I survived new fights in the middle of the jungle, so here I am! In our previous League of Legends article, we talked about the role of Support. This article will be entirely devoted to the role of Jungler.
Errday I'm junglin' !
Discover the roles with Gamesmanagers:
- Support
- Jungler
- Solotop
- Carry AD
- Carry ap
First of all, let us specify that the rest of the article includes my take on Jungler's role, month runes, my master's degrees, my equipment... There are of course other ways of playing a Jungler, but here my way of doing things is highlighted.
This article will only be useful in battles in 5 vs. 5, that is to say the Summoner's Rift.
By the way, you'll find the dreaded League of Legends vocabulary here. I still try to speak correctly so that everyone can fully understand the article.
- Presentation
- Some Junglers characters
- Runes & Masteries
- Summoner spells
- Equipment
- gameplay
- Conclusion
For Loliens apprentices, what is Jungler's role?
The Jungler (You) is a player who does not play on any line or rather ... all 3 at the same time + the jungles! He will have to earn experience and gold by killing the monsters that shelter these places of the map and will make sure to arrive at the right times on the different lines in order to allow players to easily kill one or more targets. . It's a very different role from others and few players really know how to play it.
It is there to free up a place in the top row to allow whoever will be there solo (the famous Solotop) to recover twice as much gold and experience. For some heroes, like Nasus, this is extremely important, so your role is to level up in the jungle.
Your role as Jungler is to quickly gain experience and gold in order to "gank" (get to a line quickly to make it easier to defeat enemies) the lines.. Junglers can come in three types:
- Physical Fighter (AD): the player will have to equip themselves as well as possible in order to do great physical damage
- Magic Fighter (AP): the player will have to equip themselves as well as possible in order to do great magic damage
- Tank: the player will have to equip themselves as well as possible in order to reinforce their armor, their magic resistance and their points of life. It will be this player who will engage in teamfights since he is the most resistant.
Most players prefer a mix Tank-AD or a mix Tank-AP.
You will need to make sure you are as efficient as possible:
- By chaining the jungle monsters together in the correct order.
- By placing visions beacons (called Ward and used to have the vision of an area for 1 minute) on the ground at key locations.
- By controlling and interpreting enemy movements in the jungle.
- By making ganks at the right time while warning your teammates of your actions.
- By collecting as much gold and experience as possible. If you are early, leave the kills to your allies (Solotop and Carry AD); otherwise take them.
Avoid stealing minions from your allies' lines or arriving at the last moment to kill an enemy! If your ally had the opportunity to kill him or get gold from the minions, he won't really appreciate this gesture.
Udyr, animal spirit. One of League of Legends' effective junglers
The more the game progresses, the more you will lose sight of your opponents, so you will have to place more wards in key places on the map and help your allies as much as possible. It will be essential for you to locate your opponents in order to initiate the fights and not to be surprised. Likewise, it is not necessary for your opponents to know where you are, this is the most important thing when playing Jungler.
You can even be bold and place a ward (I repeat: a beacon of vision) next to a blue or red Golem so you know if an enemy is going to come and take it. By the time he's almost finished ... Steal him then kill him!
Some Junglers characters
There are a large number of characters who can play this role and each of them has their own specificities. I will detail some of them for you because describing them all would make the article way too long ^^
Alistar, minotaur
- Alistar has little care that he can use very often. His dual crowd control skills allow him to propel an enemy up into the air and even give a heavy horn blast aimed at knocking an enemy back in the desired direction. This champion is also appreciated for its resistance. His passive consists of inflicting damage around him when he uses a skill, handy for jungling by spamming the heal.
- Healing: a weak heal with a short cooldown;
- Crowd control: one throw + one pushback;
- Bonus: can increase his damage and resistance but only for himself;
- Resistance: high.
Amumu, melancholy mummy
- Amumu can throw a strip far ahead in order to catch an enemy and come up to him. Another of his skills allows him to deal AoE damage constantly around him and he also has a second AoE attack around him. His ultimate can knock out all enemies in a large area around him. Very practical in teamfights.
- Care: none;
- Crowd control: a grappling hook skill + an area ultimate;
- Bonus: Reduces damage taken passively and reduces the magic resistance of enemies when they hit them;
- Resistance: high.
Diana, contempt for the moon
- Diana has a very practical passive: every 3 hits, it prepares a 4th hit with zone effect and much more powerful. She can also create a shield that hits nearby enemies and pulls enemies in range towards her. Its main skill describes an arc of a circle and inflicts heavy damage. His skill allows you to rush towards an enemy instantly.
- Care: none;
- Crowd Control: pulls enemies within range towards it + Can slow enemies;
- Bonus: can reveal enemies hit by its main skill (A);
- Resistance: moderate.
Elise, Spider Queen
- Elise has two interchangeable shapes at will: spider or human. His skills then change. Her human form can immobilize an enemy and do area damage using an explosive spider while her spider form allows her to regenerate life while attacking faster. She can also jump on her prey. Her ultimate allows her to change form whenever she wants.
- Healing: on oneself via the attacks of its small spiders under a skill effect;
- Crowd Control: can immobilize an enemy;
- Bonus: can improve her attack speed + small spiders accompany her and attack with her in spider form;
- Resistance: moderate (-).
Evelynn, Widowmaker
- Evelynn is a character who camouflages himself all the time. As soon as an enemy can see it (cone in front of the enemy's eyes), it is revealed. Without it, it is 100% of the time camouflaged when not attacking and can therefore surprise enemies. She has a skill that can be spammed (repeated) quickly while doing very reasonable damage. She has a great attack speed and can chain her skills quickly. His ultimate skill allows you to hit multiple enemies at the same time in an area in a circle. She deals damage and gains a shield.
- Care: none;
- Crowd Control: a slowing skill;
- Bonus: powerful shield that absorbs damage + 2 bonus attack speed and 1 bonus movement speed;
- Resistance: moderate (-).
Hecarim, shadow of war
- Hecarim is a mighty jungler. Her primary skill can be spammed quickly and deal stronger damage with each of her hits. He has a skill that deals area damage and heals him according to the damage inflicted. He can gallop quickly and jump on a target. His ultimate allows him to throw himself forward in order to inflict fear on the enemy + damage.
- Healing: weak via the area skill;
- Crowd control: fear thanks to the ultimate + projection via the gallop;
- Bonus: improves his attack damage and the speed of his skill with each strike;
- Resistance: high.
Jax, fencing master
- Jax can jump on a target, whether ally or enemy, give a large blow of its weapon and parry all automatic attacks for a few seconds. At the end of this parade, he knocks out the enemies around him. His ultimate allows him to greatly increase his armor and magic resistance to activation. Passively and every 3 automatic attacks, this 3rd hit inflicts large additional damage.
- Care: none;
- Crowd Control: Knocks out targets around him;
- Bonus: high magic resistance and armor when activating the ultimate. Can parry all automatic attacks on him for a few seconds;
- Resistance: high.
Kha'zix, reaper of nothingness
- Kha'Zix can improve his skills according to the levels he gains thus improving the quality of these. This passive allows him to adapt to each part to be always more efficient. He can jump to an area and deal damage on landing, claw hard, and attack within range by throwing spikes. These spikes explode when they hit a target and if Kha'zix is in that blast he is healed. His ultimate allows him to make himself invisible several times for a little while.
- Treatment: moderate (-) according to its physical power;
- Crowd control: none;
- Bonus: can jump in order to go over walls or dodge a group of enemies ... or even jump on them directly! ;
- Resistance: moderate.
Lee Sin, blind monk
- Read without has different energy, it is energy (yellow bar). The energy regenerates quickly and Lee Sin can therefore chain several skills without being "without mana". He can throw a wave in front of him, if that wave hits someone he can jump on them in order to do damage again. Lee Sin can also shield an ally and himself. He can also slow enemies in an area and increase his attack damage, armor, and life steal. His ultimate can knock back a target, dealing damage. If that target collides with another enemy, the damage is the same and it is also thrown into the air.
- Care: none;
- Crowd control: via ultimate + slowdown via skill;
- Bonus: can shield allies, increase armor, damage, steal life, and speed up attack speed;
- Resistance: moderate.
Malphite, shard of the monolith
- Malphite can deal damage to multiple enemies at the same time if they are close to him, he can also strike the ground to do more area damage and launch a seismic shard to slow the target and inflict substantial damage. Its ultimate allows you to quickly charge into an area doing very heavy damage and knocking enemies into the air.
- Care: none;
- Crowd Control: Slow down via the Seismic Shard and throw multiple enemies via the Ultimate. It can also reduce the attack speed of enemies;
- Bonus: Has bonus armor that he can lose if he takes too much damage. This armor descends when hit and ... if hit too hard, the armor is replaced by its hit points;
- Resistance: high.
Maokai, tortured treant
- Maokai Launches shrubs from a distance that do damage on impact and then when they explode. These shrubs can stay put if no enemy is within range in order to reveal the area. This treant can also throw itself at an enemy to immobilize it and then strike with its fist to throw enemies in the area up into the air. Its ultimate creates an area that reduces damage taken by absorbing it, when you decide to stop the ultimate, enemies in the area take damage + damage absorbed during combat.
- Healing: a little self-healing after 5 skills started;
- Crowd control: one immobilization skill + One throwing skill;
- Bonus: can create an area reducing the damage of all allies in the area;
- Resistance: high.
Olaf, berserk
- Olaf can throw his ax in front of him to slow the target by inflicting damage. If he comes near his ax to retrieve it, the cooldown is reduced. He can inflict raw damage via a skill but also increase his damage and benefit from a life steal. His ultimate allows him to resist all movement obstacles, increase his armor and magic resistance. It also gains in armor penetration.
- Heals: depending on the attack speed, low if little AS (Attack speed) and moderate if he has enough AS;
- Crowd control: slowing down via ax throwing;
- Bonus: can gain armor, magic resistance. Unaffected by movement barriers and enhanced armor penetration via Ultimate;
- Resistance: high.
Rengar, proud stalker
- Rengar has an excellent passive that can be used while hiding in the bushes. If a target comes within range, it can jump directly on it! It can stab its target hard, slow it down or immobilize it, as well as roar and increase its armor / magic resistance while inflicting damage on nearby targets. His ultimate allows him to camouflage himself for 5s. Rengar does not use energy or mana but instead uses an aggressiveness bar that refills with each hit or damage taken.
- Care: moderate;
- Crowd control: slowing down or stopping;
- Bonus: you can jump on a target from the bushes and make yourself invisible for a little while. The roar also increases your armor and magic resistance;
- Resistance: moderate.
Shaco, jester of darkness
- Shaco, the trwell-known Shaco. This champion can project himself forward by becoming invisible. His attacks are poisoned and he can also throw his dagger at an enemy. He can land a box on the ground which quickly becomes invisible. If an enemy approaches it, he is frightened and the box shoots him. His ultimate makes him invisible for half a second and spawns a double of Shaco. The enemy no longer knows which one to strike.
- Care: none;
- Crowd control: fear via boxes and slowdown by dagger throwing;
- Bonus: the boxes are very handy hidden in the bushes and can quickly kill a blue golem when they are in packs of 3 or 4;
- Resistance: moderate (+).
Shyvana, for dragon's sake
- Shyvana excellent in the jungle. She can improve her movement speed while creating a zone of fire around her. She can throw a fireball and also violently strike an enemy. His ultimate is to transform into a dragon and improve his spells. The fire zone becomes persistent for a few seconds. The fireball transforms into 3 fireballs thrown into a cone as the heavy blow hits enemies in a cone in front of it. Shyvana has a resource bar named Fury; it increases when hitting targets.
- Care: none;
- Crowd control: none;
- Bonus: his melee attacks improve his skills;
- Resistance: moderate.
Skarner, crystal guard
- Skarner is a kind of scorpion that can improve its movement speed and protect itself with armor. He can throw a crystal earthquake in front of him and hit the ground very often with his pincers. His ultimate allows him to trap a target and shoot it wherever he wants for a few seconds.
- Healing: moderate thanks to the crystal earthquake and the strike of enemies affected by this earthquake;
- Crowd control: enemy movement for a few seconds;
- Bonus: increases his movement speed and armor. The more he hits his enemies, the more his skills decrease in reloading time;
- Resistance: high.
Trundle, cursed troll
- Trundle, is a favorite of mine for jungle. His first spell increases his damage while biting the target and reducing the enemy's damage by half. He can also create an area in order to move quickly and his attack speed, crowd controls while he is in that area are greatly reduced. Trundle can grow a rock out of the ground in order to block an enemy's passage and slow nearby enemies. Her ultimate allows her to immediately steal HP from a target as well as armor and magic resistance. Then in 6s he steals these quantities.
- Care: via the ultimate;
- Crowd control: blocks a passage through a boulder + slowing down enemies around this boulder;
- Bonus: various bonus armor / magic resistance attack damage and reduction of enemy attack damage. It also improves its attack and movement speed;
- Resistance: high.
Tryndamere, whip barbare
- Tryndamere can whirl his weapon up to a target area (he can pass through a wall with it), slow down all enemies with his back to him and also heal himself according to his rage. Rage represents its resource bar. Tryndamere gains rage with each attack, critical hit, and finishing blow he deals. Rage passively increases her critical strike chance and can be used by her Bloodlust skill. His ultimate will make him invincible for a little while.
- Treatment: moderate depending on the rabies;
- Crowd Control: Slowing enemies with their backs to it when activating an ability;
- Bonus: Reduces damage from enemies' attacks when activating an ability + can be invincible for 5s;
- Resistance: moderate.
Udyr, animal spirit
- Udyr proves to be an efficient and very versatile Jungler. He can violently strike his target and increase his attack speed via the tiger stance. Unudra can also increase his armor and create a shield. His attacks in the form of a turtle can also regenerate his health. The bear posture allows it to knock out enemies and run quickly for a short time in order to knock out enemies with the charge. Her ultimate, the form of the phoenix, creates waves of flame around her. She can throw enemies into the air and immobilize them for a few moments. She also has a skill allowing her to drop a seed on the ground giving her an additional field of vision. Up to 4 seeds (if you have enough delay reduction, 3 is often the maximum) can be placed on the ground and activated differently depending on the skills cast on them. His ultimate allows enemies to be thrown over a large area of effect.
- Healing: depending on attack speed, low;
- Crowd Control: Knocks out targets in bear pose;
- Bonus: increased attack speed and bonus according to postures;
- Resistance: high.
Warwick, Bloodstalker
- Warwick is a master at health regeneration and life stealing (maybe not as much as Mundo or Sion). He can spot targets from a great distance if they have less than 50% health and therefore increase his movement speed. He can also inflict a heavy claw on the healer for 80% of his damage. Each of her attacks also regenerates her health. Warwick can give a big boost to his attack speed and thus regenerate more health. His ultimate allows him to throw himself at his target in order to immobilize and slash it.
- Care: important, especially by regeneration;
- Crowd control: immobilization via the ultimate;
- Bonus: movement and attack speed boost;
- Resistance: moderate (+).
I could also have mentioned: FiddleStick, Sejuani, Nunu, Volibear, DrMundo, Fiora, Maître Yi, Nautilus, Nocturne, Shen, Xin Zhao, Riven, Irelia ... That you can find on the champions page of the official League website of Legends.
Runes & Masteries
Runes and mastery points are acquired as you level up.
At level 30, you have 30 places for your runes and 30 points for your masteries, so you earn one of each per level.
There are 4 types of runes:
- 9 brands
- 9 Seals
- 9 Glyphs
- 3 Quintessences
These things are very important later in order to "specialize" your characters. You can become more resistant, do more damage, regenerate your mana faster and more.
Runes can be bought and have different prices depending on their qualities and levels.
- Tier 1: Level 1 to 9
- Tier 2: Level 10 to 19
- Tier 3: Level 20 to 30
Here are the runes that I have selected to best play my jungler. We agree, the runes are only a boost in order to start the game as well as possible, if the statistics are important, it can surely even be used throughout the game. I differentiated the Junglers Power AP and Junglers Physique AD.
The first image represents the runes you Jungler AP. So we see that I have increased my power, my armor and my magic penetration.
- +26 power: starting with the blue golem, we will have enough mana to send the sauce level skills, as long as the latter are therefore powerful to anchor in the game. +26 AP is a lot at the start of the game.
- +13 armor: it is obviously necessary to armor in order to be resistant against the attacks of the monsters of the jungle. +13 isn't huge, luckily masteries round it out.
- +8.5 magic penetration: you have power, so much the better to penetrate the opposing defenses to make them benefit from our great power. Contrary to what some people believe, it's impossible to lower a target's magic resistance below 0 and gain raw damage. You will do damage as if the target has no magic resistance, period.
The second image represents the runes du Jungler AD. So we see that I increased my physical attack, my attack speed, my armor as well as my armor penetration.
- +6.8 physical attack: let's hit the monsters hard in order to finish them off quickly and not waste time. In this jungle, every second counts.
- +9.1 attack speed: you hit hard enough, you might as well hit fast too.
- +12 Physical Penetration: in order to pierce enemy defenses even more, nothing like penetrating armor. Contrary to what some people believe, it's impossible to lower a target's armor below 0 and gain raw damage from it. You will do damage as if the target has no armor, period.
- +13 armor: It is obviously necessary to armor in order to be resistant against the attacks of the monsters of the jungle. +13 isn't huge, luckily masteries round it out.
Regarding master's degrees, I take a 15/8/7 and AP and one 14/9/7 in AD.
About the Jungler AP masteries :
- 15 points in attack:
- Summoner's Wrath: as a jungler i may take Ghost ou Tiredness into summoner spells. This mastery reduces your target's armor and magic resistance by 10. Convenient for making eliminations quickly at the start of the game and providing a small bonus afterwards.
- Witchcraft (4/4): + 4% cooldown, useful for casting skills more often.
- Explosion (4/4): +1 power per level, why not. Required to unlock the Arcane knowledge.
- Chaos (2/3): increases all damage dealt by 1.33%. Required to obtain the Strong minded.
- Arcane Knowledge: + 8% magic penetration. You're welcome !
- Mental strength (3/3): +6 power to always do more damage.
- 8 points in defense:
- Summoner Resolution: this gives me 10 gp bonus when using my summoner spell Punishment.
- Hard skin (2/2): Reduces damage dealt to me by monsters by 2. To be taken in order to unlock theSharp armor.
- Robustness (3/3): this gives me 6 more armor to be even stronger.
- Durability (1/4): +1.5 health points per level, to be taken to go further in the defense tree.
- Sharp Armor: Deal 6 raw damage to monsters that attack me.
- Summoner Resolution: this gives me 10 gp bonus when using my summoner spell Punishment.
- 17 utility points:
- Vagabond (3/3) : + 2% movement speed out of combat. Nice to run a bit faster between the jungle monster packs.
- Improved reminder: Since we don't have to waste time, let's save 1s of casting time on the callback.
- Enlightened Mind (3/3): Reduces the cooldowns of our Summoner spells by 10%.
Malphite, a champion who can play as a Jungler AP
About the Jungler AD masteries :
- 14 point in attack:
- Summoner's Wrath: as a jungler i may take Ghost ou Tiredness into summoner spells. This mastery reduces your target's armor and magic resistance by 10. Convenient for making eliminations quickly at the start of the game and providing a small bonus afterwards.
- Fury (1/4): + 1% attack speed. To be taken in order to unlock the superior attack runes.
- Butcher (2/2): Deal 4 more damage to monsters. I took this because we have enough attack speed for this bonus to be felt.
- Mortiferous (4/4): +0.67 attack damage per level, why not. Required to unlock the Master of arms.
- Chaos (3/3): increases all damage dealt by 2%. Required to obtain the Strength brute.
- Master of arms : + 8% armor penetration. You're welcome !
- Force brute (2/2) : +3 attack damage, I take!
- 9 points in defense:
- Summoner Resolution: this gives me 10 gp bonus when using my summoner spell Punishment.
- Hard skin (2/2): Reduces damage dealt to me by monsters by 2. To be taken in order to unlock theSharp armor.
- Robustness (3/3): this gives me 6 more armor to be even stronger.
- Resistance (1/3): this gives me another 2 more magic resistance.
- Durability (1/4): +1.5 health points per level, to be taken to go further in the defense tree.
- Sharp Armor: Deal 6 raw damage to monsters that attack me.
- Summoner Resolution: this gives me 10 gp bonus when using my summoner spell Punishment.
- 17 utility points:
- Vagabond (3/3) : + 2% movement speed out of combat. Nice to run a bit faster between the jungle monster packs.
- Improved reminder: Since we don't have to waste time, let's save 1s of casting time on the callback.
- Enlightened Mind (3/3): Reduces the cooldowns of our Summoner spells by 10%.
Warwick, a champion who can play as Jungler AD
These masteries are totally fine for me and contribute to the mechanics I have created with my runes and in-game equipment.
Summoner spells
For summoner spells, there are several variations but my favorite remains: Ghost + Punishment.
Ghost allows you to grant yourself a significant bonus to movement speed (27%) for 10s and to pass through players and minions. Handy for going to a remote jungle or getting a perfect gank. You can also easily catch up with the fugitives and finish them off. A Flash can also do the trick depending on your play style!
Punishment is the Jungler's tool since it inflicts, during use, between 490 and 1000 damage to a monster (any jungle monster including Nashor and the drake + minions and the champions' pets). It can be very useful at the start of the jungle and during the rest of the game to steal monsters from enemy players. However, it is not mandatory if your team helps you on the first golem to kill and you can replace it with Tiredness .
Why not take those other spells?
Barrier: even if a shield could still be nice it will prove to be quite useless after the first golem which means after the 2nd minute of play. - Protects against champion against 115- 455 points (Depending on the champion's level) for 2s.
Care: we lose enough life during the first minutes of the jungle ... Yes, but through the equipment we will take potions. So keep a better spell location! ? - 100 to 525 HP returned (Depending on the champion's level), 50% of this total to nearby allies.
Teleportation : this could be useful if placing a ward next to a distant golem or for some other tactic, but as Jungler I think you really need other spells. - After 4s, you are teleported to the targeted turret or minion anywhere on the map.
Clairvoyance : what's the point ? You will be able to put wards, replacing this. - Reveal an area of the map for 4s.
Now let's talk about the equipment. This is basically always the same. I then change according to what the team needs. I will detail you step by step how to build the equipment I chose for the role of Jungler.
Le Jungler will have to be fast and resistant. It will obviously take enough to cause damage but less than a Carry AD. The jungler will often be the player engaging in the big group fights and helping the Carry AD to succeed in their kills.
Speaking of which, gentlemen Junglers, when we gank down ... We let the Carry AD kill the target! It's not up to you to get the kill, assistance will be sufficient?
- From the start of the game, with my 475 gp, I take 5 Healing Potion (35 x 5 = 175 gp) and a Cloth Armor (300 gp for more armor) OR a Hunter's Machete (300 gp for more damage to monsters). Let's go ! In any case, these two elements are used in the manufacture of the final object of the jungler.
- Make your rounds in the jungle then use the reminder key when you think it's the right time. You must have at least cleaned the whole of your jungle but keep in mind that you will need at least 700 to 1050 gp to buy the next equipment.
- First return to base, let's say I have my 1050 gp (if not, we'll have to come back again later = big waste of time). Buy Boots of Speed to move faster + Madred's Razor. With this you will gain bonus attack damage (25% chance per hit) not insignificant (300 damage), movement speed and armor.
- Continue through the jungle as fast as you can and see if you can't help your allies on the other lines, it's not the best time but you never know. Also see where the enemy jungler might be. Have you been quick? Slow ? What could he be doing? If you see it for even half a second, its equipment will be displayed when you press the TAB key. Compare hers to yours for a probable fight. This will give you a little clue as to whether you have the upper hand or not.
- Second return to base, you need Boots of Celerity.
- Wriggle's Lantern (damage, life steal, and armor) and his ward bonus every 3 minutes
- Thorny Chain for Armor and Damage Reflection OR Sun Cloak for Constant AoE Damage, Armor, and HP
- Omen of Randuin for slowing surrounding enemies, health and armor OR Frozen Mallet for damage, slowing enemies and health
- Warmog (HP ++) OR Spirit Visage and its Magic Resist / HP
- Atma Impaler (damage based on your HP count) OR Runic Bulwark (team bonus).
You can also make a mixture of all these elements but try to keep a certain balance damage - resistance - bonus (slowing down, bonus to allies, ...). If you need anything else, don't hesitate. I am only proposing.
► Jungler AP, for the rest of your adventures, you will need:- A Frozen Heart will grant you mana, armor, and cooldown reduction. You will also decrease the speed of allied movement around you.
- If you're feeling up to the task, feel free to resell your Madred's Razor and exchange it for an Abyssal Scepter. You will gain magic resistance, potency and a halo lowering the enemy magic resistance around.
- A Rod of Rylai, in order to be resistant and not to be "the target to be killed quickly". Health points, power and slowing enemies will be yours!
- Liandry's Torment increases your power, magical penetration and health points while giving a bonus damage more than sympathetic!
- You can end up with a Rune Shield (team bonus) or a Spirit Visage. ?
- To start with, Doran's Ring (475 gp). This allows you to clear the jungle and stay there for as long as you want to gather gold and experience.
- For the first return to base, wait until you have between 1100 and 2300 gp. Sorcerer's Shoes allow you to maximize damage early in the game and move faster, and the Hextech Revolver will provide you with power and vampiric spell to regain health when you cast your skills. Instead of this Hextech Revolver, you can take a Protective Catalyst which will increase your health and mana. Each time you level up, your mana and life will regenerate greatly for 8 seconds.
- We will then go on a Zhonya Hourglass, which will allow you to be invulnerable for 2s, provide you with a lot of armor and a good power bonus. For example for Fiddlestick, you can launch your ultimate and then activate invulnerability. The ultimate will continue to spin?
- Rabadon's Headdress ... So here we go on heavy, your power will be increased by 120 + 25% of your total power.
- The Abyssal Scepter will allow you to be a little more resistant to opposing mages while continuing to increase your power and lower the magic resistance of enemies around you.
- Upgrade your Hextech Revolver in Will of the Ancients then sell your Ring of Doran. You will thus have additional power (again!) And the vampiric spell in order to recover life when you cast your skills. If you had purchased a Protective Catalyst, uplift it in Banshee Shroud and gain life, mana, magic resist and you will be able to be invulnerable to one skill every 25s.
- The Void Staff will do a lot of harm late in the game thanks to the extra magical penetration and power it brings.
Remember, throughout the game, to place Vision Milestones at key locations on the map! It is also your role as Jungler since you are very often between the lines of play.
However, don't waste your gold by laying LOTS of wards. 2 or 3 (key point and golems) will be more than enough since your Support will take care of warding the card correctly.
For example, you can not take a golem but place a ward (vision marker) next to it so that you know if an enemy is attacking it. Approach and patiently wait for the right moment to steal the golem and kill your enemy who will be surprised! ?
Note: There are now enchantments to place on boots, it's not really something I like, I prefer to spend my gold on something else. However, if you have a lot of gold, consider optimizing yourself with it! ?
You will also be able to play with the new jungler items (Spirit of the Old Golem, Spirit of the Old Lizard, Spirit of the Spectral Entity) but they do not interest me much because I believe that after a At the moment, the jungler no longer plays 100% jungle and can therefore buy other more targeted equipment as mentioned above.
Boot Enchantments

Like all teams, players will need to communicate with each other in order to achieve effective team play.
Communication & Vision
Your role as the Jungler will be to signal if you see the enemy Jungler approaching a line. Report it with the "G" button as soon as you see it and warn your allies.
Don't hesitate to use the conversation! I insist on this point too few use it (Or on the contrary, use it too much ...). Report only what is important to you.
You also have at your disposal the G key (+ left click) signaling a point to attack and the V key (+ left click) signaling a point from which one must move away. Do not mix these keys. If you can clearly see one of your enemies from the bottom going up, signal it with:
► "ss XXX bot" then make 3 G signals to designate the direction in which it is going (from the bottom to the top via the mini-map therefore). ◄
I insist, co-mmu-ni-quez !! ?
Regarding vision, by that I mean posing Visions milestones et Visions tags commonly known as Wards.
You need to know the key points, the important locations of these wards. Here they are :
Bush 1, bot
- When you're down, this bush (We call Bush bushes) is the most important, you have to have a Ward in it almost constantly. The Support will place it slightly to the left of the bush in order to have the best possible view.
Bush 2, situational bot
- When your allies down below are in trouble near the tower, it's best to place a ward in that bush to counter any attacks that might come from around here. The stand will usually place it in the middle.
Ward's tip, bot
- It is possible to ward off the lower bush while being out of sight. To do this, get as close as possible to the scenery and position your cursor as far as possible in the scenery. By default, your Ward will be placed in the bush!
Be careful though, this trick leaves a whole small shadow area and an enemy could hide there (If there is already) ... Which is a very big surprise effect.
Astuce de Ward, great
- Likewise, it is possible to apply this technique at the top which does not include the shadow flaw of the bot trick. To do this, get as close as possible to the scenery and position your cursor as far as possible in the scenery. By default, your Ward will be placed in the bush!
Blue golem protection 1
- In the game you will need protect the Blue Golem. This jungle monster grants a increased mana regeneration et decreases skill cooldowns. Place your Ward in the designated location for a better view: Golem + surroundings
Blue golem protection 2
- The same goes for the second Golem that you can protect. This jungle monster grants a increased mana regeneration et decreases skill cooldowns. Place your Ward in the designated location for a better view: Golem + surroundings
Protection golem rouge
- In the game you will need protect the Red Golem. This jungle monster decreases the movement speed of the target when you hit her via an automatic attack and deals damage based on its level over time. Place your Ward in the designated location for a better view: Golem + surroundings
You can do the same for the second Red Golem.
Jungle path, pic 1
- This point is very important and allows you to see a large area. Place it where the decoration fits into the earth, "at the peak", in order to have the best possible view. There are 4 such points and the same technique can be applied.
Jungle Path, pic 2
- This point is very important and allows you to see a large area. Place it where the decoration fits into the earth, "at the peak", in order to have the best possible view. There are 4 such points and the same technique can be applied.
Jungle Path 3
- The middle AP Carry can go through there in order to get the blue Golem which is located just above. You will know its movements, your Jungler will just have to pick it up. This passage is often used to pass "incognito". With your vision, it's missed! Place it at the end of the bush of this screen. If you are on the other side, do this operation on the other side! ?
Dragon, Baron Nashor
- At some point, you absolutely have to protect this dragon which can give you very big bonuses. He increases mana regeneration, health point as well as potency and damage.
- It is very often (almost all the time) the Support who will operate this movement.
The best way to be sure that you aren't surprised is to place the Wards this way, in a star and in strategic places. In the middle of this star, we will not place a Vision Milestone but a Vision Beacon. The latter, pink in color, allows you to reveal any wards or stealthy enemies.
You can also put no Ward and rush quickly into the heap but that can be risky. The following screens show what we can do as protection, at best ... We could even place a 6th one at the location of Nunu (The white champion's bubble above the blue head) say: p
Protection of the Solotop
Solotop (if you don't play with people you know) often have a hard time thinking about its protection. Help him by placing a ward on the bush just below his line or here to prevent the arrival of the enemy Jungler.
There are obviously other ways to place your Wards, other places also depending on the situation or the team in which you are ... But this is more for the role of Support.
I leave you all the same the small map of all the interesting points of Ward. Like all our images, click on them to enlarge them! ?
- In Orange: the usual Vision milestones.
- In Purple: Vision Beacons for Drake (below) and Nashor (up).
- In red : the essential vision milestones.
Start of game
At the start of the game, you will have to choose between Blue Golem (mana regeneration bonus and skill cooldown) or Golem rouge (bonus damage and burns the target for a few seconds when you hit). See what you need! Champions using energy as a resource often start with the blue Golem while those using mana start with red.
Report it to your allies who will come to assist you. Then follow your jungle route according to this picture.
The bottom part (blue) represents a Jungler starting with the blue Golem & the top part (red) represents a Jungler starting with the red Golem.
- Gain experience and gold to build your equipment
- Gank the lines to help your allies. If possible, let them kill them.
- Put down your wards to watch the lines.
- Signal the opposing jungler if you see him and take a look at his equipment.
Mid game
You must have properly assisted your allies and be well equipped.
The card is properly warded. Place ward-traps on opposing golems.
- Keep ganking the lines
- Ward off the map at key points and areas frequented during the game.
- Engage in combat if you are resistant
Game over
The Dragon Nashor is protected when needed, just like your Red and Blue Golems, the Drake is also protected. Here are the spawn times for monsters:
- 3 Wolves: 1 minute 40; onset at 1 minute 39
- 4 lights: 1 minute 40; onset at 1 minute 39
- 2 small Golems: 1 minute 40; onset at 1 minute 39
- Blue Golem: 5 minutes ; appearance at 1 minute 54
- Golem Rouge: 5 minutes ; appearance at 1 minute 54
- Drake: 6 minutes; onset at 6 minutes
- Nashor: 7 minutes; onset at 15 minutes
You have the most complete equipment possible.
The Jungler is therefore a very important role within a team! The jungle can be seen constantly thanks to him and his ganks will be murderous!
If you like to start out on the sidelines and play a drastically different type of game than other fairly mundane roles, this position is for you! Very dynamic, it hardly requires any game error. Otherwise you will lose a lot of experience and gold which will delay you in your progress. The jungler must also know the spawn times of monsters in order to be effective and to warn others of the appearance of nashor or the Drake to see other monsters.
The Millenium site brings 10 Tips for Intermediate Junglers. Obviously, I won't copy it to you, so I invite you to check out this brilliant article! It's a great addition to our Jungler article.
Next time we will talk about the solotop! There is also a new champion who can play this role named Vi! I hope to be able to tell you a little about her in January: Vi, Cogne de Piltover.
I hope that this guide will have been useful to new players as well as to those a little more seasoned and veterans of the game. Feel free to leave your comments concerning your way of playing, your equipment / runes / masteries and other things on this subject. subject, I will be happy to discuss it with you! I tell you very soon for a new article concerning ... The Solotop !
Bonus: Some of my scores.
Scores League of Legends : Jungler