen, Renekton, ...):
- We start with 475 gp, take a Longsword (to chain to a Brutalizer when we return) + 2 Healing Potion.
- First return to the base one thus finishes his Brutalizer. Then we start the Boots of Speed and the Phage (For the Frozen Mallet next). Already think about what kind of boots you are going to buy next. Don't forget to buy 2 Vision Milestones.
- Second return, finish the Frozen Mallet and buy a Tabi Ninja (Boots) for armor OR Mercury Sandals for decreased magic resistance and shackles OR Berserker Leggings for attack speed.
- We then see to continue our Brutalizer either in Black Cleaver if we have the advantage in creeps, otherwise we take a Blade of Avarice in order to gain more PO; we will then move on to the Specter Blade of Youmuu.
Then build your equipment by combining resistances with your physical damage as much as possible. If your enemy is AP it will be Magic Resist + Physical Attack. If it is AD it will be Armor + Physical Attack. Also see to be resistant, thereafter, to the other enemies of the team.
Thorny Coil, Harbinger of Randuin, Warmog, Maw of Malmortius, Black Cleaver, Spirit Visage, Atma Impaler, Rune Bulwark, Bloodlust, ...
- Champions AP (Cho'gath, Teemo, Nidalle, Rumble):
- For starters, Doran's Ring (475 gp) if you have mana, otherwise take a Tome of Amplification + a Healing Potion.
- For the first return to base, wait until you have between 1100 and 2300 gp. Sorcerer's Shoes allow you to maximize damage early in the game and move faster, and the Hextech Revolver will provide you with power and vampiric spell to regain health when you cast your skills. Instead of this Hextech Revolver, you can take a Protective Catalyst which will increase your health and mana. Each time you level up, your mana and life will regenerate greatly for 8 seconds; handy if you have an Ap player in front of you.
- We will then go on a Zhonya Hourglass if the enemy is AD and an Abyssal Scepter if it is AP. If you had taken the Amplification Tome to start, take the Haunted Disguise and then see for the first two items mentioned, hourglass and / or scepter.
- As soon as possible we take the Rod of Rylai to increase your life and power and slow down enemies hit by your skills.
- (If you have the Haunted Disguise, upgrade it to Liandry's Torment)
- Rabadon's Headdress ... So here we go on heavy, your power will be increased by 120 + 25% of your total power.
- Upgrade your Hextech Revolver in Will of the Ancients then sell your Ring of Doran. You will thus have additional power (again!) And the vampiric spell in order to recover life when you cast your skills. If you had purchased a Protective Catalyst, uplift it in Banshee Shroud and gain life, mana, magic resist and you will be able to be invulnerable to one skill every 25s.
- The Void Staff will do a lot of harm late in the game thanks to the extra magical penetration and power it brings.
You can obviously make other variants with this equipment below:
Spirit Visage, Rune Shield, Deadly Fire Bracelet, Frosting Gauntlet, ...
Remember, throughout the game, to place Vision Milestones at key locations on the map! This is also your role as a Solotop. 80% of the Solotops I meet don't use wards and moan when they die. It is a key element, it is PRI-MOR-DIAL, to place at least one ward in the bush near the river.
However, don't waste your gold by laying LOTS of wards. 2 or 3 (key point and golems) per return to base will be more than enough since your Jungler will help you ward the top and the Support the bottom (Normally ...).
For example, you can not take a golem but place a ward (vision marker) next to it so that you know if an enemy is attacking it. Approach and patiently wait for the right moment to steal the golem and kill your enemy who will be surprised! ?
You can also place enchantments on your late-game boots if you feel like it.
Like all teams, players will need to communicate with each other in order to achieve effective team play.
Communication & Vision
Your role as a Solotop will be to signal if your enemy (s) are no longer visible / are no longer visible. They might then be descending to attack your midline ally! Loss of sight of enemies on the lines is indicated by a " ss top "Which means" miss top "or rather" We lost sight of the enemies of the top line" page (in spanish).
Don't hesitate to use the conversation! I insist on this point too few use it (or on the contrary, use it too much ...). Report only what is important to you.
You also have at your disposal the G key (+ left click) signaling a point to attack and the V key (+ left click) signaling a point from which one must move away. Do not mix these keys. If you can clearly see one of your enemies from the bottom going up, signal it with:
► "ss XXX top" then make 3 G signals to designate the direction in which it is going (From top to bottom via the mini-card therefore). ◄
I insist, co-mmu-ni-quez !! ?
Regarding vision, by that I mean posing Visions milestones et Visions tags commonly known as Wards.
You need to know the key points, the important locations of these wards. Here they are :
Bush 1, top
- When you're upstairs, this bush (We call Bush bushes) is the most important, you have to have a Ward in it almost constantly. Place it at the bottom of the bush for better vision.
Bush 2, situational top
- When you're in trouble at the top or fear a gank, place your ward in this bush to counter any attacks that might come from around here. We place the ward in the middle of the Tribush.
Double ward top
If you have plenty to do and the enemy jungler is often having fun in your jungle, perform this maneuver so as not to be surprised. Don't be clever with "I see you hey hey!" "Come out of your hiding place I have a ward in your bush!". Let it hang around, let it waste time.
Astuce de Ward, great
- It is possible to apply this technique at the top which does not include the shadow flaw of this same trick at the bottom. To do this, get as close as possible to the decor and position your cursor as far as possible in the decor. By default, your Ward will be placed in the bush!
blue golem 1
- In the game you will need protect the Blue Golem or set a trap for the enemy. This jungle monster grants a increased mana regeneration et decreases skill cooldowns. Place your Ward in the designated location for a better view: Golem + surroundings.
River top
- The river is a very important element to ward, do it when possible. Place your Ward well in the bush below the one designated on my screen. He would surely be better placed there or a little further to the right. You will see: p
There are obviously other ways to place your Wards, other places also depending on the situation or the team in which you are ... But this is more for the role of Support.
I leave you all the same the small map of all the interesting points of Ward. Like all our images, click on them to enlarge them! ?
- In Orange: the usual Vision milestones.
- In Purple: Vision Beacons for Drake (below) and Nashor (up).
- In red : the essential vision milestones.
Start of game
At the start of the game, you will only have to kill as many creeps as possible in order to have the advantage over your enemy in terms of experience and equipment. Don't be too aggressive, just show him the limits, where he shouldn't get too close. When he can last-hit one of your minions, move towards him to make him forget this idea, step back and move forward when necessary. With experience, you will feel when to move and when to attack.
I have prepared a small image for you illustrating the security levels on your top. Prefer to stay in the area close to green and avoid stepping forward in the bright orange / red if you are not 100% sure that nothing can happen to you.
We often fight between orange and green ... Try to shift the fight of minions between green-orange and orange. Thus, the enemy jungler will have a harder time grabbing you by the bush if he is not warded and your own jungler will be able to pick the enemy as it should.
You can also, if you are sure that the enemy has not warded off the bush, hide quietly (not too long because you lose XP and gold!) And wait for the right moment to have a kill. If you can't kill the enemy with this maneuver, forget about it.
- Earn experience and gold to build your equipment
- Don't ask for too much help in jungler, he also has his equipment to build and 3 lines of possible ganks. If he is nice, he will come to help you at the expense of his equipment and respawn time or on the contrary he will send you out for a walk.
- Put down your wards to monitor your area.
- Signal the opposing jungler if you see him and take a look at his equipment.
Mid game
You must have farmed properly and have a good little AD tank or AP tank equipment.
The card is properly warded. Help your ally in the mid if possible or attack the top turret if your usual enemy has gone down or in the middle, big mistake on his part is that he misjudged your location.
- Keep farming the creeps
- Ward off the map at key points and areas frequented during the game.
- Engage in fights if you are resistant to the first teammfights
Game over
You have the most complete equipment possible. If your turn is still there, well done. If in addition you have destroyed the enemy turret; congratulations !
Your equipment must be almost complete in AD or AP you are quite able to engage in combat without losing 3/4 of your life.
Solotop is therefore a very important role within a team! You have to play it fine, protect your top alone with a little help from the Jungler if opportunities arise and have some amazing equipment.
If you like to start out on the sidelines and play a drastically different type of game than other fairly mundane roles, this position is for you! Very technical, it requires a fairly good experience and questioning of the player; it hardly requires any game error. Otherwise you will lose a lot of experience, gold and your line can drop in an instant. Why questioned? Many Solotops die too often and blame others. His mistakes? Don't ward off the bushes and play totally out of safety: it's all your fault.
I wonder who could be the next League of Legends champion ... Nothing is certain, this is just a suggestion that I could find by digging a little?
It could have been nice but as much to tell the truth right away, it is a creation of a player for a contest: p
Hey hey, I don't know any more than you do! ?
I hope that this guide will have been useful to new players as well as to those a little more seasoned and veterans of the game. subject, I will be happy to discuss it with you! I tell you very soon for a new article concerning ... The Carry AD !
Bonus: Some of my scores.
Scores League of Legends : Solotop