The Anjanath is the first “big” monster you will face. He will appear very early in the game, and the first time you run into him there's a good chance you'll end up in his stomach. It more or less acts as a “level” in what is monster clashes. The latter is very large, it has many attacks, does great damage and the slightest mistake can be fatal. He is the "leader" of the land monsters in his region.

The Anjanath scours the Ancient Forest in search of Aponoth, his favorite food. This bellicose monster attacks without hesitation. The Anjanath has a special organ located in its jaw that allows it to breathe fire. Concentrate your attacks on the throat of this monster to facilitate the fight.
Where to find it?
The Anjanath, despite its very imposing size, can be a bit difficult to find. The latter likes to walk practically everywhere in the level 1 of the Old Forest. Indeed, you can meet it in zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and sometimes even in zone 9, just that! Fortunately, in several of these areas, it will only pass through. On the other hand, here are the 5 zones in which you will be able to easily find it.
The first area you are most likely to run into is the zone 8. Indeed, it is his "place of hunting". This is where you'll mostly find him killing herbivorous monsters and devouring them. It will sometimes even happen that his hunt will lead him to zone 9.
The second and third place where he likes to "hang out" are the zones 3 and 4. In these two areas located side by side, the Anjanath rests. In zone 4, it will often stand at the level of the trap tree while in zone 3 it will be at the point, in the recess at the edge of the cliff. Moreover, it will often happen that you find him in zone 3 attacking Grand Jagras, the latter also liking to prowl in the surroundings.
The fourth place where you can also easily meet him is the zone 2, right in the middle of the Grand Jagras territory. Here too, it will often happen that he is fighting with Grand Jagras and / or that he invites himself into combat if you are hitting him, so be careful!
The fifth and final place is the zone 5. The Anjanath likes to stroll between the trees and watch the flying monsters (and sometimes, bite a Tobi-Kadachi passing by!: D)
Physiology and weak points
The Anjanath is a kind of Tyrannosaurus which has three main weak points; his head, tail and neck. However, none of its weak points are necessarily easy to hit and it will all depend on the type of weapon you use.
Sa queue is one of its most formidable "weapons". She has a huge range, does very high damage, and he can use it to attack over 180 °. Fortunately, if you use a sharp weapon, it is possible to cut it off and make him a eunuch.
Sa head is its second weak point. You can't cut it (unfortunately: D), but it will be very vulnerable and can very easily be knocked out and even knocked over if you tap on it. When he's preparing to breathe fire, you'll be able to stop him if you hit him hard enough in the head.
Spitting fire is arguably his most powerful and dangerous attack. Not only does it do very, very heavy damage, it also throws you away, inflicting burns and even stuns. In addition, the range of its flames is very large, you are not safe even from a distance! Finally, to top it off, he even sometimes sweeps in an arc in front of him when he spits. Fortunately, it is possible to make him unable to breathe fire. To do this, you must type at the level of the cou until he could break his "pocket of fire".
Either way, the Anjanath remains very dangerous. A lot of times it will charge you head first, which will stun you if you take the attack head-on, in addition to throwing you away. In melee, if you are under him, he will give big paws, often followed by a good blow of the tail that will waltz away from him! It is also the very first monster whose "basic" movements can interrupt you. Indeed, just the fact that it moves can push you back and stop one of your actions. Finding the right position, choosing the right moment to attack as well as carefully observing the behavior of the Anjanath are essential!
In short, you will understand, the Anjanath is really the first big monster you will face in MH: W and it may give you a hard time. Especially since it acts as a "level of difficulty" as soon as you meet it! (and it's not the last, mwuahah!)
Weaknesses to the elements / effects
This is unlikely to be the case if this is your first encounter with the Anjanath, but there is no point in using a weapon with a fire element. The Anjanath uses the latter as well as a dragon and this element is his greatest asset. On the other hand, it is very weak to water.
On the weapon side, it is recommended to use a sharp weapon (especially for the tail and its pocket of fire), or a ranged weapon with suitable ammunition. Blunt weapons are still useful for a close range attack, mainly to stun him and easily interrupt him when he wants to spit out his flames; but, given the relatively low range of the latter (especially the hammer), you risk being confined, most of the time, to banging on its legs and tail!