The mobile MMORPG, scheduled for beta next month, this week gave an overview of its features via 5 guides posted on their forums. Summary and translation!
You will be able to log into the game using your Google, Facebook or WEBZEN account. Once the server has been chosen, 3 classes are available:
- Dark Knight : a melee fighter armed with swords
- Dark Wizard : a wizard
- Elf : a healer
Once in play, To advance, nothing could be simpler: just touch the screen at the bottom left to display the controller.
Namely that the game offers a feature of automatic flush which can be enabled or disabled via the interface button on the right (Auto).
MU: Origin offers an advanced system ofinteraction between players allowing you to inspect, whisper, invite to a party or trade directly by clicking on the in-game character.
- Chat
- Groups
- Friends
From the chat window, shortcuts allow you to manage the friends list, open the inventory (to be able to directly copy an object into the chat window) or open a list of emoticons!
The "Party" button (below the character's portrait) opens the group window allowing you to manage your current group or search for other players / groups nearby.
Accessible by clicking on his portrait, then selecting the "Friend" option, the friend list is also the list of enemies and blocked users. If you are in need of friends, you can use the friend finder feature!
System menu
- Rewards
- System
- Arena
- Event
- Loyalty card
If you have a code to redeem in MU: Online, you'll have to go through it!
You will find various other tabs to visit regularly if you log in for 7 days (4), or a few minutes (6), if your character is leveling (3) or if you complete daily quests (2) or buy items. (1).
In the system menu, you will have access to a sub-menu including access to meditation (to gain EXP and Star Essences when you are offline). The objects are sent by mail when the inventory is full (in Message). In Combat, you can define the range of automatic hunting and the automatic use of potions, among other things.
As you fight in the arena, you will be able to climb the Division ranks and earn powerful bonuses. Depending on your ranking, you will earn rewards to collect in "Reward".
4 daily events are offered regularly:
- Devil Square: level 50 - every 30 minutes - Requires "Devil Squrare Ticket" to enter
- Blood Castle: level 70 - every 30 minuts - Requires Require "Cloak of Invisibility" to enter
- Angel Temple - niveau 73 (1 Rebirth)
- Chaos Caslte : niveau 1 (2 Rebirth)
In addition, world bosses and 6 members of the Golden Forces appear regularly in specific locations. You can teleport there using the big green "Go" button. Battles are organized in the Colosseum 30 minutes per day where the amount of experience and loot is multiplied by 8!

The number of entries in daily dungeons increases with the VIP rank. In endless mode, you just have to go as high as possible up the floors!
By clicking on the mini-map, you will be able to display the map of the world or of the area. From VIP 2, you can instantly teleport anywhere in the region! At the world level, it will cost either Zen or Bound Zen.
Safe zone menu
In this menu, you will find in particular the possibility of making various exchanges between the currencies of the game. Limitations are imposed on the currencies that you can exchange according to your VIP rank.
If you don't know what to do, you can click Task. The game will automatically suggest things to do! And as you can see, you are unlikely to get bored. It is possible to start the task directly by clicking on "Go" (in green). Under the Incomplete tab, you will find previously missed missions. You will need to spend Diamonds or Zen to get them back.
Top menu
- Character
- Equipment
- craft
- Rank
The character is represented by a full set of statistics.
An object refinement system makes it possible to gain in efficiency (Enhance). The basic components are: Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul and Zen. Note that every two levels beyond refinement level 3, the aura of the object is prettier!
- To improve from level +1 to +6, no level lost on failure
- To improve from level +7 to +15, loss of a level on failure (except when using a Jewel of Creation)
It is also possible to increase the number of options available on an object. The amount of times you can apply this buff depends on the quality of the item:
- Normal = 20 times
- Magic = 40 times
- Rare = 60 times
- Epic = 80 times
Namely that it is possible to transfer improvements from one object to another, or to combine several objects to create an object of a better level.
Crafting allows you to create entry tickets (to go to Devil Square and Blood Castle) or fruits (to improve character stats).
Mobile gaming demands: it is important to be able to compare your ranking with your friends! Many rankings are offered in MU: Origin!
You can find all the guides in English:
- Getting started in MU Origin
- interactions
- Top menu
- System menu
- Safe zone menu